
Happiness and satisfaction

Petal had wanted to confirm that her health is getting better and that there was no problem with her body and the doctors had confirmed that. To do that, She used pens and paper to write her questions and concerns. It took a long time but it was worth it.

Since she woke up almost two weeks ago, Ethan was treating her as if she was made of glass and she might break at any moment. Sometimes he overdoes it until she feels that she is suffocating but then she reminds her to be patient and that he's doing this because he cares for her.

Both had taken their fair share of suffering, Especially him, Who had to wait for her for two years with no hope or guarantee that she would wake up from the coma. 

Lana had told her how he took care of her, All the rationality stuff, Wiped her body, Changed the sheets, Gave her medication through the IV drip, Everything, He did it all himself and didn't let anybody touch her.