
it all began with a bet

After being left by the love of her life and rejected by him after he took her virginity the previous night, Anna Rose leaves to start a fresh life away from him but with a promise to destroy all those who hurt her. But what happens when she discover that she is pregnant? Will she abonden her plans and let the father and son meet? Or will she bring her love to his knees and show him the meaning of the "BLACK ROSE"? But what happens when a long lost lover crashes the scene? Will the two reconnect or will secrets of the past also ruin it all?

Senate_Motloheloa · Urbain
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1 Chs

chapter 1


As I was running through the street, my mind kept going back to what Sam had just said to me and I couldn't believe it. We had been dating since my first year in high school while I was 13 years, and he happened to be my first love. Right now at 19 years old, he is the only man to have ever kissed me, and just last night I had given my virginity to him.

I was so excited to see him yesterday, it had been so long, yesterday was my graduation ceremony, I was so happy, I am finally a qualified accountant, this has always been my dream. I had gone to see him to celebrate with him since he couldn't make it because he had been busy caught in meetings all day.

He welcomed me so happily, he had everything planned out, from the food to the movie and I enjoyed each minute of it. He congratulated me, looking more aloof as ever but he had that sad look in his eyes, the kind that's always there even when he puts on a smile.

As I was getting ready to leave, he hugged me from behind and God did it feel good. This was the first time he initiated anything between us and I was so happy about it.

I turned to face him to give him the biggest smile I ever had, only to find myself lost into his gorgeous ocean blue eyes and there was something I had not seen in them, desire.

He looked down at me and gave me his sweetest smile, then he gave me one of the best kisses he has ever given to me. At first, everything was slow and gentle but it quickly became intense and passionate, that kiss was building the heat I have never felt before within me. Slowly I began to explore him and thing started to get out of control. He grabbed my butt and pulled me up then carried me to his sofa. He slowly took my dress off and he disregarded his clothes quickly and easily. This gave me access to see and touch his eight pack and his tanned gorgeous body, and man was the guy to die for, just a sight of it had me drooling. Everything was beautiful, I gave him my virginity, he took everything slow as if afraid to hurt me, then we made love till dawn, I was so wasted I went straight to bed.

When I woke up today, everything seemed so perfect, except for waking up to an empty bed, had had quickly taken a shower and put on my clothes then went to find him. I found him in the kitchen preparing breakfast, and did he look cute in his pink mickey mouse apron, that I got him for when I came by so we can cook together. "good morning, you just going to stand there and drool or you going to come over and eat?" he greeted me and that snapped me out of my thoughts. I could feel the heat rising up to my neck as I greeted him back "I'm sorry. Good morning" I said smiling shyly. "no need to apologize, come sit beside me so we could talk, its important" he stated with a serious face. "oh God, is he going to talk about last night? I'm not ready for this" I thought to myself as I went to sit beside him and eat my share of the food, and it's a really big share, some ay I'm a glutton. I could feel his eyes on me as I began to eat, "so what is it that you would like to talk about?" I asked with a mouth filled with food. "well it's about us Anna, I…I… I don't think it's going to work between us" he stated looking away from me. "why? Is it something I did Sam? Is it about last night, I know I am not experienced at all, but I can learn, you can teach me what you like and I'll do it" I said almost in tears, I couldn't understand why he was doing this to me, was I really that bad that he would just give up on me? "can you please tell me Sam, please, I don't want to lose you, I'll do anything" I told him and he turned his back on me, but what shocked me most was the answer he gave to me. "Anna, you and I can't be together because I don't love you, dating you was just a bet to make you fall in love with me the dump you when you think I am serious about you, it was all a plan to hurt the most innocent girl I come across, and taking you virginity was just a bonus. You know, a reward for keeping up with this whole façade. Now I suggest you take you things and leave" with that said he left me there crying all on my own, wondering what I had done wrong. So I took my bag that was on the table the ran out of the house crying, which brings us to this moment here.

As I was wondering aimlessly through the street, my phone suddenly rang in my purse and I took it out revealing a call from my best friend, Mike. As soon as I picked the call I could hear his cheerful voice from the other side "hey baby girl, so how was the date with Mr hunk, I'm so mad you didn't even call me last night to tell me how it went, I'm taking he has maned up and you finally did the deed. Why else would you not call me, I had a whole celebration party for two planned out, hahaha" I could hear him laughing, if only he knew how things really where, but hearing his voice and care, I completely broke down and cried "hey Anna what's wrong? Are you ok? Did something happen? Where are you now, I'll come pick you up?" I could hear how worried and concerned he really is and instead of answering I cried more, "you know what, just hang there, I'll track you and be right over, please stay safe for me honey"