
It's weird.(BL Omegaverse)

Xuexi_xiao · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter Two: I'm all fucked up.

As it was on my first heat ever so I don't know how to act. I first tried to ignore thatthen I was feeling dizzy, hot and maybe drunk.

i couldn't help holding back my pheromones. As I was releasing my pheromones, I didn't know how my pheromones smell like.

I then tell Hikari that I was on my heat. As she is a beta, she can't feel mine or Knouki-san's (san is a horrific used for male and female adults) pheromone.

I didn't even have my suppressants with me. I was so fucked up.

Then Hikari holds my hand and stands up and said, " Teacher, this student is feeling sick. May I take him to the infirmary?" The teacher was about to approve it but Kanouki-san then said, " I can take the student tok the infirmary. You can take your seat and continue your classes." Hakari was about to interupt but the teacher signed not to.

Understanding the sign, Hikari takes her sit.

I was then taken to the infirmary by Kanouki-san but in the mid-way I was got out of controlled and jumped on Kanouki-san and pecked on his lips. I couldn't think straight anymore and said, "I can't tolerate anymore. I want it. I want all of yours. Now."

Without knowing the fact that I was releasing my pheromones out of control, also made Kanouki-san also turn on.

< to be continued >

sorry loves I was busy today doing my medical tests. I will try posting quickly. Till then please wait patiently. <3

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