
It's weird.(BL Omegaverse)

Xuexi_xiao · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter Three: Can't think anymore.

As my pheromones erected Kanouki-san, he then carried me on his shoulder and spanks my ass as I moan in pain.

He took me to a bathroom and locked it. Then he slams me on the wall. I hold his face and stand on the tip of my toe but still he is taller than me and peck his lips as virgin me don't know how to kiss.

He then said, " Aw poor thing, doesn't even know how to kiss. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue." With that he kissed me using his tongue.

While we kissed, he managed to open up my shirt. He then breaks off the kiss and trailed my neck with love bites and hickeys all over.

Somehow he opens my pants, which I didn't even realised. Then he picks me up and opened the jip of pants revealing his huge dick.

He then shoves himself in me. I was about to scream but he kissed me so hard that I couldn't let it out.

Even though we are Omega, we still need to loosen ourselves before inserting anything.

As Kanouki-san thrust deep inside me, hitting my prostate, he bits me on the back of my neck as a sign of bonding.

I felt myself tearing up as a sharp pain hits me inside as blood rushed from my hole. He then whispered, " Sorry, I think I locked you in." I was at so much pain that I start shaking as tears fell from my eyes. He then didn't move as he mistakenly locked himself in me.

After a while, he almost took his dick out of me. But I was wrong. He then thrusted his whole dick inside me at once. Which made me whimper in pain. After a few thrusts, he then whispered me, "Sorry I can't hold it anymore."

I said while being confused, "what do you mean-?" He then thrusts me harder and cum inside me while I was shaking even badly and a few mins later I passed out while his dick is still inside me.

<to be continued >

I don't know, I was first unsure that if i should post raw. Then I ask my friend that if I should post it or not.

She was like ☻⚰. So here I am posting it.

Xuexi_xiaocreators' thoughts