
It's weird.(BL Omegaverse)

Xuexi_xiao · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Agreement.

I then went straight home and saw mom. I was trembling in fear.

Mom then came and released her pheromones. Now I know how much angry she was. I then sat on the ground and bow to her for forgiveness.

Mom then came and hugged me and said, " Sorry my child, I wasn't there you when you needed me. How is the baby? Is it ok?" I then looked blankly at her and mother at the back, simply nervously smiling.

I then hugged mom back as I also missed her alot. Mom then broke the hug and then made me sit on the sofa. And asked me, " Who is the father, my child?" I then nervously said, " Arashi Kanouki , Ceo of Arashi group." Mom then gasped and laughed.

She then said, "We are business partners. We are recently having a collection collaboration."

Siter then came out of her room and said, " Mom and mother. Wouldn't it be better if they two live together until the baby is born? As Biyeori is now pregnant, he needs alot of attention and his alpha to be with him." " Yeah. That's right but it depends on Biyeori if he wants to stay with him." said mom as everyone looked at me.

"I do not have any problem but living with him, makes everything alot ...-" said I as I got flustered. Mom then called Kanouki-san at home for dinner tonight.

During dinner time Kanouki-san came with a bouquet of black roses.

He then called me, " Honey, can you come out for a while?" I then blushed and looked at the floor and walked towards him. He then gave me the bouquet of flowers. I then held it and sniff at it. It smelled really sweet.

He then hugged me as I said to him thank you. Mom and mother laughed while hugging each other, while my sister looked all done and said, " I want my Hikari." Kanouki-san then said, " You deserved it."

My sister then threw my towel on him but he douches it and said, " weak alpha." My sister ther grr's at him as kanouki-san brushed his face on my nape.

After a while we then sat on the dinning table to have our dinner. I the middle of the dinner, mom said, " Arashi-san, as you know, my child is pregnant with your child." " Yes, I am aware of that Mrs.Kim." said Kanouki.

" During pregnancy, the carrier needs a lot of attentionwith their alpha's love and care. As Biyeori is still not an adult, he's chance of risk is more that any other omega. For that, if you don't have any problem with Biyeori, I want him to live with you."

Mother then said, " But dear, they are not even a couple." Kanouki-san then said, " I do agree but I don't know about how Biyeori feels about me but I do love him. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't dare to do that. He caught my attention from the first day. I want to be with him. I want to live with him. Please grant me your permission." Mom and mother look at eachother and then at me.

I stand up and looked at the floor and said, " Live with him." Mother the said, "Are you sure?" I then looked at them and said with my flustered face, " I want to live with him."

Mom then said, " So its fine then. Biyeori pack your stuffs and leave the next day after school." I nodded and finished my dinner.

After a while, Kanouki-san said that he wants to leave. I then go here him and tiptoed at him and patted his head. He then held my face and kissed me and said, " I will be picking you up tomorrow." I nodded and let him leave. Sister then looked at me and said, " My lil brother is growing up so fast." I hitted her arm and left to sleep in my room. Tomorrow I have alot of work.

<to be continued >