
It's weird.(BL Omegaverse)

Xuexi_xiao · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter Ten:Unexpected.

The next day I went to school and sat beside Hikari. She then gives me a tight hug and said, " Your gonna be fine. Trust me." I simply nodded and said, " What if he hates me and the baby?" Hikari then said, " What do you think what Biyeol is gonna do if he doesn't accepts it." I slightly laughed as Hikari did too.

I then did the my rest of my classes and left for home but I then saw my sister with her car parked in the parking zone while she was waiting. I and Hikari go towards her. Hikari then kissed my sister as I kept looking at them with disgust.

We then got inside the car and a while later sister dropped Hikari in front of her home. It was time for us to go home but sister took a turn from home, I then asked her why did she turned over. She then said, " Sorry baby brother, it was the only way for you to meet him." I then said, " But I don't want to see him."

An hour of argument, we finally got to a cafe but surprisingly it was empty. I felt weird at first but then I understood the matter. I and sister was looking here and there until I saw him. I don't know why does a sudden fear rushed in me and I started shaking. I hid behind my sister felt him coming closer.

My sister then talked with him. She then brought me in front of him as I was shaking.

Kanouki san was shocked seeing me. Sister tgen says, " Oh meet my younger brother, Biyeori. He is now a month month pregnant. "

Kanouki san was shaking and held my hands. I start crying as he asked me, " Am I the father of this? "

Judging by his tone, which felt off made me cry harder. Kanouki san hugged me tight as my sister then left us alone waiting outside while saying, "he isn't that bad for my brother tho."

Meanwhile as he hugged me, he then took to his home. It was luxurious and mostly everythings are matte in colour. He then took me to the couch and sat with me on his laps. He then kept his big hands on my stomach and ruffles it. He then kept his head on my shoulder and said, " I never imagined that my baby will grow inside in someone whom I am in love."

I then said, "Stop lying. You never liked me and you never will be able to love me. Because I am a worthless omega-" before I could finish, He kisses me, making me melt as I kept leaking my pheromones.

Kanouki san also let his pheromones flow and then broke the kiss as he goes further and kissed and sucked my nape.

I then stop him from going further more and said, " The baby might see." He then smiles and took me to his bedroom and talk about how he fell for me.

He then said, " I was first jealous but then making love was not as bad. After mating with you, I didn't felt like mating with others will feel worthless. That's when I understood that I love you. I then got so busy over days due to business collaborations and stuffs."

I then nodded and said, " Are you my fated partner?" He then said, " Perhaps yes as I marked you. Sorry I did it with out your permission." I then hugged him and said, " I'm glad its you."