
It's weird.(BL Omegaverse)

Xuexi_xiao · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter Six:Crazy Son Of A Bitch.

Mom said," Your mother then look through my personal info and the next day she used to wait after school for me to get out. Only so we can talk. Few days later, I was going through my period and I was so pissed at your mother that I oneday punched her on the tummy and said, ' don't fuck with me you son of a bitch.' She was quite surprised and let me go. After a day or so, she reappeared at my home and met my parents amd was like, ' I really like you daughter and I want to marry her in the future. So please Mother and father I want your blessings.' I was staring at the situation with my mouth open. Then again when she saw me she came towards me and was about to hug me again. I got pissed. So I punched her again on her tummy and told her not to show up anymore and got upstairs back to my room."

I could help but laugh at my mother and mom as per their act.

Mother then continues, " Then I stopped going to school for a week straight to avoid your mother's bad energy. And when I start going to school, I didn't your mother anymore. Not gonna lie but I felt sad and empty. All she did was after all just her ways to show love. Days goes by week. Weeks goes by month. I then at last saw your mother infront of my school. I couldn't help but run and hug her and cry. And say what took her so long. She replied to me in the affirmative that she was in a business trip. Then I confessed to her that I like her too. She hugged me back a said that she was glad that I realised her love. Slowly Months goes by year and I got pregnant at 19 with Byeol and you at 27."

I gasp at her with surprise. Then mom asked me, " Oh my poor baby, you can tell what happened." I first hesitated but then I nodded and told her everything. Mom gasps and says, " Don't let your mother or sister know about it otherwise your child's father is a dead meat." I gulp in fear.

Mom then advised me that I should use a pregnancy tester first then go to the doctor to be sure.

Mom then gave me the pregnancy testers to test. I went to the bathroom to test it. To my surprise I was-

<to be continued >