
It's weird.(BL Omegaverse)

Xuexi_xiao · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter Seventeen: Check up.

I woke up with all sore muscles. As I take a step on the floor I fell down making a thud sound which made Kanouki san wake up. He held my arm and helped me get up. He then asked if I want alright or not. I said that I was feeling awful and sticky.

He then gave me a worried look and helped me shower. After that I took a chair from our bedroom and place it infront of the bathroom mirror and began to dry my hair with a hairdryer on my own while he changed the bed sheet and put it in the washing machine in the laundry room.

As soon as I was done drying my hair, i turn off the hairdryer hang it to the hook next to me on the wall. I was just going to our bedroom and stopped in the middle as I felt something squirming inside my stomach. I was in literal shock. Kanouki san ran towards me and asked me what was wrong. At that point was happy and scared at the same time that i slutter my words and said, " I-i think it m-moved." "Moved what?" said Kanouki san. I replied to him that it was the baby.

Kanouki san looks at me with a smile and eyes full of happy tears and asked if he can touch my tummy. I nodded to give him the permission. He rubbed my tummy and said, " Hi little guy. It's me, your dad." with that the baby squirm a little more.

Kanouki san hugged me tightly and cried on my shoulder. I hugged him back and asked if he was fine. He broke the hug while nodding his head and said, " You should take alot of rest. I will cook you a meal-" and was about to walk away but for no reason I held the hem of his tshirt and request him to make me something sweet. He looked at me confusingly and said, " If I am not wrong,you don't much sweet, right?" At this point I was confused myself. I then said, " I don't know everytime I am thinking about lunch, I can't stop thinking about cheese cakes and and chocolate. " Kanouki san laughed and said that it was just my cravings. He then took his wallet and went down to cook our meal and buy some cakes for me.

I couldn't express how lucky I felt to have him by my side. I lay down and after a while a fell asleep without even realizing it. I woke up to see that it was 8 at night. I looked aroundme for a while and saw Kanouki san working on his laptop. I just stared at him while he was fully concentrated with his work. After a while, he put his palm on my face. I whimpered as his hands were cold. He then lokked at me and said, " You woke up?" I just nodded at his statement. He then put his laptop aside and asked me if I wanted to eat. I just simply said yes.

After that he took me downstairs and served me the dinner. I took a bite of the fish and had the sudden rush to throw up. I ran to the nearest bathroom and vomited in the toilet. After I was done throwing up, I felt like shit.

Like this a few weeks goes by and my morning sickness got even worse. I got too emotionally broken and cried all the time. The baby inside me was indeed too active. Kanouki san also called the doctor a few times and said that it was fine and to eat things that I can. And the only thing I can eat without much problem are apples.

For this, I have been eating apples for the past few weeks. I literally pissed because of this shit.

<to be continued >