
It's weird.(BL Omegaverse)

Xuexi_xiao · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter Five: Mom and mother.

I was in my room sleeping then my mother came in and hugged me. I woke up right after that but acted like i was asleep and then asked mother me in sleep, " Are you in pain dear?" I couldn't help but again cry silently.

Mother then saw the mark on my neck and laughed slightly and said, "Me and your mom's wasnt that nice from the start but then you know what? We fell in love just like as time goes by."

Mother then again said, "I know you are not sleeping Biyeori. I understand you and your feelings."

Mother and made me sit on the bed as she also sat beside me and said, " I know how you are feeling."

Mother the continued telling her story, " when I was 14, I met your 22 year old mom. She was tall and handsome maybe? Ahem* Anyways, I was at my school playing some sports. Unlike you I was a recessive omega. I was playing basketball and while striking the ball in the net, someone blocked it. I was so mad that I threw the ball in the ground hard after the game. But guess what happened next. The ball hit someone whom I never expected it to be. It was your mom." with that mother giggled with joy. And I also tried be normal.

As the story was continued by mother, I felt like the senerios were floating infront of my eyes. Then mother said, " I went to pick up the ball but her secretary was scared to death as you know why" mother and I giggled and said, " mom is also hot headed." Then mother said, " Wait, wait, wait, wait. As I went to pick up the ball, I felt her staring at me then I caught her look at me. Then I apologised to her as I should and you know what she said?" I excieted look at mother and as she continues to, ' May I know your name please? I find you really attractive."

Me and mother laughed out loud, then she said, " Without thinking much obviously what would a 14 year even think when she was asked her name. So I gave her my name and what see did shocked me."

<to be continued >