
It's weird.(BL Omegaverse)

Xuexi_xiao · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Chapter Eleven: I don't want him!

As we were talking, the atmosphere went really silent until,

Kanouki-san then said, " Anyway, how old you? " I replied, " 16. " in a sad tone. He then said, " Wait I fell for a child. How shameful. I sorry to make you pregnant at this young age." I don't know but I felt hurt. I then got up and said, " Sorry but I have to go." He then said, " Where are you going?" I then said being hurtful that, "Doesn't regard your thoughts for a child to a you are an adult like you." and left him speechless.

Kanouki's Pov

As soon as I got to know that, Biyeori was only 16 and I being an adult who screwed him forcefully is more over like rape of him at this young age. He is even carrying my child in him.

He should have been enjoying his life but cause of me, he lost his childhood. I just wanted to say sorry but the way I said to him, he took that otherwise.

He again left me. It makes my heart ache as he got hurt by me again. Why am I such a fool?

I then didn't stop Biyeori as he got mad. I then hurriedly called Biyeol.

(On call)

"Hello? Biyeol." said I. She then said, 'What do you want? Where is my brother? " I then explain her the whole matter. She then replied, " You fucking asshole, he is hurt by your words. Now what if he tries to abound or abort your baby? Have you lost your mind? You know how fragile omegas are? With a snap of fingers, you break their heart or bond with them and don't want to even accept him, he will die."

Hearing that made my heart break into pieces. I ended the call and run for Biyeori.

After a while of running for Biyeori, I found him near the side road, about to jump. But I was fast enough to hold on him and then took him in a bridal style and carried him to home.

I then gently placed him on the bed and sat beside him. He was about to runaway again but I caught him. He started tearing up and keeps hitting me.

His light punches doesn't hurt me physically at all but hurts my heart. I then put him on my lap and hold his face and open his mouth and kiss him. He first didn't respond but after a while he kisses me back.

He then hugged me while crying and said, " Am I not good enough for you? If not then lets never see each other again. It hurts when you say those stuffs." I then hugged him back and brushed through his hair with my finger tips and said, " I love the way you are. I love you no matter age, shape, colour or any form. I know you need time. I want you to stay with me. I want us to grow our baby. Together. I love you."

End of Kanouki's Pov

Hearing what Kanouki-san said, made my heart melt. I nodded in agreement and said, " I also want to stay."

Kanouki-san then breaks the hug and kissed me. Things were going smooth but sexual again.

Kanouki-san then releases him pheromones making me want more of him. I then couldn't handle but release my pheromones too making the air more concentrated with pheromones.

Kanouki-san then asked me, "Can I?" I nodded while being flustered.

<to be continued >