
~Chapter 3~

Kristine 's POV

I woke up and felt a soft object covering me I open my eye and looked it was a blanket, I look around and saw my brother sleeping next to me.

I got up and carry my brother then put him in bed, I took my phone and plug the earphones listening to the music that my best friend like it was Pluto a version nightcore from YouTube that I download.

After the song was done I wondered if cheska was busy cuz I want to go to her house more than going with angel In somewhere. I look at the pictures of my friends where the four of us turns into two, it was me, ina, Angela and the boss cheska. I was so sad that the two of them are in Philippines while me and cheska are in L.A. cheska's family is having a vacation and I moved here with my family.

I walk towards my desk and took my Sketchbook that has tons of fandoms and o'cs that I made, I try to draw something but I have no inspiration of it.

Suddenly someone knock on my door "Kristine can we come in? " mom said.....'wait....we?...who's with her?...probably dad' I thought for a second " come in mom" I said then the Door opened i turned seeing mom and a guy with messy dark blue hair 'who is he?.... I think I have met him somewhere...' the guy smiled at me 'he looks like kaito from vocaloid.... but what's up with his hair he had a curl an the back... wait is he one of the countries in hetalia ...probably not ...'they walked in and sit on my bed where kristian sleeps in"Kristine do you remember 8 you and your father met a woman and a boy? " she ask "mom me and dad have encountered tons of woman and a boy before when I was eight " I said annoyed and I heard a chuckle from the guy.

"Well that's cute, your still the Kristine that I know." He giggles 'he's like Oliver/2p England '

That cause me to blush 'WAIT? WHAT?!.don't blush you moron' and I look away "surely you didn't remember "mom said crossing her arms "aww~that's bad...then Let me introduce myself " the guy stand up and walk towards to me and kneeing down and took my hands "my name is Andrew Scott Miller...your future husband" and he kissed my hand.

My eyes widened when he said 'future husband.... wait am I getting married? But I'm only 16.' He look at me in the eyes and said "leave ya kinda speechless don't I " he smirked and got up still holding my hands. "Ok you two let's go down and let's not disturb kristian sleeps"andrew looked at mom went out leaving me and Andrew in my room.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked smiling at me, I'm still speechless from what he said 'future husband' and now it's stucks in my head. "Still speechless are you? " he laugh a little bit "I'm not speechless I'm thinking "I said "thinking huh"he said and smirk "thinking how sexy your future husband is~" he said with a seductive tone that made me turn into Romano's tomatoes. I covered my face by the redness of my face "no it's not"I said and he laughed not to loud and he stop then he took off my hands on my face and kiss me closed to my lips .