
It's Tax season!

In the land you can hear fighting.....What is it you ask? The village hidden in Taxes is at war with the village hidden in the rain. Both, the Taxkage and Raikage are both corrupt so it is up to the three vigilantes to end the ninja war and maybe, just maybe world domination!

FrizzyReloadedYT · Anime et bandes dessinées
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In an underground prison you can see three people most likely 19 through 24, their names are James, Sara, and Jack. You're probably wondering why this is important right? Well it is, because what the Taxkage didn't tell anyone was that if you didn't pay your taxes in at least a week after due, even if you can't afford it, you get thrown into solitary. The three came from different low income families so they had been here for quite a while. The three inmates had seals on each limb so that they couldn't regenerate their chakra, although they had mustered enough to perform a simple genjutsu. The time came when they thought it was the right time to escape, so they called over the guard in a rather pleading way. The guard, Kaito had almost felt a share of pity for the three inmates he saw as innocent, little did he know it was a trap and was soon moving his limbs without control, grabbing the key and unlocking the special door to the cell. He unwillingly deactivated the seals on the three and soon felt his ears bleed from the shouts of joy coming from the newly freed prisoners. Without hesitation, Sara had chopped kaito in the back of the neck and saw his body lay unconscious.The trio finds their way out of the prison, and takes their first breaths of the outside world.

The three were happy that they were finally out of that traumatizing cell, and found their way to the outskirts of the village. Not many people know this, but on the outer sections of the village there are many, and when i say many i mean MANY abandoned or destroyed clan houses. This was the one place they thought they could feel safe without being on the lookout for enemies but boy, were they wrong.

Out of nowhere a rather large kunai was headed their way. Even if they were stuck in solitary confinement, they still would attempt to train their skills so they wouldn't get to rusty. James with his sensor abilities detected the attacker and rushed at a speed that matched a TAX COLLECTOR. James got smacked in the face and was flying to the ground at high force but before he crashed he noticed the hooded man's face and was shocked. It was the Trios old sensei: Tsuki