

It was finally Saturday Eddie had to distribute the clothes she had sewn to her customer. She's now a fashion designer and overtime she became a confirmed celebrity. She changed their apartment and Ricky had gone back to school so she was all alone living in luxury finally,no longer going around and looking for white collar jobs.She made clothes for influential people, models and actresses, she was a well sought fashion designer. Her first class customer Mrs Jackson had sent for the latest designs on internet and she wasted no time in making it. She got into her car and drove to the mansion. She knocked and the gate opened automatically after scanning her, same to the doors before she got into the living room. "Mom, Eddie is here"Rose said"Wow! she's here?"Mrs Jackson said"Okay Eddie I hope you brought exactly what we booked,l have to be the first model to launch that super beautiful dress."Rose said and took the dress upstairs. "Rose you don't have to be so noisy your big brother is resting upstairs"Mrs Jackson said "Big brother won't here me so I am going to check the clothes"Rose said and ran off with the dress. "So dear did you get the designs?"Mrs Jackson asked."Yes maam,l wouldn't dissapoint you especially being one of my biggest customers."Eddie said. Suddenly Rose ran down the stairs. "Eddie I am taking all send your account number they are already in my wardrobe"Rose said.

Then l was overwhelmed with what I saw.l didn't know how to express him, wait! this was the guy Clara saw the other day at Las Vegas. There is no one who will not fall for those eyes, wait they were no longer blue but gold, what is happening. "Rose you make a lot of noise these days. Where is Rian?"Kian asked."Big bro I'm sorry Rian and Lian went out and I also need some money."Rose said. "Go to my study room and take the Platinum card and please go through the elevator you make a lot of noise on the stairs"Kian said. "c'mon Rose you are making your big brother talk too much."Mrs Jackson said.

If Eddie could bury herself up she would because the guy's gaze was now on her 'he is not human,no human can change eye color or isn't it him?' she thought 'why is he still looking at me?'

"Oh sorry baby for not introducing her.This is Eddie the most trending fashion designer. She makes our clothes and that is why she's here.We should try her for Nema's wedding gown."Mrs Jackson said. Kian just responded with a nod, looked at Eddie and left. Eddie sold the clothes and left quickly so that she won't see another one with purple eyes. She got into her car and drove home. Getting home she called her besties."Hey girls"

"Hi darling"


"There's this question l will like to ask you Clara.The guy you are looking at the other day at Las Vegas what was the color of his eyes"Eddie asked. "What kinda question is that,huh?"Tinsley asked. "Just tell me I've gist"Eddie said."I saw blue eyes, what?"Clara answered. "You know l went to the Jackson to give them my latest designs and guess what?I saw the guy again but now he had golden eyes and I couldn't express his looks.I don't think he's human."Eddie said. "Your stupid hallucinations again" Tin said. "Look l can swear I saw him life"Eddie said.

"Good night anyway I don't want to spend a moment talking about that guy before l start day dreaming again"Clara said. "Now don't tell me the both of you are infatuated with one guy. Good night."Tin said. "Whatever"Eddie said.