

What will you do when your beloved one turns out to be a psycho killer? Will you stay with him? Or kill him? Adira has post-traumatic issues at the age of 18. She experienced something terrible in her life. But one day one of her friend dies in a mysterious way. Then she began to understand that her psycho boyfriend began to hunt her. Will she be able to escape from it? VOLUME -1 : PAST HUNTER PLAGIARISM PROHIBITED THIS STORY WAS AUTHOR'S IMAGINATION SHARE/LIKE/COMMENT/SUBSCRIBE

canon_Homes7 · Urbain
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20 Chs




Are you okay? His husky voice interrupted my thoughts.

I didn't respond to him. We got up together. I didn't even dare to glance at him.

"Miss, are you okay?" He repeated his question.

This time, slowly my eyes inspected him. After seeing his grey eyes, I felt relaxed. In front of a nerdy guy with a confused look.

I don't know why I have a familiar feeling towards him.

"I am sorry," I softly apologized to him. "It's okay."

He smiled at me.

"Are you new here?" After seeing his luggage, I confirmed it.

"Yes! My apartment is 8G."

"That's near to mine," I exclaimed. "Do you need any help to move your luggage?"

"No, thank you for your help, neighbor," he replied with a sneer. What a scary smile he has.

Seems like he doesn't like people who talk too much. So, I decided not to bother him. I headed towards my apartment to get what I need.

My neighbor didn't seem to like people too much. He is a software engineer. But in our apartment area, he became a hot topic because girls drooled over him. After that first meeting, I didn't get a chance to meet him. But I could sometimes see him taking a smoke on the balcony since our balconies have only an inch difference. I could even smell the smoke. The only thing I didn't know was his name until one day in a gossip circle in the apartment, I found out his name is Darcy. That's all I got. I decided to stay cool in my apartment. Sometimes I saw him helping old people, feeding his cat, and working out on the balcony side. Damn, it feels like my day starts with his workout routine.

One day, I got up early and enjoyed the sunrise. Then I took a sip of coffee. When I turned around, I saw his six-pack, and he was staring at me weirdly. I even spilled my tea. Damn it, he is such a hottie.

"Are you satisfied with my body?" He mocked me.

At that moment, I realized I was drooling over him.

"Damn you, Adira," I gulped and rushed towards my room. While closing the balcony, I heard a 'pervert' and his chuckle. "Damn you, Darcy." That day, I only remembered his six-packs. His Adam's apple haunted me. It's troublesome living near a handsome neighbor.

My studies were going well, and I was scoring good marks on my tests. On that happy moment, my friends and I decided to celebrate in a pub. We headed to the famous pub in Chester, The Blue Star. While enjoying drinks and chatting, I saw Darcy with a colleague, smiling and drinking with them.

Wow, his smile is precious. Some ladies noticed him, and they were gossiping about him. Wherever he goes, he is popular. I ignored him; that was better.

I saw a familiar figure sit beside me. I was surprised to see it was Lucian. For a second, I remembered his words. This guy didn't even like me. What a coincidence. I moved to my side. It seems like he didn't notice me, which was better.

Next, a beautiful woman approached him. She bit her lips and stared at him lustfully. He smiled at her and grabbed her hips.

What a disgusting sight. I decided to change my seat. Why am I dragged into a couple's cuddle? On one side, there's my neighbor who mistook me as a pervert, and on the other side, there's the officer who hates me. What a wonderful day.

#To be continued...


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