
It's must be a DREAM

Sara is an ordinary girl. But she has a strange feelings from a young age. When something bad happens, she gets a certain feeling before it happens. She cannot predict what will happen. This feeling saved her a lot of time from a lot of danger. But sometimes it will get worse. At the time she needs to avoid it. But we can't change fate. Let's see what will happen in Sara's life.........

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8 Chs

CHAPTER: 4 Saras weird feeling

Everyone is meeting for the first time. So Everyone was silent as they didn't know what to say. Seeing that everyone is quiet, Laura tries to speak. With an awkward smile, Laura asked Alex, " This van is really nice. How much is the rent?". Alex replied, "This van is not for rent. It belongs to Mick".

Laura wants to ask " How can Mick afford it. If he is a friend of Alex, he must be poor. But he owns an extraordinary van. How is that possible". But she can't ask directly. It will hurt Alex. So she didn't ask now. Then Laura gave a chaotic smile. Then Laura changed the topic and asked where we were going next.

Alex said, " We go to Godiva Hill. It is a very beautiful mountain. There is a small village under the village". ( GODIVA means miracle. This mountain is only for the story. Not a real thing ).

Suddenly Sara's weird feeling came out of the blue. Then She forgot herself for a while and started thinking about something else. Laura noticed Sara and asked, "what's wrong?". Laura is well aware of Sara's weird feelings. Sara didn't want to scare Laura. So she didn't tell her, didn't say anything. Because Sara knows how excited Laura is to go on this trip. She doesn't want to spoil the happiness of Laura.

In Sara's mind, "( I know this feeling is a warning. Two things are important when it comes to this. The first one is, the crisis comes from those who are with us. Secondly, The problem will come from someone else at our destination. So I need to be prepared for everything ). Now, Sara observed all things around her.

First, She started her suspicions from Alex. "Laura and Alex always meet at the street side shop. And he always wears casual clothes. But now he looks elegant. And they always went to ordinary places. He has not spoken about his family and friends so far. Then how Mike became Alex's friend. This is a little questionable, right ?!".