
It's ME, Hi!

Elly was known as Smiley Girl because she was always smiling when she was with her friends, chatting with them and being nice to them. Unfortunately, the more she thinks positively, the more she feels distance from her friend. What makes she felt like this? Did she will lose her friendship? or Maybe along with her journey, she will finds someone who can be both of friends and love?

Shinxdaisy · Sports, voyage et activités
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17 Chs

Lost in the rain clouds, with a ray of blue sunshine passing through the black hole.

Swinging in peace and quiet, listening to the wind whisper softly and the sound of children laughing merrily in front of us. It looks like we were watching the slice of life activities of those children.

While swinging, I can feel the wind blowing on my face. My feet dangled from the swing, my speed stroking the breeze.

Risky, yet rewarding.

I came to a halt and cast a glance towards Cadrid. For a split second, our gazes lock, and we both giggle. I had no idea how long he had been staring at me.

"Why are you laughing?" While grinning, I ask Cadrid.

"You look somehow free." Cadrid smiled as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I believe so. You should never judge a book by its cover." I smiled again and said, "Smiles to cover the truth. Do you agree with this statement? " I ask Cadrid while staring at the view in front of me, in deep thought.

"Those sentences have a deep, hidden meaning. Many people are skilled at concealing their feelings. And I'm guessing you do as well." Cadrid says this while playing with his slender fingers.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. There's a lot to think about and do without hurting everyone who is close to us." I smile a bit while looking at him and say, "Well, this conversation comes up too serious," I respond, smiling gently as I glance at him. "How about you tell me about yourself... I mean, what's new in your life?"

"What is it that do you want to know? At the present time, I believe my life is pretty simple. There is no drama." Cadrid smirked calmly.

"Anything you want to share about. I'm not bothered. I still have time to hear your story pronounced by your mouth." I chuckled while nervously saying, "Perhaps I could share my story first."

I took a deep breathe and says,

"All right, actually...Right now, I'm quite nervous. I believe.....I should reveal the truth. I know it's been 16 years, but I-I...thought it was due to the fact we were friends, but... "

I looked him in the eyes nervously and closed my eyes while saying, "I like you. I know you'll be confused. But this was my true feeling for you when we were in middle school, and I'm scared to admit it. Because you know...your popularity is growing even though you are unaware of it. Actually, you're fairly well known among my peers."

I slowly opened my eyes and peered at him.

Both of his eyes twinkled with surprise.

"Well, you seemed surprised. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable; it's just that I hid my feelings for you for 16 years and I'm the only one who knows about it. My closest friends were unaware of it. You are the only one. I apologize for the confession. I just want to say it. I'll admit it: I miss you every time I recall our silly times together, and that's when I realize. Shit! I have feelings for you. " I laughed a little awkwardly.

Cadrid slowly cleared his throat before answering, "Well, I'm still shocked. I-I'm not sure about it. I apologize. But....I'm at a loss for words." Cadrid rubbed his neck with a small smile.

"No, it's fine. As I have stated. I don't want to make you feel awkward. You are not necessary to return the feelings. As I already declared, I simply wish to share with you the truth." I smiled as I fiddled with my shaky fingers.

We sat silently, listening to our own heartbeats. But I believe my heartbeat is loud enough to be heard.

Until my phone began to ring. Without knowing who called, I swipe the green emoticon call and say,

"Hello….Adam? Why did you call me so unexpectedly? No, it's fine. I'm ok. I apologize for not contacting or texting you. Sure. I'm free this weekend. Okay, goodbye. I'll see you later."

"You have to go home?" Cadrid asks.

"No, it's Adam." I say.

I looked at his confused face and says,

"My new friend, whom I only met around three months ago. Well...maybe I should go. It looks like it's going to rain. The sky swiftly darkens to gray." I muttered the fact while observing the sky.

"Yeah, we should." Cadrid states while staring at the dark grey sky.

"Okay. Oh, wait a minute," I said as I collected my belongings. "I would like to get your phone number before you leave. I feel like we should hang out on a regular schedule. It feels like a decade since I last saw you." I smiled and stretched my hands before handing him my phone.

"Sure. Or possibly I can show you someone very important to me." Cadrid murmurs quietly, the light in each of his eyes gleaming with happiness.

My smiles dimmed for a few seconds, but I quickly returned to reality, replying, "Sure. I am thrilled that you would introduce me to 'your special'."

While Cadrid returns my phone, I told him. "Please, Cadrid, do not take my confession to you seriously at all."

Cadrid lightly laughs and says, "It's okay. We should leave now before it starts raining."

For the last time he smiles, "Bye, Elly. It's good to see you again. I'm thankful that you've still the same as before. Don't forget to put on a face mask before you leave."

I rolled my eyes and says, "Yes, I am aware of that. My mother had already informed me,

Cadrid, you as well. It's good to see you again. Good luck and have a wonderful day." I waved towards him.

"I already have." Cadrid smiles and waves me back.

We both went our own ways, with the gray clouds embracing the skies.

I headed back my attention to my long-lost middle school friend as he walked back home after our awkward engage in conversation, well I guess I messed up. It's fine as long as the weight of this feeling is lifted from my shoulders.

My eyes appeared to be somewhat moist, but thanks to the light rain, I was able to blend in them.

I walked back home with a melancholy smile.

Lost in the rain clouds, with a ray of blue sunshine passing through the black hole.

Poetic feels:

Our journey

seems to stop in the isolate desert

with the third person


poems by: shinxdaisy