
It's just the beginning

Just the beginning of an epic dance journey of competition, love ,friendship, loyalty, and a ancient family heirloom!! "Just because I'm graceful doesn't mean I'm kind and grateful, just because I'm kind and grateful doesn't mean I'm graceful!, cause I'm not perfect and neither are you!"

Rose_Jazz21 · Sports, voyage et activités
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20 Chs

Chapter 18

Five days post dance competition Zara is yet to tell if she got the point shoes back. It's been forty-eight hours since winning the competition and Zara was about to go and sort the pointe shoes out. She calmly walked into the Hawthrone's office and they began negotiations. Zara's rage started to grow when the Hawthrones started to insult her students, especially her niece. "Do not call my kind hearted niece a disgrace! As far as I know your entire family apart from Alexander is a disgrace." Zara snarled. Selene and James just sat there quiet as a mouse bottling up their anger from Zara's comment, and came to a decision. "You can have those bloody shoes back! I don't get what's so special about them anyways. '' Selene told Zara in a deadly calm voice that gave James shivers down his spine. Zara smirked and gladly took the shoes from the desk and made her way to the door, relieved that she had managed to reachieve the shoes. When Zara reached her apartment she put the pointe shoes in her cupboard to show the girls at their next lesson. After she put the shoes away Zara sat down in her armchair and poured herself a glass of shatae whisky and shut her eyes. Right now the girls are at the dance studio sitting in a nervous silence waiting for Zara. As the minutes passed the girls started to panic, where was Zara? What's taking her so long? And should the girls start the class? What about the shoes? As the girls tried to stay calm Zara walked in with a smile on her face. The girls were confused why on earth was Zara smiling? Once Zara walked closer to the girls her smile stopped because of the girls' confused faces especially her niece's. Zara was about to ask what's wrong when she realized she hadn't told the girls about the shoes. So Zara tells the girls to sit down and proceeds to tell them they won the shoes. "what!" " yep! We got the shoes back Clara " Zara informed her niece. And the others were happy that Clara got the point shoes back and it was all thanks to them because they knew she couldn't have done it on her own. " I couldn't have done this without you girls. I owe you ." Said Clara. And the girls said it was their pleasure and asked if they were allowed to continue dancing here. And to the answer that Zara said they could. And the day ended with a huge slumber party at Clara's to celebrate their victory and they took a photo to remember this day forever.