
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Anime et bandes dessinées
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112 Chs

Author in the Slaver Tent

Chapter 8: Author in the Slaver Tent

Fang Tongxin gazed down at the window. With the glass goblet in her hand, she leaned on the windowsill. Her beautiful grey eyes never left a particular good-looking youth who was leading a young woman older than him hand-in-hand. Soon, their figure blended into the crowd before they made a turn and she could see them anymore. She sighed and took another sip of the good wine.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed. A figure clad in all black appeared behind her. The black-robed person then asked.

"Young Miss, is that youth truly your fiancé?" a feminine voice come out from the black-robed person. She then took that bright red foldable knife before playing with it for a while.

"You have seen that scroll with his portrait personally, why bother asking. He is indeed my fiancé, Yang Xian, no doubt."

Indeed ..., this woman with exquisite figure like that of succubus is actually late Yang Xian's prearranged fiancée. Both of them never meet with each other and their arrangement is just formalized recently, but Fang Tongxin already seen his portrait and learned a lot about his misdeed back in the Whitegold Capital City.

"Then ..., why he didn't seem to know you? He just looking at you as if you're a stranger. That's quite odd, is it not?"

"You're asking me, then whom should I ask? I don't know, perhaps he just smitten with that blue-haired lover of his. Or maybe he never bother with the engagement. I don't care, in the end it's only a marriage arranged by our family. If he just want to marry me because of my family and screw up with another girl, fine, I can just find myself a lover like what he did. It's not a big of a deal for me anyway."

"Uhmm ..., Young Miss, perhaps ..., are you jealous?"

"Hmph ..., why I should feel jealous when I already know that he's a scoundrel. I heard he's got into conflict with that Yu Huiqin's new favorite. Who was it again, the fifth candidate of Lordship that show up recently?"

"It's Lin Wutang, Young Miss. At least, please remember his name. You're aiming to be a prominent merchant, right ..., you should be well-informed about crucial matter such as this one."

"Right, that Lin Qutang or something ..., this bastard of a Yang with given name Xian, what a fool! He dared to go against a Lordship candidate ..., and to lust over Yu Clan's Priceless Pearl. He really is a dumbass." Fang Tongxin scolded him but behind her harsh word, there is a hidden hint of care. "But still, why he denied his identity as Yang Xian? And he seems frantically denying it."

"Is it possible ..., for a ghost or a spirit to posses his body?"

Fang Tongxin then returned to the couch, slumping her sexy body lazily. She thought about what the black-robed person said for sometime, but then shook her head in denial. 

"No. Although that could happen, and I understand why you come into that conclusion. But someone who was possessed will always exuding unpleasant dark aura around him. But he ..., his aura is normal and nothing unusual."

"Maybe, he's an exception ..., and most of all, I never heard of this name ..., Aram Hadrian, was it? He used a Dragontongue as his name, isn't this a solid proof that he's possessed by some ancient spirit?"

"You're right ..., no one could bear using Dragontongue as his or her name. The person would be severely crushed by the power of the name if forcefully use it. He introducing himself as such is worth notifying. I suppose we should take a closer look at him and see what is he up to in the mean time. Ah, let's notify his family. I heard uncle Yang is quite troubled with his disappearance."

"As you will, Young Miss ..., then about the thing that Young Master want to auction?"

"Hmm? Ah that, I'm going to write a letter to Whitegold Headquarter. After all, a full set of crystal glass is not something I could handle. But first ..., let me rest for a bit, meeting with him is really taxing. I have to hold myself back all the time, you know I almost shouted the moment I heard him saying 'dear' to that blue-haired woman! Just what does he think he is, I'm his fiancée, alright? I mean, I don't know what happen with him right now, but ...,"

Fang Tongxin then started her endless list of complain to the black-robed girl. It was only after twenty minutes or somethin she finished complaining and was too drunk to talk. Yes, she drank that small bottle of wine that supposed to be used as advertisement and tasting. 


After meeting with Fang Tongxin, I sense that Mu Ying's not in her best mood. I dragged her into a restaurant and ordered sumptuous meal to cheer her up. But she kept dozed off while staring emptily.

"What's wrong ..., do you not like the food?"


That cyan-haired girl just playing her noodle with the chopstick. Seems like she's not listening. I called her once again.

"Mu Ying?"

"Huh, eh? Sorry ..., what?" she finally reacted.

"Did you not like the food? You seems not eating that much, are you okay?"

"No ..., the food is alright, it's delicious. I just ..., Aram, that grey-haired woman from before, she seems quite sure that you are Yang Xian, the Young Master of Yang clan. But ..., who are you really? You said your name is Aram Hadrian, and you suffer amnesia. And she's someone who might know your identity, why you denied her immediately?" Mu Ying asked. 

So she's worried about that. I put down the chopstick into the bowl and then took a sip of the rice liquor. I then sighed and said.

"I've been thinking. I ..., no, the uncle from the village, they found me injured in the forest but it's not only just me who was there right? I vaguely remembered that I fell after battling against someone. I even brought some of bodyguards with me, but then there I was ..., dying. If so, then I must be in some kind of dangerous situation. Or I maybe have a powerful enemy out there."

Mu Ying listened at me attentively. I stared at her azure eyes and then said.

"That's why, whether I'm Young Master Yang or someone else ..., I think it be better if I shouldn't meet with the man that almost killed me. That's why I decided to not go into the big city if I could."

"So you're not denying that you're Yang Xian, Young Master Yang?"

"The possibility for that is not small. Who know, I mean ..., perhaps I'm a descendant of some great noble clan. Or maybe I'm just vagabond warrior. But the fact that I posses this cultivation despite my young age ..., I think you already know that it's improbable for someone of common origin to attain this level of cultivation."

"But then, why you rejected what she said then?"

"Mu Ying, is it fine for you marrying with a man who suffers amnesia and has doubtful origin?"

"Whu-why suddenly asking that? I, of course, if it's with you. I would like to. Ermm ..., yeah, it'd be fine if it's with you. You survived my food, and we've done ..., that, after all."

Done what? Oh, the fera. Of course, it's about that. But really, she's fine with that and lovestruck with me right after I ate all of her disaster-level cooking?

"Huhh ..., if you said so. But I have no recollection of being this Young Master Yang. So, Mu Ying ...,"

I stopped and then looked at her straight to that pair of azure eyes. With my utmost serious facial expression I then proposed.

"..., let's get married."


She choked a tear and put on her brightest smile. I hold her hand and also put on a slight smile.

But damn, I'm 19 ..., no, this body is only 16. And I already proposed a woman to marriage not long after I was transported. Seems like my isekai-life is not really bad after all. I feel grateful Yama sent me here.

I proposed her but I don't present her with ring or anything. I should make order in the online shop system right away. Ahh, for her wedding dress. Should I order white dress? But that won't do with this world culture, maybe a hakama like Japanese-style wedding? Right, let's order that. As for the reception ceremony ..., damn, this is going to be troublesome.

After she bought batch of herbs from the Bluebell Apothecary, I led her to a slave trader. Yeah ..., that kind of thing is still exist in this world. 

Most of the case, a slave is those war captives or criminal slave. But not always, if it was elven or beastfolk slaves they might be captured or kidnapped. There's also the time when a father sold her daughter because of gambling debt or something along that line.

Upon entering the slaver tent, I could see numerous slave in a cage. Men, elven, and beastfolk slaves wearing ragged clothes behind the iron bar. Their complexion was haggard, and they look famished. 

"A-aram, are you sure you're not entering the wrong tent? This is slave trader tent, what do you want to do in this kind of place?" Mu Ying worriedly asked.

Good question. I'm planning to open up the inhospitable land of Blackforest Region and built a pioneering village. This piece of land was undeveloped and doesn't belong to anyone. Well, Redragia Kingdom bestowed the land to Zhi clan but they only managed to built settlement on the periphery of the region. The reason for this was because the forest is infested with Magical Beast. 

But I'm the author of this world, I know best how to deal with those stupid beasts. I could just wipe them out or make them leave ..., and with my online shop cheat, it become much more easier.

As for the matter land ownership. The land was under Zhi clan, but they didn't dare to built something inside the forest despite it relatively flatland and full of natural resource. Even if they want to object that I build something inside their territory, they couldn't do anything about it.

Ah, I got sidetracked for a bit. Right ..., so why I want to buy slave is it? Of course ..., it's for workforce. I glanced at Mu Ying and then honestly said.

"Hmm, I want to build a house, our house. So my first choice is to buy slaves."

"But ..., really, a slave? This people looks nervous, they make me feel nervous." Mu Ying glanced around, she feels uncomfortable with the stare.

"Don't worry, they won't do any harm to you. I'll be here to protect you."

"Un ..., but please make it quick. I don't like this place."

"I know." I nodded and gripped her small hand.

When we entered deeper to the tent, a plump and rotund middle-aged man with strange clothing approach me. I pulled Mu Ying back because I felt him sizing at her with unhealthy gaze. That man then bowed exaggeratedly and greeted.

"Greetings, Young Master and Miss. I'm called Slaver Jun, pleasure to meet you. We have assorted selection of exotic slaves, I believe you will be astounded with our collection. Now, how may I help you with today?"

"I want to buy some slaves, my criteria is simple, healthy, young, and they mustn't be a criminal slave."

"How about the gender? And from which race?"

"Just bring me whatever you got ..., be it man or woman, elven or dwarves. I need at least fifty or sixty. Do you have it?" 

"Certainly, Young Master ..., please follow me."

His eyes flashed with gold sparkle. I still remember writing something about the average price of a slave. A criminal slave will be priced at least 20 silver. If it's a beautiful woman then it will be in gold, 2 gold at minimum. If it's a virgin young girl ..., they were up to one hundred gold coins, some elven female slave even reached thousand gold.

I added some of that detail because MC of this world bought one slave not long after he subjugated the bandit. In other word, in not so distant future. Perhaps even next week or something.

He bought one after he was in a perilous situation and was almost hacked to death by the bandit's boss. He was so depressed and frustrated that he bought one female slave and then ravaged her. He couldn't do it with Yu Huiqin, and his awkward identity as Dragon King candidate made him not able to enter brothel, and thus ... a female slave is the way to go.

I remember that chapter was quite hated by the reader. Mainly because it was basically a rape. But uhh ..., she is his slave, his possession. So it's fine, right? I mean, he bought her for that kind of reason in the first place. Oh well, but even after debating in the comment section, some won't accept my reasoning. Maybe because we hold different moral value, or they just don't put themselves in the same frame as this world's society.

But ..., I'm in this world now, and here I am. In a slaver tent. Looking at the pitiful appearance and lifeless eyes without hope of the slave ..., I, I regretted to write something like this in the past. 

Shackled in cage, bound by chain. They ..., have lost their freedom. Is this the world that I'm dreaming of? What if I'm in their position? What if the villager bore villainous thought to me and sold me as a slave? I'm under their mercy, and I was unconscious back then. Basically, they could just sell me for good sum of money. I shudder at the thought, but inwardly glad that they didn't do that.

"And here we have a batch of young beastfolk from northern plain. What's wrong Young Master, do you find our product not to your liking?"

The slave trader whom name I forgot asked with concern. I shook my head and then said.

"No, I've decided whom I want to buy. All of the dwarves, the beastfolks in this cage, and then ..., huh?"

I stopped my hand as I was perplexed with the figure I saw on the corner. Two word come out in my mind upon seeing that person, too beautiful.

She was not as enchanting as Mu Ying, nor as sexy as Fang Tongxin. But she has this certain aura which enshrouded her that made her exceptional. Even the elven female slave paled in comparison with her.

Her black hair dropped like a waterfall down to her waist. Her unblemished face was like the most precious jade sculpted and polished by the gods. Despite her ragged dress, she still looked very beautiful that I couldn't find a fault on her.

Her body condition is rather unwell. Unlike the other who looks famished but relatively healthy, she's coughing with her small body trembled slightly.

Mu Ying pinched my waist pouting. I loosen my grip and hugged her waist, smiling apologetically.

"Mu Ying, my dear ..., urm, do you not need a maidservant to serve at your side? After all you're not that good at cooking right, and it's not everyday I will cook for you. Hey, how about we bought few female slave to be our house servant?"

She rolled her eyes after listening to my reasoning.

"Aren't you just lusting over that slave over there? I know it from the look in your eyes."

"E-ehh ..., no, I won't do that. I promise, I swear it."

"Whatever, it's your money anyway. However you use it it's not my problem."

"Ehh, alright ..., I'll definitely return your money. No, how about you manage my finance from now on?"

"That'd be ..., troublesome. No, I don't want to confuse myself with your money. But can I ask you something?"

"What is it, if it's for my dear Mu Ying, I will do everything."

"I'd like to buy a slave that is well-versed in botany. I need some help tending the garden."

"That's it?"

"Un, so ..., would you buy it?"

"That's barely a request, I'll gladly buy it for you."

I thought she didn't like slavery from what she said before, but she wanted to buy one in the end. Mu Ying went to the cage where they held elven slaves. 

There is a tribe of elf, the Wood Elf that was born with good affinity with nature, they are natural born alchemist. She ..., probably know about that, right?

I talk it through with the slaver and bought a ten of dwarf, twenty beastfolk, and forty human slaves. The ratio between male and female is 4:3.

As I was about to finalize the transaction and underwent the contract, I couldn't stop my feet to approach that black-haired beautiful female slave. I stared down at her while inside I feel somewhat familiar with her. I asked.

"You, do you have a name?"

"Cough, it's ..., Yun, Shuang ..., Xue." 

At that time ..., after hearing that name, I felt like I was in lost.