
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Anime et bandes dessinées
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112 Chs

[This is the Second Chapter]

[This is the Second Chapter]

I walked toward where the blue dots with Ming Du. His injury has been cured and even he tried to wield his weapon again. Although he lost his left arm, it didn't diminish his fighting spirit.

After a while, I noticed that the red dots already confronting the blue dots.

"Let's make haste ..., I feel like we're close already."

Ming Du nodded, and we ran toward their location. I hid in a bush and signaled Ming Du to do the same.

Skill [Stealth] Acquired.


"Huh Zhuo Fan, where are you?" Ming Du asked with a whisper.

"Shhh ... be quiet, stay here. Don't come out."

I ran vertically on a huge tree and then perched on a large branch. Taking a dagger, I threw it to the one with the highest cultivation. The Steward Sun who was trying to 'negotiate' with Luo Yunshang.

It was done in one clean hit in the head.

Skill [Assassination] Acquired.

Meh, why not? I maxed it out.

"Steward Sun!"

"Who's there!?"

"Show yourself!"

The 20 or so bandits become alerted. I only have three more daggers, so I need to finish them with another weapon. Oh, wait ... I still have dozens of arrows, right?

Throwing my three daggers to end the life of three bandits, I took a bow and arrow quiver from my storage.

With one arrow in the bowstring and two readies in my finger, I did something that might be called a [Quickshot]. Those three arrows were shot in under one second. That's what a max dexterity is capable of. I tried other move that I know from video games like shooting multiple arrows and imbuing it with Qi.

I got [Rapid Shot], [Multi-shot], and [Qi Arrow] skill from my experiment. The bandits weeded out in no time. It was less than 30 seconds overall, actually.

"This ..." Luo Yunchang and her guards all looked at the scene dumbfounded. "Senior, Luo Yunchang from the Luo Family, offers her gratitude for saving our life."

""We offer our gratitude.""

She cupped her hands and bowed to the opposite direction from where I perched. Followed by the guards who also bowed to that direction.

"Ahaha ..."

I laughed slightly at that.

This world where it revolves to fighting and gaining power. Those who are weak would force to grovel to the ground and licking the boots of those who are strong. It's a strange society, here a single slap could murder someone, and the murderer could get away without repercussion.

I dropped from the tree causing a small quake and spider-web crack in the ground.

Skill [Heroic Entry] Acquired.

Pretty much useless skill, so let's keep it greyed out like that. 

"Nice to see you again, Young Miss." I smiled while my gaze wander through the busty girl with blonde hair.

She's not bad looking. With a nice body and pretty face, her eyes are also clear from the manhua she seems to be a nice and kind noble girl. 

"Xiaofan ... I thought you-"

"Well, turn out what doesn't kill me make me stronger. More important thing is I'm alive and kicking, and I've grown stronger too."

"Zhuo Fan, did you just do it?"

"There's no way, right?"

I didn't answer their question and turn my attention to the bandits that I've killed. I use my [Auto-Loot] to them, the twenty or so corpse now stored in my Storage with all of their belonging. I need to discard the corpse someplace after this. Bringing all these dead body with me feels so wrong.

"Huh? What just ..."

"They're gone!?"

What I did caused confusion to the group of Luo family guards, but I was too lazy to explain every single thing to them. Not that I need to give any explanation or anything at all. 

"So, where are your group heading next?"

"Xiaofan, what happened. I thought you were ...,"

"Young Miss Luo, let's just treat it as the universe still don't let me die. Back to my question, do you have any plan?"

"Slave, answer my question ... did you kill those traitors? And where did they go after they died?" asked the young master Luo Yunhai.

I smiled at him amicably and pat his head ignoring his rebellious face.

"Listen here brat, I'm not anyone slave. And when adults are talking, kids like you should just stay silent and listen."

"Zhuo Fan watch your tone! You're speaking with the Young Master." the dozen guard pointed their weapon to me with Pang Tongling in the front.

"Don't you see I literally ended those bandits under a minute? What's make you have the confident to point your weapon at me?" I sighed seeing them trying to threaten me with their superior numbers. "Listen up here, for the sake of old time. As Luo family have raised me since I was a kid. It would be ungrateful for me if I just leave you when you're at your lowest. I'll escort you to the safety, but after that ... don't expect me to work for you like a slave."

"Xiaofan ... no, who are you?" Luo Yunchang asked slightly in disbelief.

"I'm Zhuo Fan. Now, Young Miss Luo, I repeat this question for the third time, don't make me say it for the fourth time. Any plan?"

"We will try visiting the Windgaze City and ask support from the Cai Family."

"Alright ..., lead the way." I nodded and remembered the man that I just saved. "Right. Ming Du, where are you? It's okay to come out!"

"Ming Du!?" Pang Tongling turned his attention to the bush in one corner where a bald middle-aged man stood up. "You're alive?"

"Look, we've arrived. That's the Windgaze City!"

I looked at the sight of the so-called 'city' and was disappointed. It's just a concentrated wooden house. Well, based on the story the setting of the first hundred chapter is still in the mortal world. There's not much wonder and miracle places in this stage of story.

"Zhuo Fan, I remember this is your first time to Windgaze City. So how is it?"

"I'm not impressed, actually."

"What? Dog slave, don't you know that Windgaze City is one of the largest cities in the empire. And you're not impressed? Something must be covering your dog eyes!"

I gracefully ignored the brat and approached Luo Yunchang. I recalled some plot points after running my brain quick, thanks to that I gained and maximized the skill related to my brain and mental capacity such as [Parallel Thought], [Photographic Memory], and [Thought Acceleration].

"Young Miss Luo, is it really necessary to beg the Cai family for help?"

"Huh? What do you mean, Xiaofan? Our Luo family are allied with the Cai family, and Xiaoting-ge is my fiancé. If not them, then who would help us?"

"I'm just saying. Worse case scenario is that ... seeing how your Luo family is in the brink of collapse, the Cai family head may consider renouncing the engagement and wed his son to another clan's daughter. Or worse, Luo family downfall is because of their scheming. Yeah, I know I'm talking nonsense here, but keep in mind that it's not impossible for such scenario to happen."

"Dog slave! My brother-in-law and Cai family isn't someone like that ..., he's my big sister childhood sweetheart. There's no way he'd do that!"

I ignored the small young master as usual.

"Xiaofan, I know you said that because you're worried. But do I have other choice?"

"Yes, you have ..."

"Then tell me." she asked with soft desperate voice.

"It's me ... I can help you and the Luo family to rise once again. I will do it for you, Young Miss. That is if you're willing and fulfil one condition for me."

"I know you're strong, but compared it to the Cai family? What can you do? One strong man cannot become a foundation of a family."

"What a foundation bullshits, I'm more than enough to back you up. Cai family is nothing in my eyes ..." that's true, if I want them or this town cease to exist in this world. With a single click I can annihilate them. Not that I will do it though. 

Come to think of it, what I just said sounds pretty arrogant. Damn it, I got contaminated by this cultivation world. 

"You're delirious, nonsensical. Get some rest, Xiaofan." Luo Yunshang shook her head and then turned to the guards. "Yunhai and I must make an official visit first, then I will come see you. Stay at a tavern in the meantime."

Luo Yunshang and Yunhai walked leaving the group. 

I sighed and let the two Young Miss and Young Master go. After they visited the Cai Family compound, the girl would realize that clinging her hope on her fiancé family is nothing but her own delusion. In the first place because Cai family won't dispatch some of their expert to deal with a small-time bandit, that is questionable.

Maa ... let the sheltered princess wake up by reality herself. 

"Old Pang, I'll go touring this town."

I strolled in the market while activating my [Stealth]. While hiding in this plain sight, I snatched a coin purse of a pompous-looking young man before hurriedly store it in my Storage. 

Skill [Pickpocket] Acquired.

Title: [Thief] Acquired

Yeah, that's what I'm after ..., let's train this skill to the max.

With [Pickpocket] level 10, I can steal more comfortably. I only stole those Young Masters or rich-looking dude. After all, the thing that I hate the most in the Eastern Fantasy world is the Young Masters. While I don't have enmity to these men and I don't know if they're the usual Young Master, but right now I need money to do some stuff. So please have a kind heart and let go of this pocket money of yours, magnanimous shaoye. Go home and ask your father for more allowance.

This is some kind of personal grudge ... though, I vent it to the wrong person. 

"Which eyes do you see that this is fake? This is the purest jade, one that if left in the sun for a day, will still feel cool to the touch. If worn as a pendant, cultivation will be much easier…" a shrewd looking man with thin-mustache, long eyebrows, and hairy mole beneath his lips pointed his hand at a beautiful girl. "Miss, maybe you know nothing about jade!"

I noticed a commotion and entered the crowd to get a better spot. That girl, who was it again ... Long something, Long Kui?

The pretty girl in white robe shook her head, she's still smiling softly, "I do not know much about jade, but I have seen one so I can tell this one's a fake."

"Hahaha, ridiculous ... you have only seen it once and you dare to say that you can distinguish which one is fake and which is real? Did you hear, everyone? Has there ever been such an absurd situation in the world?"

"Yes, it has. And talking about the price, the worst jade is worth 10 spirit stones while the best at hundreds. Yet yours is only 3 spirit stones."

"Get out of here Miss, don't ruin my business how could you possibly know of its value?"

While the man got enraged the girl just smiled. Right, it's the best time to help that girl and capture Long Kui's attention. I don't care whether she's shrewd black-belly and vindictive girl. The more broken and fucked up mind of a girl is, the sexier she become. And honestly, letting such decent girl like her get together with that fat prince is such a pity.

"What she said is true, the jade is fake!" I undo my [Stealth] and claimed with soft and serious tone. "Young miss eyes' are true but can't prove it. However, I can. Everyone, please prepare me sulfur, clover ...." 

I then asked for few common things that can be bought in the market. I threw them in a water and stirred it. "Please put the jade inside, if it's real then nothing would happen."

"You're just washing it!" full of confidence, the stall owner put the jade in the basin.

Once it entered, the water began to bubble and turn red.

Skill [Counterfeit] Acquired!

How did I get a counterfeit skill when I did is proofing whether it's real or not? Whatever ..., let's pull this bad boy of a stone amidst the confusion and run away.

"How can this be?!" the stall owner, even Long Kui widened their eyes seeing the reaction.

I pull out the jade that has become a seemingly ordinary looking rock and exclaimed, "See, no need to be so surprised. This jade is an imitation, now you know that she's right."

"The bastard lied to me; he sold it for 20 spirit stones!"

"This black jade is only worth 3 spirit coins." said Long Kui, she approached me and then said. "Mister has good eyes. I knew it was fake, but I couldn't pinpoint the difference. I thank you for this intervention."

"Don't mind it. Right, do you want to buy it? It's only 3 spirit stones, now."

"There's no need, I only wanted to inform everyone the stone's real price." Long Kui turned around and leave.

"So that's the case. Well, see you next time girlie." I waved hand at her who stopped and took a second glance. 

Now I got this [Blood Spirit] that can be used to refine a [Blood Infant]. Though, refining the blood infant is time consuming. Well, let's not rush things out. [Blood Infant] might be useful for overall boost in cultivation, and also useful for espionage. But that was somewhat unnecessary at the moment.

Now, I need to buy some materials for my moneymaking plan.