
First time!

Once we pulled away, he turned towards me and asked,"so let's dance, partner, shall we?"

I replied," Why not?" Just as I said that, he pulled me towards the dance floor. There were several pairs on the dance floor. The song which played was one of my favorites. Instead of going in the front, Ed pulled me to the back of the floor. The students who couldn't find a partner were sitting in the front with the teacher so there was no one who could see us( except for the other pairs around us). The song was a fast beat one so everyone was doing a weird hip hop dance. So, I and Ed joined everyone and started jumping and moving around each other. It was so much fun! I never wanted the music to stop. The next song which played was a classic salsa.

I doubted anyone knew classic salsa except me. I was not wrong, people were just doing random moves and hopping around. However, I was not completely right as well because just as Ed saw the look on my face, he turned me around. Then, we did a proper low dip and then he lifted me and caught one of my leg and arched me downwards. It was perfect! On seeing this, the teacher came towards us and clapped and did a salute. The teacher was Happy because we were both great together! once the teacher walked away, Ed murmured," Impressed, huh?" I said, " Not quite" and I winked at him. He seemed dazzled for a second and I liked that. He was over it soon and then the teacher told everyone to pay attention. It was difficult to do that when Ed was standing an inch away from me. However, I managed it. The professor said that today was the first day and so we were allowed to dance with whoever we wanted. From tomorrow, partners will be made and we will have assignments to do and dances to perform. I was delighted. The , the class was dispersed. Everyone started moving towards the exit. I waited a little because Ed was not moving. He seemed to be in some serious thought. After some moments, he said," Would you like to be my partner for this whole year?"

I replied too quickly," I would love that more than anything but we don't have that choice. The teacher will decide that."

he said," Leave that part to me. Just know that from tomorrow, it's gonna be me who will trouble you and will dance with you in all the classes." I loved that idea. The auditorium was almost empty so we started walking out. I looked around, searching for Bella but I couldn't find her. So, I just kept walking with Ed. We walked all the way to my place. Talking and chatting and laughing! why did time have to go so fast when I was with him? Just as we reached the door to my place, he asked softly," Hey! I am free in the evening. What about you? Wanna go for a movie? " I smiled and said," I don't mind! might as well come and watch something new"

"Great! So, I will see you at 6. Near the IMAX theater." Woah!!!! was I going on a date with him??? yes!!!

"okay then. Bye! Don't be late." he smiled and left.

The moment the hands of the clock said 5.45, I left for the theater, all dressed up. I had my floral, lavender dress on. I left my hair open. I reached the cinema 10 minutes earlier, but that wasn't bad because Ed was there too. I caught his eye and he sucked in a deep breath. when I reached him, he said, " You look gorgeous!"" Look who's talking!" He laughed and hugged me. I hugged him back. After all, it felt great to touch him. I felt my heart beat rush when his hand moved from my shoulders to my waist.