
Can't stop thinking about her 02 (Max POV)

Max and Akon did their tasks very precisely.

The bloody scene confirmed that the gang was now no longer in existence.

They returned back to their place. It was late evening by then. Akon went on the mysterious fourth floor of the villa, and Max returned to his room at third floor.

Not everyone knew about the existence of fourth level, the outer side of villa indeed was tall, but it gave an illusion that it just had three floor. An illusion was created. Insides were constructed by talented hands, indeed.

The trusted men who had their rooms at third level, which was a great honor, only they knew the existence of fourth floor. The walls were soundproof, but one would swear that they heard sounds like sawing, pulling, tearing, electrocuting, etc. at quiet times, for instance, like midnight.

Sadist Akon owned that mysterious fourth floor, and he tortured people they captured in conflicts there.

Max sighed while standing in front of his door. His hands on the door knob, he glanced for a second at Adria's door. Longings, he wanted to let himself in and let her console his very restless heart. But he knows, he can't do that.

Then he pushed the door open, and entered in his room. Removing his shoes, he a sat on the sofa. He was feeling strange, like an in-explainable questions raising in his heart.

The scene playing again and again in his mind was the scene when Adria was talking about a girl.

He thought of her happy, charming gooey eyed face, the face which he was once thought for sure she was not capable to make.

"No, this is not possible, she cannot fall for a girl. Big boss and Akon would never approve, and she would never go against them."

Thinking, he went to the water dispenser, got himself a cup of warm water, drank it and stood still.

That strange feeling was not going anywhere, it was a chilly calm, like he was getting feeling a chill from the incidents that were going to happen in future, it felt like the calm before storm.

"I am a bit too tired. I need good rest."

He went to the window of his room, and then stared blankly at the green field ahead.

Others, while looking at such a field would be filled with warmth and happiness, but the case was not same for Max.

It was the place where he became stronger, it was the place where they pledged to never let anyone go from their claws, where they became killers.

Staring at the field, chilled radiation escaped from his body. He was back being the ruthless killer he was.

"Now I am feeling much better. Heh." He said with a smirk.

Max went to bed and fall into deep slumber. He dreamt of his younger self.

Max once was a very bright kid. He had a loving family. A caring mother, a father who worked hard to fulfill his family's every wish and demand. He was a true gentle man. One could swear they never saw him angry. He was always smiling, and his aura made other's feel relaxed in his presence.

His mother was a housewife, his father was a lawyer.

Every day was sunny, bright and filled with happiness.

Every thing was as perfect as it could be.

Until that day, the day which was a nightmare for Max.

His father was a top lawyer, and the case he lost was his last case.

He was a man of principle. He wanted the truth side to be the victory party.

He never took a case where he had to save a criminal. Not ever. So he always wanted his clients to explain whatever happened truthfully to him.

But one fine day, when they were in middle of juridical process, he came into a realization. The party he was defending, had lied to him.

The opposite party was so poor that they were barefoot, and they walked all the way to court. The bread earner of their family was ran over when he was going back home after his work.

His client was a suspected murderer, who drove on the man of the family while he was crossing the road.

Son of a gangster, who was studying in America, and was going to be the next president of his father's white collar business. He was reckless as ever, and his father didn't wanted a single spot on his sons reputation because board members will not approve having company in reckless hands, so he had to do something. So they hired his father, by obviously, lying.

With this realization, Max's father stood up, went to the lawyer of the family.

They had a little discussion between them, and then the family's lawyer wanted the permission to ask a few questions from the suspect. No one knew what was happening. Even the judge was confused.

"Permission granted."

Then, a swift round of QnA went around, and within half an hour, the judgment was passed.

"The court declares that the suspect indeed is the murderer, he was driving the car in drunk state and is sentenced for his lifetime. The victim's family will get 1 million dollars as compensation." And then the list of punishment went on.

The gangster was sitting in the court, and he knew that it was all Max's father's doing.

He walked to him, and asked in a dangerous tone,

"Do you know that I can wipe out your and your whole family's existence?"

"And am I supposed to be scared?"

"Do you really think you are a certain someone? Who do you think you are? Middle class, no power, always rely on the law to get judgment, hehe, let me tell you, all of you standing here are like ants for me, I can stomp on you anytime I want."

"Nice meeting you too." And Max's father left.

He knew he was not going to live longer, after all the person he offended was not someone he could offend. But morals are morals. He didn't cared a bit about losing his life. For him, today was a fine day to die as any other.

But he was concerned about his family, and he wanted to make sure that they will be safe after him.

His wife was at her maternal house with his only son, and they were safe there. One thing he didn't knew about. His family loved him too much, and was going to shatter after him.

He was at his way back home, when his car collided with a truck, and it's not needed to point out that it wasn't an accident.

His mother was not able to take the blow, and she had a fatal heart attack which took her life.

Even Max maternal side of family was not sparred. They all died, except Max, who lost his way back home from school that evening and was hiding in a cement pipe from the rain.

However, he knew that he was not going to meet from the people he loved ever again.By time he reached back home, all of his family members were dead, inside the rumbles of house which abruptly collapsed. He couldn't take it anymore. He ran. And hid in the same pipe he was fighting earlier.

And dreaming about all this, Max abruptly woke up.

Had he not seen Akon fighting with someone with in middle of the rain that same day,he would have dead by now. Or sold. People who wanted to have unnatural relationship didn't lacked anywhere, and the business was blooming in that law-less city. Watching how he snatched the gun, and shot the person directly in head, then looking desperately for a place to hide, and how he called Akon to come inside the same pipe he was hiding in. They sat there for whole three hours, sharing stories, and then Akon asked him to come with him to join his group and getting his revenge.