
It's a Sapphic Thing

How easy is it to ask someone you like on a date? Have you ever considered anything before asking someone out? This is a story about two people who fall in love and their lives with the people around them. * X x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x X* That's all there is. There's nothing much in this story. There is no solid plot, only cliché stuff for your daily dose of Yuri. A mix of sweet and spicy goodness. Welp, there you have it. You have been warned. Read at your own risk. Thanks for dropping by! Enjoy~ * X x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x * x X* This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, businesses, places, events, or incidents are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

KeiMiyuki · LGBT+
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33 Chs

Chapter 2 - Coffee shops and Cafés are a Nightmare

"Man, that was embarrassing! I am never coming back to any coffee shop or café ever." J asserts as he slurps his drink.

"I know, right? How in the fuck would we know how to order when we don't go to this kind of place?" Z said as she sipped her drink.

"You know, I don't get the hype about coffee shops, man." Z continued on, to which J replied, "Yeah, tell me about it."

They are not going to coffee shops or cafés because they can't. They just won't. Their parents own the company they are working at, so they are pretty much well-off.

"You know what, why don't we do that and become civilized like other people?" J looks at Z, looking for a positive reply.

"Let's become one of those elites hanging out in a coffee shop." He straightened his back and tilted his head to the side, trying to show off a smug look.

"Yeah, sure, but you know, how about you pay me for what you owe me first?" Z said, not looking at her friend.

"Hey, I may have borrowed anything, but I would never borrow money, let alone have you of all people lend me some. Money destroys friendships." J replied defiantly, as if taking offense.

"Yeah, it's not about the money, but you freaking destroyed my tablet. How about some courtesy in getting it fixed?" Z grimaced at her friend.

"Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about that, I'm really sorry." J tells her pleadingly and adds, "I thought you loved me though?"

"In your dreams." She said coldly, "Get it fixed, give me yours, or get a new one; I don't care. I needed it yesterday."

"You know I love you, right? No homo but I promise I'll get it fixed soon. Use your old one for now." J said as they reached the building's premises in a matter of a few minutes.

Riding the elevator to the 11th floor, both of them finished their drinks as quickly as they could and tossed them right at the trash bin outside the elevator as they walked to their own offices.

"Well, ain't that nice. See you later." J told Z as he savored the taste in his mouth, to which she nodded in reply. "Yup, laters."


Another day at their life taking jobs where everyone silently works while waiting for their lunch breaks. While a certain gay person can't keep her focus on the job as her mind keeps on wandering over to a specific café, she still sees the vibrant smile coming from the prettiest girl she has ever laid eyes upon.

"Man, she's really pretty,'" Z thought loudly to herself, recalling how the pretty girl's strawberry blonde hair complemented her perfect green little eyes that reminded her of nature looking so pure, and that perfect smile that took her breath away as she smiled at her. 'Oof, I didn't get the chance to ask for her name."

She was still deep in thought when someone casually approached her and said, without looking at her, "Hey, Z. I just wanted to have you sign this paper."

Seeing that she didn't hear him. He knocked on the table and said in a loud whisper, "Earth to Z!"

Startled by the closeness with which the guy whispered to her, she responded, "Yo, hey, what's up?"

Arthur laughed and said, "I need you to forget about her and sign this for me, and please tell me you have sorted out the best portfolio from the applicants so I can start with the interview." resh

Arthur has given her a lot of digital portfolios and a hard copy of the profiles of recent graduates in art and computer science. They promote diversity in the company and strongly advise any applicants to submit a written and visual art portfolio without any pictures of themselves, so they have no idea how they look, and it makes the process more fair and objective.

Z coughed while reading the paper and said, "What do you mean, her?"

"So, it's a he, then?" Artur asked her with sarcasm, which she brushed off and replied, "Yep, you got me, and yes, I have selected the best portfolio out of the candidates—well, six."

She gave him the folders on her left side. "Here is the best one yet, Catherine... and uh, Felicity, and this one, Chris." Arthur receives them and looks at them.

"What do you know! These are all my top picks as well. Catherine, in particular. This girl slays!" Arthur exclaims as he browses through the profiles.

The corner of her lips curled for a soft smile. Arthur has been working with her for three years, and until now, he's never lost his spirit. She could never match his energy.

"Are you sure it's me you want to interview these people?" Arthur asked rather excitedly

She signed the document and handed it back, giving instructions to Arthur, "It's about time. Now get out, ask for a meeting, and let the team know."

"You got it, boss!" Arthur salutes as he walks backward to his work. "Shut up." Z shook her head and laughed as Arthur went back.

"Gay," he whispers to her without letting out a sound.

"Gay~" She mouths back in a joking manner, putting her hand to her mouth and mimicking a certain meme as if shouting what she said.

Arthur gives her the finger and just sits down in front of his computer not knowing that their boss aka the CEO is right behind him which made Z smile widely and just like that a sound of a folded paper hitting Arthur was heard making the guy turn abruptly but hides away in an instant as he saw him glare saying, "Oops, my bad~"

"Are you sure you want to keep this guy on your team?" Ethan asks her as he enters the room.

"C'mon, Uncle. We were just joking around. That guy is the best I can have on my team." Z stopped what she was doing and leaned back in her chair.

"Just making sure. Well, are you ready for the new hires? We'll be taking in some fresh graduates as you suggested." Ethan said as he took one of the seats in front of her desk.

Z stopped what she was doing and calmly faced Ethan and said, "Yeah, sure, I've been wanting to get some additional help since our clients are getting larger in number and handling so many branches has been quite demanding."

"I know and appreciate your contributions to the company, and I don't want you to get burned out, which is why I agreed to take on as much as we need for these roles, but it'd be better to get someone with experience, you know?" Ethan tried to make some sense to her.

"You think I don't know that?" I just want to give it a chance. What do you know? Maybe you'll be able to find another me—or J." She winks at Ethan, and Ethan couldn't help but agree with her.

"I understand you are flexing, but don't do that too much." He laughs and pats Z on the shoulder.

They talk more about work-related stuff until Ethan attempts to stand up. "I better get back to my office now. Tell that boy I need him in my office. NOW."

'Oops, looks like daddy is pissed.'


Lunch break came in a jiff, and Z sat down, patiently waiting for her friend while playing a game on her phone.

J came around sighing deeply, and said in a defeated tone, "Bro, you go take your lunch. Dad's taking me hostage because of the delay in our development with our project for Company X"

"Well, that sucks. You could've sent me a message." She says this as she slips her phone into her pocket.

"Yeah, about that, I left my phone back at my office." J replied, sounding more depressed.

"Welp, guess I'll see you later." Z sighed and patted her friend on the back.

"Give me a hug first, or I'll miss you and come with you instead." J pouts, trying to act cute, but it just hurts Z in the eyes.

"Piss off." She turns to give him the cold shoulder, and J just fakes a cry while shouting, "I hate you! I am starving, and I hate you!"

"Sucks to be you." She responded without looking at her friend and just casually waving her hand.

Z went to the cafeteria, not liking what they offered today. She then remembered the café and the girl from before.

"Hmm, how about I go back there?' She ponders to herself.

'Nah, I'll just eat here.'

"Okay, I made up my mind. I'm going back there. I'd love to have some coffee as well.' After battling with herself. She decided to treat herself to some fancy food. (If you know what I mean.)

And here's chapter 2! I am thinking of publishing three chapters today and maybe followed by a weekly update.

Thanks for dropping by!

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