
Steadfast Trainer! Your Journey has Begun

Author's note: Author here, sorry for not publishing back on wednesday, so instead of two chapters today, I will be combining both! Both chapters are aligned with the title so yeah.

As the summit of a new era has begun, a trainer from an emerging city against a specialist of the known. One is new to all of this while the other has been living throughout, One only knows how Pokemon works on the screen while the other knows how it works through everything, Yoake Katsuragi against Brock, the rock-type specialist of Pewter City.

"GEODUDE GO!", "alright, Bellsprout, take your move!"

Both trainers threw their Pokeball to the sky, and each ball released a Pokemon. The one that Brock threw, formed a ball with rugged surfaces, and two big hands on its side, while Yoake's ball formed a plantish Pokemon with a big O as a mouth, a stick figured body from its branches. Both Pokemon landed on the battlefield, and stared at each other with a competitive look.

"Geodude, start off with Stealth Rock!",

"Bellsprout, use Vinewhip and attach yourself to the roof!"

Geodude then punched the ground until a few rocks were thrown upward, it punched those rocks and flew toward Bellsprout. From the orders of its trainer, Bellsprout followed, and released a Vine from its hand, elongating it in the process, it saw a few pipes above, with its knowledge from its tree swinging in the sanctuary, it grabbed the pipe and began to swing to the other side of the field.

"Bellsprout, corner him with Vine Whip!",

"You won't be defeating Geodude that easily! Rock Slide!"

Bellsprout fell to the ground, and touched it with its stemmed hands, Vines began to grow out from the battlefield, trapping both Pokemon in the field but not tall enough for the trainers to see what was going on. Geodude began to punch the ground repeatedly, debris began to rise as the punching continued until Geodude punched the risen rocks toward Bellsprout.

A few rubles managed to Bellsprout but Yoake's confidence toward the Pokemon was very undoubtful, Brock noticed how the trainer and Pokemon was determined but there is one thing he didn't expect.

"Great! Bellsprout uses a Vine whip to swing yourself through the battlefield and use Bullet Seed with it!" Yoake told Bellsprout, the Pokemon nodded and Brock realized this trainer was on a whole new level, a level he wouldn't expect.

"Now Hold your rapidash kid! Geodude, Fire punch!"

Geodude's right hand began to flame as soon as Brock mentioned the move, and Yoake smirked as he saw an opportunity in the field. Ralts on the other hand noticed this trainer somehow by-passed the old norms of trainer and used something unheard of in Pokemon training, free style.

Bellsprout shot out bullets to Geodude but its firing hand managed to burn the seeds before hitting it, the Pokemon continued to swing to the ceilings until Yoake finally called out a full attack.

"Bellsprout, Magical Leaf!", "Geodude! Rock throw!"

Bellsprout began to form leaves on its surroundings as it swung throughout the roof, Geodude punched the ground once more to get some rocks. With enough leaves, Bellsprout threw a pile of razor sharp leaves toward Geodude before it threw its rocks, thus fainting the Rock Pokemon very quickly.

Brock withdrew the fainted Pokemon, and prepared for his next Pokemon. But before throwing another Pokeball, he decided to give a simple chat to the trainer,

"I am impressed with your tactics, and skills, even for someone who's new into Pokemon training, you can get to the league in no time, if you know how to throw your dice, but let's see how you can compete with this? ONIX END THE BATTLE NOW!"

"Bellsprout, Magical Leaf!"

Brock threw the Pokeball, and a big rock-ish snake appeared in the battlefield, midgiting the tiny Bellsprout and Ralts. The rock snake Pokemon then charged upward as it tried to catch Bellsprout but before the Pokemon could even rise itself to the ground, Bellsprout had already thrown a pile of sharp leaves to the Pokemon, and fainting it quicker than what Yoake did to Geodude.

"Okay, then. You have won." Brock said as he withdrew Onix, and slowly walked towards Yoake. The trainer also withdraws his Pokemon, and places its Pokeball to his belt.

"Here you go, you owned it, congrats. Yoake Katsuragi." Brock said as he gave the Boulder badge to the trainer. It was a gray octagon with intersecting lines on each side forming another octagon inside. Yoake is generally annoyed about his name being called out in a full title but since he's receiving the badge, he'll just shrug it off.

"Thanks." Yoake said as he took the badge and put it in his pouch.

"Well, the next gym is in Cerulean City, and I'm guessing you already know what you're gonna do next?" Brock stated as he was very aware that this trainer has a goal that wants to be done as soon as possible, and this battle is enough to justify his thoughts.

"Right, thanks." Yoake said as he carried Ralts and left the gym.

"Pallet City, weird, it's like that city is a factory of great trainers." Brock said to himself as he looked at the leaving trainer.


"Huh, she ran away and scammed my parents… typical." Yoake sighed as he looked at the recent text he got from Leaf, who told him that she left and has to do some errands.

"Well, we're on our own Ralts, with Bellsprout of course." Yoake optimistically said to the small Pokemon. He was relieved from the text since there's no annoying Leaf in their journey.

They were taking a walk in the streets of Pewter city. He noticed that there were lesser people in the streets, and so were the cars passing by. He was aware that he might not go to Cerulean city today, so he reserved a room in a hotel nearby.

While walking, they've noticed a tall figure at a distance, it has white hair, and fully blacked clothing. Yoake slowly walks toward it as this is the only route for them to travel to the hotel.

"Yoake Katsuragi, right?" The figure suddenly talked and slowly looked at the trainer. The man has a black beret, a black mask to cover its mouth and nose, blue eyes, white hair, and a black uniform.

"How did you know my name…" Yoake asked the man as he had a mixture of surprise and confusion as he asked him, the man chuckled and decided to introduce himself to the new trainer.

"Everyone knows you ever since you joined the league, and you shouldn't be surprised how things like that can lead to something unpresented." The man stated to the trainer.

"I'm guessing you're a trainer as well?" Yoake asked the man as he was trying to find another trainer besides him, and Ren.

"Do you want to know?" The man asked him as he revealed a single Pokeball in his hand. Yoake saw this as an opportunity to battle and prove himself that he can do things alone.

"Well then." Yoake stated as he looked at Ralts. The Pokemon wasn't sure if it was ready to battle but with confidence from the trainer, she decided to battle.

"Nidoran, show who's boss.", "Ralts, use your advantage."

Both Pokemon stood to the cemented pavement, and stared at each other as the informal battle began between the two.

"Nidoran, double kick.", "Ralts, Confusion."

Ralts was outspeed by the purple Pokemon as it charged towards Ralts, it gave two kicks to Ralts, a powerful move at this stage of evolution but isn't effective against Ralts. Ralts then releases a beam from its horn, and hits the Nidoran, a powerful and effective move that nearly faints the Pokemon, it was a miracle that it even survived.

"Nidoran, double kick again.", "Ralts, Confusion."

Nidoran quickly kicked Ralts once more but this time, it quickly then jumped to Ralts, and pecked Ralts horn as the Pokemon got hurt. Yoake was surprised by this as the Pokemon got hurt the first time, he was planning to withdraw Ralts but she was getting hurt by Nidoran.

"Ralts!" Yoake shouted as the Pokemon got hurt. The man was silent all throughout the battle but until a shine came out from Ralts body, it slowly grew and formed a human-like body, it has a bigger head, horns splitting into two and oved to the sides, a ballerina tutu formed to its hip and began to tip its toe. The glow slowly disappeared and it revealed a new stage of evolution to Ralts, a Kirlia.

"Kirlia- Kirlia use COnfusion!" With the evolved form, Ralts evolved into its stronger form, and released a powerful beam and finally fainted the Nidorin.

"Impressive." The man complimented Yoake as he withdrew the fainted Nidoran back to its Pokeball. Yoake then decided to call out Kirlia to return back to him but he wasn't sure if he should still carry her.

"It seems that you and Kirlia have a very serious bond, let me see if I can see a good bond once we meet again." The man stated as smoke appeared around him and left immediately. Yoake scoffed as he waves his hand to clear out the smoke.

"What the hell is that?" Yoake said as he looked at Kirlia. The two shrugged and went to their hotel to take a rest, and some dinner before they did so.

and so, the first day of the adventure has begun, new things begin to rise for tomorrow as things become more and more interesting.

To be Continued in, The Bridge

Some good trivia to know more about the Pokemon world: 6 years ago, bikes were used mostly for Pokemon training and travelling across the country, but with the introduction of trains, bikes are now used for recreational purposes and travel around the city.