
Issei - [Dark Dragon Emperor] (English)

I don't know what you are complaining about, you caused this and now you are not able to resist the consequences of your actions. I fight for what I need and what gets in my way I will kill. . . . . After completing the missions with the DxD group, Issei is finally free to make up for lost time but not knowing that time was running out. . . . . A sin, a mistake, a betrayal, which will result in an awakening of fear and overwhelming power. He will bring with him the person who will crush his enemies and the one who got the title of Dark Dragon Emperor

_DemonLight_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

I like you

[Before starting, you must remember that this is a fanfic/theory, the characters, images, music used, credits to their creators, the story, their order and personalities of the characters will be changed]



<By believing in appearances, we are always wrong>


The plans were made, the leaders decided the path they were going to start taking from now on.

A path that would not have any inconvenience.

Those who make up the alliance began to mobilize their people to reunite humans with Sacred Gear, this thanks to the god system found in heaven and the search for Azazel.

"Currently there are 5 people who have already awakened their Sacred Gear and they are in Japan, 1 in Saitama, 2 in Kuoh, 1 in Osaka, and 1 on an island near Okinawa"

Azazel mentioned while pointing to the said parts on a map.

They all nodded at what was said and began to mobilize to obtain the Sacred Gear and 'help' them in their fight.

It was decided to send a couple of demons and fallen angels to the place on the island near Okinawa.

The others would search the other places, while the sky searched for more people with Sacred Gear.

They planned to send the nobility of Sona or Rias, but they decided to send only one person, while the nobility recruited those who were in Kuoh.

Unfortunately for them, one of those people who possessed an awakened Sacred Gear, was one who had befriended someone they considered dead.

And they would have wanted it to stay that way.


Akeno Himejima, was the queen of Rias Gremory's peerage, just like her best friend.

A demon half fallen angel, who due to his past, needed an emotional pillar to continue with his day to day.

He first tried to hold on to Rias as his pillar, but he never managed to do it.

Not until he arrived, a normal young man with brown hair, like any boy his age had his perverted side, but he exceeded that level, when he met him he didn't find anything different from him, it wasn't until Rias laid eyes on him. due to his power, that's how he started getting closer, he found his attitude funny and that's why it always bothered him, he wasn't going to deny that at first he was never interested in him romantically and he only thought that he was used for his power and that didn't bother him, while she will help her friend, that was fine with her.

But, things change, as the days passed, his feelings changed, as did the way he saw the boy.

Without realizing her curiosity turned to interest, and then to affection, when she revealed her secret to him, she expected him to despise her, however against everything she thought and expected.

"I like Akeno senpai"

That boy, those words, that he had already heard dozens of times from various boys, he never felt anything when he heard them, but this was different, his chest warmed and his heart pounded, he understood, this boy... no ... Issei... yes... she had fallen in love with Issei Hyōdō, finally, after so long she found what she longed for, someone who could accept her without judging her, someone she could hold on to, her emotional pillar, he had given her He demonstrated with those simple words everything she wanted to feel and she knew that he would never change his mind, so in exchange for that, she would give him all of herself.

I saw everything about him, his actions, the way he stood up for what was right, protected his friends, and never backed down from what he set out to do, I saw him fight with Raiser and keep standing up despite the difference in power, sacrificing his arm just to defend his king, even against stronger enemies he never backed down, only to defend his friends.

It hurt her to see when he was hurt, like all the others, she felt how her world almost fell apart when Fenrir sank his fangs into him, but it broke when she found out that he died in the dimensional gap, everything that Issei What he represented to her was her world, without him now she had no reason to continue, when she saw him back her happiness was such that that same night, even if it was right there, she wanted to give herself to him.

But she understood something that day, it was already the fourth time that Issei was on the verge of death, the first time was when Reynare was going to kill him in the park, but Rias saved him, the second time when they fought against Loki, the third time when I use the Juggernaut Drive and the last one was the dimensional gap.

He knew, he was supposed to be a normal human until he entered the supernatural, and he had no obligation to fight for the supernatural, however he was always willing to risk his life for everyone, he was the definition of a "hero". ", a demon being a hero, it was funny putting those two words together, but it was the correct way to define it.

In just one year he achieved what no one had achieved, in just one year he went from being a low-class devil with no ability to being the most powerful Sekiryuutei of all time, from having the power to destroy a simple house to destroying a continent, from fighting weak rogue demons to facing off against gods and dragons, from saving her to saving the supernatural world.

All in less than a year, he was recognized even by the two dragon gods, becoming the mainstay of the factions.

She was happy for him, but she felt that the stronger she got, the further away from him he seemed to be, should she really stay by his side, someone weak like her?, but again he came to save her.

"Akeno-san, I like you and that will never change"

If he was able to say such things without hesitation, then why was she hesitating to be by his side?

She once again promised to stay by his side no matter what, but the small thorn of not being worthy of being with him remained stuck in her heart.

When he left to complete the missions with the DxD team, she felt sad, but she took the opportunity to become strong so that when her beloved returns, she can walk with him and be proud to be by his side.

Not having him around also affected her, but she would remain firm so that when he returns she will be able to fulfill what she has wanted for a long time, to be his and only his.

But one never knows what will happen, why even the future may change and destiny may never come true.

Kota, that name that she now repudiates with all her being, that man that she now only wants to destroy with her own hands for taking away what is most important to her, what she had to give to Issei, the one that made her now just want to die, scream, the that he deceived her to betray the person she loves the most.

But even she knew that the fault was not only his, it was also hers, she was weak, her love that she had promised Issei was weak, she allowed herself to be sweetened by the fragrance and warmth of feeling the warmth of someone who will accept her. , he realized that he was emotionally weak, the fact that Rias will cooperate with him didn't help at all.

But could they really blame her? That boy looked so much like Issei, yet he still stood his ground before the person who swore love.

His weakness was emotional, he had found his emotional pillar, but he was not with her, the thorn that stuck in his heart grew and he took advantage of this, he offered to help her become strong, she accepted it, not because she would like it, she did it because she had a goal and wanted to achieve it.

Time passed and he became more aggressive with his advances, but she remained adamant, Rias tried to get him to join, but she remained adamant.

They played with her mind, with her feelings, they both managed to convince her that Issei didn't love them, she would refute that with all her being, after all she is the person she loves, but they knew how to control her.

"So why doesn't he call? Why did he leave, if we're not supposed to be the most important thing to him? Does fame matter to him, that's why he abandoned us? He's a pervert and only that matters to him, what does he care about us? Are you sure that at this moment you are not deceiving us?"

These and more things were told to him, he wanted to deny it, but his mind began to cloud, without realizing it he also began to forget Issei, his heart that was full of that feeling for him, was changing for Kota, his emotional pillar had changed again .

She accepted all that, and believing that Issei was using them only for their bodies took root in her mind, at that moment she hated Issei and without thinking about it anymore, what she promised she would do with Issei, the only one who could claim her body, He was claimed by another, she forgot everything related to him and only gave herself to Kota, her half-fallen blood didn't help either.

At that moment, she succumbed to her emotional weakness and let herself be carried away by the feeling of wanting to forget.

While she was with Kota without thinking about the love she once felt for that person who even began to forget his name, he was risking his own life in fights that could easily kill him, with each fight, the feeling and love for those women that she loves was getting stronger, and she just wanted to return as soon as possible to be by her side, that's why she was doing this, she wanted them not to have to fight and just live in peace.

While one easily forgot, another remembered with all his might.

When he finally returned, she treated him with indifference, she didn't even remember his face, he tried to get closer and treated them with love, love that she didn't feel, so she didn't care what happened the day she 'died'.

And he regretted that sooner rather than later, well he says don't judge a book by its cover, and the cursed Kota after a while showed his true fangs.

That he only wanted us for our bodies, that we were worthless to him, that he only wanted fame, apparently all of that was for someone else, all of that was for Kota, we were just fun, currency if that was the case.

We who were the sun for a person who loved us until the last moment, we fell so low until we were worth less than a replaceable toy.

Nightmares tormented not only Rias, but also me, the others, every night we saw that boy who smiled sincerely at us and saw us with warm eyes crying, screaming in agony, we saw the same scene over and over again, the one with knees crying full of wounds and us in front with Kota doing... what we are supposed to do with Issei.

Trying to position my body to block that scene but it was useless, I could only cry and apologize over and over again, but it was useless.

Those words that saved me, I always remembered with affection and those words were the ones that I clung to with all my strength, I repeated them in my mind and always felt a warmth when remembering them.

Those words, I heard them again from the person I thought I would never see again.

That warmth with which he was accompanied, which made me feel calm and transmitted affection.


"I really like you, Akeno-senpai"

Now it gave me fear and a feeling that conveyed death.

A calm voice, indifferent, but strong and serious, and a look that caused tremors to my bones.

I always knew that Issei was strong, I promised to become strong to walk by his side, but now I know that I am not strong, much less will I be able to walk by his side, not anymore, since I broke my promise, I was determined that this was what I expected.

But I wanted to hug him, ask for forgiveness, even if my knees bleed, I just want him to forgive me, I want us to go back to how we were before, I will never make those mistakes again, even if the others don't come back, I will do the impossible so that only me is enough , I will give you all the love you should have always deserved, even if we reincarnate, I will look for you to be with you.

I wanted to tell him all this, but the words wouldn't come out, my body was paralyzed with fear, I could only cry as I watched him approach, even among all this destruction and burning place, he seemed not to care and calmly got closer and closer.

"I like you Akeno-senpai, I've always liked you, but now I like you more... seeing how you tremble with fear... I really like you more this way Akeno-senpai"

With all the strength of my will I began to speak.


"The fear, or the blood from the wounds? Because if it's not that, I don't care what you feel now"

"I see... this is my punishment, if it's you... then dying isn't bad"

"I'm not going to kill you Akeno-senpai"


"You will live, in order to feel everything that I have had to feel...; so don't die in the meantime"

Soaring into the sky with a pair of dragon wings, Issei reached out his hand, and I was surprised, but fear invaded my body again, for in his arm was the Boosted Gear.

A sphere of magical power shot towards the center of the island and it didn't take more than a couple of seconds for the island to start shaking and then explode.

All those who were still alive were eliminated by the explosion, perhaps by luck or because Issei already decided my fate, I managed to save myself, but the shock wave caused me to be thrown several tens of meters before falling into the water, losing consciousness the last time. What I saw was Issei leaving, I tried to extend my hand to reach him, but it was useless and I only sank deeper until I lost consciousness.

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