
Issei's Redemption

Issei wakes up one day and finds a floating blue screen staring at him. What will he do now? Watch as he finds his way in this new supernatural world he's accidentally stumbled upon and makes a name in it.

some_writer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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166 Chs

New Roommate

"Hello! It is I, Le Fay Pendragon! I have been under your care at Kyoto!" Le Fay greeted them cheerfully as she exited the magic circle she came from. Suddenly, another magic circle appeared beside her and the person emerged quickly from it and dashed towards Issei.

Issei smiled as Kuroka hugged him tightly. "Long time no see, Issei-kun nya~! Do you still like Oppai? " Kuroka asked him while feeling him up. Isssei chuckled.

" You bet I do, Kuroka. " Issei whispered back, making her shiver. Issei felt someone staring at him and looked to see it was Ophis.

" I want to talk. "

Azazel approached him. "Drink tea with her. I deceived and lied to other factions in order to make this setting. If this was found and goes into a bad direction, my head will get cut off for real. " He pleaded. Issei pointed at him.

" You owe me hundreds of favors. I'll tell you one of them later." Issei declared, Azazel nodded repeatedly

'To my grandpa in heaven. It seems like I really do get involved in many things. Finally, the time for me to drink with the ultimate being has come. ' Issei thought to himself. Rias invited everyone to the VIP room.

A strange mixture of people were in the VIP room. There was Rias and her peerage, Sona, Irina, Azazel, Le Fay and Kuroka. Lastly, there was Issei and Ophis who were the centers of this meeting. A gathering like this would normally be something impossible in the olden days.

"Here is your tea." Akeno served the tea to the Vali Team members and Ophis while being on high alert. No one could blame her for acting like this.

The meeting officially started, there was an awkward silence that followed. Ophis stared right at Issei, waiting for what he had to say. Issei smiled at her.

"So, what business do you want with us?" Issei asked her.

" Ddraig, do you want to quit being Heavenly Dragons?" She asked suddenly. Then, the Boosted Gear covered his left arm.

"I'm afraid we don't understand what you mean." Issei smiled wryly at her.

" Your fights, I saw them all. It was weird. You have different evolutions. First you were a Dragon-Human-Devil hybrid, then you made the True Longinus submit to you, and then you're an angel. First time that I know of. " Ophis explained.

" That's why I want to ask, Ddraig. What will you become?" Ophis asked while twitching her neck. Issei found it cute. He had to answer it.

Issei smirked at her. "I will become the strongest being in the world. Stronger than you, stronger than Great Red. No one will come close to defeating me once I stand on top of the world." Issei declared confidently while staring into her eyes. Ophis widened her eyes and smirked menacingly at him.

"You're an interesting one. You fought Baka Red without fear in your heart. Help me take back my silence, Ddraig. " Ophis offered. Issei shook his head.

" Nah...." Issei answered bluntly. Ophis narrowed her eyes a little. She gave up on it though.

"And can you call me Issei? Ddraig is someone else." Issei asked.

"Fine. Issei." Ophis whispered and looked at the Boosted Gear.

"I want to look. Ddraig. I want to look at your possessor even more." She stared back at Issei again. Azazel patted Issei's shoulder.

"So like that, can you leave her in this house for a few days? Just as you see, Ophis wants to look at you. I don't know what reason there is behind this, but it will be fine if it's just looking right? " Azazel asked him. Issei sighed and looked at Rias for hef opinion.

"I don't mind if Issei is okay with it. Of course we will be on alert and we have to stop her with full force if anything happens. If you accept that, then I will take this request, Azazel. " Rias replied with narrowed eyes. Issei shrugged.

" I'm okay with it. As long as she doesn't disturb me studying for the mid semester test, then it's okay." He muttered. Azazel looked at the girls from the Khaos Brigade.

"I'm not in the position to say this but Ophis, Le Fay and Kuroka, these guys have important tests coming up so just don't disturb them."


"Okie Dokie!"

" I will just relax nyan~!"

The girls agreed to his request. Le Fay then nervously came to Issei and pushed out something. It was an autograph card.

"U-umm! The fight with Sirzechs-dono the other day! I wasn't deeply amazed! Please give me your signature if it isn't too much! " Le Fay shouted out. Issei chuckled and took the pen she was holding. He signed his signature on the card and gave the pen back to her.

"Thank you so much Hakairyūtei-san!"

"Mhm. It's no problem."



It's the weekend and we still continue to study for the test. There is one girl in gothic-lolita clothing sitting at the corner looking at us. Obviously it's Ophis.

It took Issei some sleepless nights but he was able to get the subjects needed in the mid semester test to an adequate level.

He didn't care for academics that much anymore. He was a millionaire now due to the investing he did and the salary he got from Sirzechs by being the Ambassador of the Underworld. But in real life school is still very important. So please study and play hard.

Issei put the book he was reading down and went to the underground training facility that was under his mansion. Ophis curiously followed him silently.

Issei arrived at the facility and started training immediately. It was intense as usual. Ophis silently watched him fighting a clone of himself he made that had the same amount of power he had.

During the spar with his clone, he noticed Ophis watching. She looked like she wanted to say something but didn't want to say it out loud.

Issei made his clone disappear and approached her. Ophis looked up at the giant standing in front of her.

"Do you need something?" Issei asked her. Ophis nodded.

"Yes, I do. What I want is simple. I want you to fight me.....

To be continued...