
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Action
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129 Chs

two monsters meet part 2

"Two monsters are about to go head up." Frost said.

Xavier looked through the goggles, no words coming out of his mouth.

Jerome and the man got into their stances. Getting ready to go at it.

Jerome had his cape blowing in the wind and his sword in his hands to his side, while leaning forward just a little.

The man let out a laugh.

"Come at me."

Jerome in a instant charged right at Levi.

Levi had no weapons. He only used his fist.. they were swollen and has a lot of hard skin around the knuckle part.

The jumped back as he saw Jerome charging at him. The man then began to run at Jerome also.

As they where about to meet Jerome quickly got on his back and started to slide underneath Levi's legs .He managed to cute one of the guys thighs.

Before Jerome could get up. Levi was already there on top of him.

The man began to stomp on the ground and Jerome started to roll away from the mans giant feel. Jerome could feel the impact of his feet hitting the ground.

He knew that if he was to get stomped on, he would get crushed in the process.

While Jerome was rolling on the ground away from Levi's feet.

When Jerome got to his right side of the shoulder that was touching the ground. Jerome grabbed a handful of sand at that moment and threw it into Levi's eyes.

Levi stopped and let out a loud yell.

Jerome got to his feet while he was blind and charged at him again.

With the mans eyes sill closed. Jerome held the sword above his head while he was in mid air. He lunged at Levi.

But to Jerome's surprise the man punched the sword and reflected it.

Jerome sat there for a few moment before realizing what just happened.

Then he began to swing the sword at a very fast pace and the man punched everywhere the sword was going.

Jerome then swung the sword from the side and the man caught the sword in his bare hands.

"Hahahah. Don't u see? My fist are hard, I've had to use these to survive my childhood."

Jerome eyes widened in surprise to what Levi just said.

"You've had to fight also to survive?." Jerome asked.

Levi pushed Jerome back with his sword.

"Of course how else do u think I am how I am today?. U can relate can't you? We are the very same. We only fight for ourselves and no one else, you know this more then I do. We don't help anyone. Only ourselves." Levi explained.

"We don't rely on anyone. Only our selfs." Levi also said.

Levi then in a quick motion ended up behind Jerome in a instant and threw a punch at him.

Jerome turned to his left side and put his left are up.

Levi punched him right in his arm and Jerome could feel the impact of the punch spread throughout his whole left arm.

Jerome went flying and was sliding across the ground until he put his sword into the ground to stop his movements.

Jerome looked up to see Levi running fools speed at him.

Jerome quickly got to his feet. Levi started to throw a barrage of punches. And Jerome quickly blocked all of them with his sword.

"Imagine being in a prison cell as a young child, Jerome Killa. And everyone in the prison was so jealous of your power that they all tried to kill you. So there for you had to use your fist to survive. And kill all of your inmates." Levi said.

As he was still punching Jerome.

Jerome found an opening and pulled out his dagger with his left hand and then quickly swung it side ways at the side of Levi's head.

But Levi saw it coming and ducked down and then threw a hook right to Jeromes ribs.

Jerome could feel two ribs being broken.

Jerome stumbled backwards and then came back forward to jab the sword at Levi.

Levi slapped the sword away from his stomach area. Levi then began to throw a barrage of punches again.

Jerome blocked them all.

Levi then quickly used his left leg and kicked. Jerome ducked and punched him in his stomach.

"I see. Only certain parts of his body are soft. The other parts are hardened through intense training and much much more." Jerome thought to himself.

Jerome threw his dagger at Levi.

Levi dodged but not fast enough to not get the left side of his face grazed by the dagger.

Jerome ran up to Levi and dropped kicked him.

Levi didn't move much. While Jerome was on the ground Levi picked him up and threw him into a tree.

Jerome had hit his head on the tree. He was now bleeding from the top of his head. To the point it was coming down past his left eye.

Levi started to walk slowly towards Jerome.

"Now then. Before u get to the prison. U end up going their for killing your whole family who did nothing but force u to do labor, so when u decide not to work like a slave any longer, they try to throw u out on the street. But you won't let them. U end up killing them all, all brothers, sisters, father, and mother." Levi said.

"Then when h kill everyone in the prison pod. You are sent away here to this island." Levi said in anger.

Jerome stood to his feet. He was off balance and then gathered himself.

Jerome started to smile.

Jerome then charged at Levi with his sword again.

But this time Jerome was moving at incredible speed.

Before Levi knew it, he was getting sliced all around his body.

Levi ball up. He had his arms across each other and let out a loud yell.

Jerome flew back.

Levi started to speed up just as fast as Jerome was moving also.

"Hey Xavier, this is crazy right?" Frost asked.

"Hell yea, it is." Xavier said in a entertaining way.

Frost was looking at the two going at it, his jaw dropped when they disappeared.

"I-I can't see them." Frost said to Xavier.

"No. Look right there. Wait no never mind over there, I- I mean to the right!" Xavier said in a confused way.

They were both moving so fast that Frost couldn't see them, all he could see was Jeromes purple light and Levi's red light zooming around in the forest.

Frost was about to make his move and go down to help Jerome out. But before he could do so, Jerome and Levi ended up right in front of Frost and Xavier.

Jerome held his sword side ways to lock the incoming punch.

Jerome blocked it.

Xavier and Frost fell to the ground when they felt the force of the punch when Jerome blooded Levi's attack.

Jerome and Levi now stood in front of Frost and Xavier.

"Hey. You didn't tell me you had these weaklings with you." Levi said.

Xavier pull out a bow and shot it at Levi's head.

Levi caught the bow and threw it back at Xavier. Frost jumped in front of it and punched it ways with the brace knuckles he had on.

Frost was bleeding from the bow hitting him on the fist.

"You all need to move dammit." Jerome yelled.

Frost and Xavier ignored him.

Frost charged at Levi with Xavier shooting 3 bows at the same time right behind him.

"What a nice strategy." Levi said as he laughed.

Frost was faster then Levi expected.

Frost landed a nice blow to Levi's ribs.

Levi then ducked down to avoid the arrows coming at him. Butt when the second one passed the top of his head was cut by the second arrow.

"Did the bastard with the bow shoot the second one one second later? And then shot it lower?. I see, he predicted my movements." Levi thought to himself.

Frost then kicked Levi in his face. Levi took it and looked at frost with rage in his eyes.

Frost looked in surprise.

Levi grabbed frost's leg and threw him at Xavier.

Before Frost could make contact with Xavier, Frost did a flip in the air and landed it.

Jerome was behind Levi and before he could stab Levi, Levi turned around quickly and punched the blade so hard that it snapped in half.

Levi started to pummel Jerome's face.

Xavier shot a bow at Levi. Levi noticed it and then grabbed Jerome and let the arrow hit Jerome in his stomach. Jerome went into a tree and the arrow went through the tree with Jerome still on it.

Jerome was hanging off the ground and on the tree with the bow through his stomach.

Frost began to freak out.

"Our shit. Jerome u better not die." Frost yelled out.

Levi quickly ran over and threw a right hook at frost. But Frost dodged it.

Xavier was freaking out also.

"I didn't mean to shoot him. Damn it."

Xavier pulled out a pocket knife. Frost was right beside him. They both charged at Levi in a final attempt to bring him down.

Levi was injured himself.

He had a deep cut to the top of his head, a huge cute on his chest down to the stomach and then a slash to the back.

Levi just stood there and was laughing as they charged at him. Hey both jumped in the air.

Before they could start attacking Levi let out a loud yell.

Both of them went back flying.

Levi ran at them. Ready to kill.

Xavier landed and then landed a nice Stab to Levi's stomach.

Xavier couldn't pull his knife out.

Levi grabbed Xavier by the head and began to squeeze it.

Frost could hear all of the pain

Frost couldn't walk anymore.

"Damn it. Usually on missions I get e job done...but this guy is so damn strong."

Frost started to crawl over to Jerome who was still handing on the tree with o movement what so ever.

"Jerome listen to me....we need to use your strength." Frost said.

In a low voice Jerome began to speak.

"You are all weak.... I deserve to to.... just as much as you do. There is no point in living if your not strong or if u aren't fighting for yourself." Jerome.

Frost looked in anger.

Xavier was still getting his head crushed by Levi.

Frost looked back at Jerome.

"So your telling me... u don't even fight for your sister? Frost asked.

Jerome's eyes went from closed to wide open at that moment.

Frost kept on speaking.

"You know that's bullshit. You know that u fight to protect her and others u care about. That's why u threaten us and try to make everyone around u feel like trash, so u can ruin our confidence and make us not want to go on dangerous missions with you. Isn't that right? Frost asked.

Jerome looked ahead. Eyes sill opened wide.

"You don't fight for yourself. U fight for people that aren't as strong as you. That's why when u say weak people should die. It's because you don't want them to go through what u went through when u were weak, Jerome." Frost explained.

Jerome looked ahead just staring into the darkness.

Jerome started to look deep inside his thoughts as a kid.

In a low voice he began to speak to Frost.

Levi threw Xavier to the side and started walking over to Frost now.

"When I was a kid.... at the age of 7 my father left my mother. And then my mother started to always take her anger out on me and my twin brother" Jerome coughed up blood and then began to speak again.

Levi was still approaching.

"And when she did this she began to get desperate... she was with 7 men throughout my time living their. My brother and I were abused by her and her boyfriends...we- we decided to run away. I took Aubrie with us also. At this time I was 10. The only way to survive was to steal and kill. And one time when me and my brother went into a gas station we got caught stealing. We tried to tell the women that they e needed the food because we were homeless and have a baby with us that needs to eat. My brother made a run for it and ended up getting shot in the chest. I took Aubrie and ran away." Jerome said in a sad and low voice.

Frost looked in a surprised look.

Jerome kept talking.

"After that...me and Aubrie ended up in childcare facilities. And one day, I remember my father visiting. I was so happy. I showed him nothing but love, I even told him everything that happened with me and my brother. But my father looked annoyed about what I was telling him. I asked him did he want to go across the street to get something to eat. And he said sure...but he had to g-go get his keys out of the car. I waited....and waited..... and waited. Until night hit. I sat there crying for hours. I was filled with anger. I was weak. And I don't want anyone on this planet to go through the same pain I did. So I ended up tracking down my father and killing him.... they then scheduled me to come to the island, me and Aubrie. So now, like I've always been doing. I'm fighting for her and all the other people that are weaker then me. So when weak people or good people die I laugh and smile because I'm my eyes they are saved from experiencing the pain I went through ough and others go through to this day."

Jerome explained.

Frost had tears in his eyes.

Levi was right on top of Frost now.

Levi grabbed Frost by his neck and started to laugh.

"There is no need to talk to him, boy. Me and him fight for our selfs and no one else. Weak people are trash and deserve to die. Don't get me wrong Jerome isn't weak, but he needs to die also. You all will see each other soon. Levi said.

"Your wrong. Jerome- yea yea I know u said he fights for other people" Levi said as he cut Frost off.

Jerome said in a soft and low voice. "Stop".

Levi looked at Jerome in confusion. "Jerome this is a weak person.... what possibly could u want him alive for? He does nothing for no one but get in the way. For people like us at least." Levi explained.

N-no.... your wrong... u see u think u know me but u don't. That so called weak person your holding in your hands knows better then even someone like you. I'm fighting for them... and besides there not weak at all.... a friend I know said just because someone isn't physically strong doesn't mean they are weak. And let me tell you something Levi, these two people....make me strong. They have their own strengths and that's to keep moving forward and inspire others... and much more strengths that will even surpass me in the future." Jerome said.

Levi looked in shock.

"What exactly are u saying Jerome?"

Levi asked.

Jerome started to pull the bow out of the tree through his stomach.

Blood was spilling everywhere.

"What I'm saying is. Your not just dealing with one monster here. Your dealing with 3." Jerome said.

Jerome pulled the bow out from his stomach.

Frost...Xavier. I'm sorry.

Jerome stumbled towards Levi.

Levi threw frost to the side before he could choke him.

Jerome stopped and looked at Levi in his eyes.

They were 20 yards away from each other, it was really quiet.

Then all of a sudden.

Our yoke aura started to form around Jerome's body. All of his injuries were healed and his eyes were red.

"What the hell is this form and scent... wait no.... your not a monster your more then that... your- your a devil!." Levi said.

"Hidden troop technique: reaper of the night... scythe" Jerome said as he smiled.

"U shouldn't be able to have that power unless.... who the hell was your father!?." Levi said in fear.

"No need to worry about that. I didn't know he had the people's from the island DNA either." Jerome said.

There was purple aura around Jerome now. And with some of the aura he shaped it Into a scythe. And then it became a physical object.

Jerome looked just like a reaper. Levi couldn't see his face. It was all black with his hood up and glowing red eyes. His cape was blowing in the wind around him, with the purple aura around him and the scythe in his hands.

"Expand!!" Jerome yelled.

The trees around him all started to die, Frost and Xavier's body started to get skinny and a little frail. Levi could feel himself getting weaker and skinnier then usual.

On the other hand Jerome got taller, and more muscle to his frame.

"With this technique I can use plant life and human life to gain strength, But don't worry with humans I only take half their strength and use it to my own. For the ones that will still live after I'm done with you. They will get it back." Jerome said in a confident way.

Levi just stared at Jerome.

"This man.... is crazy strong.... I can't wait to kill him."

Jerome went from being 5'5 to now 6'3.

"U ready, Levi?" Jerome asked.

Levi looked done and bald up his fist.

"I hope that new power saves you. I still feel strong, despite u taking half of my strength." Levi said.

Both men smiled and got in their stances.

Jerome looked at Levi right in his eyes.

"Now.... come at me"

Jerome said.