
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Action
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129 Chs

Two monsters meet part 1

Adisa was outside when getting the information that there was no longer a meeting and he was very bored.

The gates opens up and let out a loud screeching sound.

Adisa turned around and everyone else around him to see captain Udo riding his horse in the middle of the city with his eyes straight ahead.

Adisa gave him a wave and Udo looked at Adisa and nodded his head with a smile.

Udo kept riding, straight towards his office building.

He got to his building and stoped the horse. He got off of it and began to rot the horse.

"Good girl" he said.

Udo started to walk to the front doors and before he could open them Jerome came into Udo's vision, on the side of his eyes.

Udo stopped and then shut the door.

"U know u creep me out right?" Udo said.

Jerome began to laugh. "Im just here to talk about the mission. So.... u want stealth?. What's the catch?" Jerome asked.

"I want you guys to investigate the Kelf clan." Udo said in a bored way.

Out of all the clans there hasn't been much heard from them, ever since this group of people started showing up. The other leaders want us to stand by. But I won't allow it." Udo demanded.

Jerome looked down at the ground.

"I see.... so why did u make me partner up with frost and Xavier? U know I work best alone and with stealth missions boss." Jerome explained.

"I know but Xavier should help u out well with his bow and Frost is a very strong fighter. U all should pair well with each other." Udo explained.

Jerome looked done still at the ground.

"Captain... I can't understand. Out of all the other troops why these two? I'm at least top 5 In strength out of all of us and they are near the bottom." Jerome told.

Udo smiled.

"Ur term for strength if far different from mine. Just because a person is not physically strong doesn't mean they don't have strength within them. Everyone had different strengths, Jerome. You've found yours. And they are still trying to find there's. This is the best team I've came up with since years ago." Udo said with a smile on his face.

"Maybe u don't see what I do. But u guys are a very strong team... Jerome." Udo said.

Jerome looked at Udo with an annoying look on his face.

"Whatever u say..." Jerome said.

Udo opened the door to the office." Be back here with those two at 11pm. On the dot Jerome." Udo demanded.

Jerome looked ahead without looking at the captain.

He started to walk down the street, his hands in his pockets with his hair and cape flowing in the wind.

He didn't look back and Udo.

But Udo let out a little laugh and shut the door to walk upstairs to his office.

Time went by and it was not 10:45 at night.

Jerome was about to leave. But before he could open the door a little girl came running out a room from the back.

It was his little sister,Aubrie.

She came out the room with a sad look on her face.

"Brother... why do u always leave me alone?" She asked with tears in her eyes.

Jerome got on one knee and started to talk to her.

"Your brother has to go out and handle a mission. It won't be long now. I have to do my best to protect people that I love... people like u Aubrie."

Aubrie began to have doubt in her body language.

"Brother... do u hurt people? And what happened to mom and brother?. Aubrie asked

Jerome fell into silence

"Aubrie listen to me... there is stuff u have to do when u want to protect the people u love. In like me Aubrie u have a chance to surround yourself with positive people in your life and let them have a impact on you. Don't be like me. Aubrie. I'm sorry U feel lonely, at such a young age... I'll change that. No one should ever feel lonely. Loneliness can affect people in different ways. Ur to young to feel that pain. That's why when u become more pretty and older, you'll surround yourself with great positive people that make u happy and uplift you. As your big brother. It's my job to give you what I could never have and to make sure u don't end up like me." Jerome told her.

Aubrie Wales up to him and gave him a hug.

Jerome just let his arm hang as his 7 year old sister was hugging him. Jerome began to think about his mother and how she used to hold him in her arms at that very moment.

He felt nothing but anger. But he quickly came out of it and hesitated with his arms to move them up and hug her back. But he did. He held her tight in his arms as he took her with him out the door, as she fell asleep in his Arms.

It was now 11:50 where Jerome was at.

"Only 10 minutes left" he old himself.

Jerome knocked on a door. And he could hear footsteps coming towards the door.

It swung open to see Adisa standing there with his mouth full of food.

Adisa looked down at Jerome and his sister in confusion.

"Watch her while I go handle something as thanks." Jerome said in a hurried way.

Adisa then whispered. "Hey I'm not a child watcher"

It was to late though. Jerome was already half way down the street.

Jerome turned around and said. "Oh yea. And if she's still up by the time I get back kid, I'll kill you."

Adisa and him just stared at each other for good period of time. Around 30 seconds of silence.

Until Adisa looked deep into Jerome's soul with his eyes and quickly shut the door.

"Hmph. What a weirdo. But he seems lonely himself every time I look at him. So I doubt he is busy to not watch her while I'm gone. He has the same eyes as me.... you know pain don't you.... Adisa?" Jerome was taking to himself.

His phone was ringing and it was captain Udo.

He answered the phone.

"Hey. The two are already here. So there is no need for u to go to their houses. So just come straight here. Bye." Udo said.

5 minutes went by and Jerome arrived at the office and walked up stairs.

He opened the door to see frost and Xavier at the table.

"Hey Xavier.... your hair looks ugly by the way." Jerome said in a calm voice.

Captain Udo let out a loud laugh and then quickly covered up his mouth.

Frost had a angry look on his face when he saw Jerome.

"Now then. To explain the mission. You will all head o ur to the Kelf clan. No other clan has heard from these guys ever since the group showed up." Udo said.

"I want u guys to investigate the area. And if u run into anyone that is part of this new group or whatever. Jerome I'm giving u permission to take them out." Captain said.

Jerome began to smile with joy.

"Jerome will be leading this mission. You all follow where he goes and what he says at all times." Udo said as he stood up.

Jerome waved Xavier and Frost to the door and all three of them began to walk down the stairs.

They went out the back side of the building and there were three horses for them to take each.

"Hmmm I'll take the smallest one" Jerome announced.

"Yes. It would make more since, since your the smallest one here" Frost said in a joking way.

Jerome turned around to Frost and gave him a smile. "Your a real funny kid. U know that? But u should stop playing with your life." Jerome threatened.

Frost rolled his eyes and got onto the biggest horse there. And Xavier got on his own horse also.

They began to move.

It was 11:00pm. And they were on there way to the Kelf clan.

Some time later.

It was now 11:23pm. They were still approaching the base. They were still very far away from the clan's gate.

Jerome stopped his horse and held a fist in the air for them to stop.

"Yo, Jerome why are we stopping so far away?" Xavier asked.

"Because this clan had the second most security." Jerome said in a dead tone. All most like he didn't want to be there.

Just then there was a torch light they could see in the distance.

Jerome quickly tied up his horse, Frost and Xavier did the same.

The all got low.

"Neither of u make a move. I'll handle this." Jerome said.

Jerome then reached from the side of his waste to pull out a sword. It was very shiny and had purple designs on the handle.

The people with the torch were coming closer and closer.

And then in a blink of an eye. Frost could see the purple from the blade moving in the night. It looks like a ray of light moving around.

The torch light went out when.

And as Frost ran over a couple yards in front of him, he could see all 5 of the men missing their heads.

"H-holy crap. I didn't know Jerome was that fast." Frost said to himself.

Jerome then proceeded ahead in a swift and steady way. He was moving so quick but yet so calm like and low.

Frost and Xavier then followed to keep up.

As they were running Jerome ordered Xavier to head up to high ground so he can study the area.

"Xavier you will guide us through the head set. Ok?" Jerome asked.

Xavier nodded his head and began to climb on one of the huge rocks. Around them was a forest but on the sides of the forest it was just huge rocks everywhere. Almost like little cliffs.

Frost was filled with anger.

As they were running ahead frost started to whisper.

"Hey u weren't supposed to kill those men back there. We could have just letters them pass. We are to only kill if we see the group or suspicious activity." Frost said

Jerome looked at him with an annoying look.

"Those men were going to see our horses... I had no choice but to kill them. Now will u just shut up? There loves were meaningless anyways. They just wake up every night to hold a torch.... they might as well already be dead." Jerome explained.

Frost started to speed up and catch up with Jerome. Until he was right next to him.

"Everyone has meanings in their lives. Either that or u have to make your own reason for living." Frost explained.

"Those men probably have families. Don't u have people u want to protect?." Frost asked.

Jerome have frost side eye as they were running together in the forest.

"Believe me frost I saved them from this world. You and me don't see eye to eye. But your not a killer like I am. U kill because of orders or whatever. I kill to survive. It's been like that ever since I was a kid." Jerome said.

Jerome then stopped and halted Frost.

"Xavier I think I remember seeing u head to the left side. There are two watchers on our ride. 3 o'clock." Jerome said into the ear piece.

Xavier was running then stopped and took a look to the right. He could see one man and a woman standing on the cliff's edge.

Xavier took out his bow. And took aim.

"But didn't Captain say- just do it with the poison bows. It will keep them stunned.

"I'm sorry" Xavier said before he let go.

He pulled back on the bow and released it. He put two arrows on the string and both of them hit. The two

Both of them fell to the ground.

"Direct hit." Xavier said in the mic.

Jerome and Frost began to move again.

Xavier was ahead of them by a good distance.

He stopped and pointed out how there was something going on not to far ahead of them.

Jerome then stopped again and encoded to go where Xavier was.

When Frost and Jerome made it onto the little cliff, Jerome was shocked a little to see a wagon and 10 soldiers around one man.

"You two stay up here.... no matter what." Jerome ordered them.

Frost and Xavier nodded their heads and watched Jerome quickly go alone in the night. He disappeared out of sight. The only thing left was the darkness around them.

Xavier pulled out a pair of goggles to see better. He even gave one to Frost.

Both of them looked at he tall muscular man, with ten soldiers surrounding him and the wagon.

Jerome was close enough to hear the people's conversation.

"Open the damn wagon. According to you, your from Dante's clan... am I right?

The man stood tall. Well at 6'4, around 250.

"Yes... that's where I'm from." The man said in a deep voice.

All the men picked up their spears and pointed them all at the man.

"This is your last chance. What's in the- explosives." The man cut the soldier off.

"Dante sent you?" One of the soldiers asked.

"Yes. Yes he did." The man said in a bored way.

"Take them out of the wagon" they demanded.

"The man smiled and then said. "Make me"

All the soldiers charged at him at once. Including the wagon.

The man gave the wagon a quick shove and moved it into the 4 soldiers behind him, brutally injuring them.

The man quickly looked at his surroundings and saw one soldier coming straight at him.

The man grabbed the spears and pulled the man towards him and punched him so hard that u could hear all of the soldiers bones cracking.

There was another soldier coming up from behind him. The man threw the dead soldier into the one that was running at him. And then kicked another man to the ground.

The tall man began to stomp of the soldier u til u could hear the gushing sounds of blood and brains.

There where 4 soldiers left.

All looking in fear and didn't know what to do.

The man held a hand up to halt the soldiers.

A huge smile started to form on the man's face.

"You go back to your clan and tell your boss that Dante sent me."

The soldiers quickly ran away in fear.

The area was clear.

"Hey.... I smell another monster here... you can come out now."

Jerome stood up through the bushes and walked out into the opening.

There where torches put on the trees around them.

"I could smell you from a far.... you see I can smell out strong people.. u have a very strong smell on you. I can tell by just looking at you I are very strong indeed...."

Jerome began to talk.

"Oh? U know the that saying, a monster?"

Jerome smiled just how the man did.

"The fact u love to kill people makes me not even want to fight you." Jerome said.

"That's the beauty of being human to me.... the fact that people die. It brings me joy."

The man walked over to Jerome.

"For you to give off that smell. Your very small... but I don't let that determine someone's strength. You see I don't like weak people and based off of your scent your just what we need." The man said.

Jerome looked in confusion.

The man started walking over to Jerome.

U should join our gang. "Our plan is to get rid of all these weaklings and go after the strong after." The man said.

The man was so close Jerome could feel him breathing on him.

"I'd love to join". Jerome said.

The stranger looked happy to hear what Jerome said.

"Yes. Under our leaders- But I can't turn my back on my captain... and besides..... I don't like when people like me try to control me." Jerome said.

Jerome pulled out his sword and slashed the guys chest all the way down to his stomach.

The stranger quickly jumped back and laughed.

"Before U die. Please,tell me your name." The stranger said.

"Jerome... Jerome killa."

The guy started to become more interested in Jerome.

"My name is Levi" the strange man said.

Both men took their stances and where getting ready to fight.

"Two monsters are about to go head to head". Frost said.