
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Action
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129 Chs

The mission

*original short story

Flow opened his eyes. He could see the beautiful sun through his giant window.

Loud commotion was heard outside. Flow quickly opened the door and saw two people standing in the middle of the crowd.

"Don't do this again, Chrollo!" The giant woman said.

"As deputy of the Kani clan and second in command…I challenge you Captain! To a fair duel!" The buff man yelled.

The crowd of people started getting hyped. A beautiful girl tapped Flow on his shoulder and laughed.

"There he goes again." She said with a annoyed voice.

Flow smiled and stared at the girl with lust in his eyes. "Livy…what-"

"HEY DUMBASSES!!" A tall boy yelled over.

Flow rolled his eyes and walked over to the boy, who had two other girls at his side. "What's up, Udo." Flow laughed.

"Nothing much, Flow! About to watch commander Chrollo get his ass kicked again." Udo laughed.

Flow took a seat. The five of them sat at what looked to be a bar-like joint. "Two shots of coconut milk!" Flow said.

"Sure thing!" The man behind the desk said.

Flow turned around to see Chrollo getting ready to charge. "I'm ready whenever you move!" The woman laughed.

"Your mom is so amazing, Udo!" A tiny girl complimented.

"You should ask her to train you, Angel! I think she'd be a great mentor for you!" Udo said.

"That would be a dream! I've always looked up to her! She's beautiful,smart,and strong! Liters the perfect woman! Ahaha!"

"Well…the beautiful part might be wrong, but everything else is right on the spot!" Udo said.

"HOW COULD YOU SAY SUCH A THING??!!" Livy yelled. Harpy, slap him!"

"Well…is he wrong?" Harpy asked.

"Wha-I have nothing to say." Livy said, as she turned her head the opposite way.

"It's about to start! Udo, who do you have money on!?" Flow asked.

"My mom of course!" Udo said with a confused look on his face.

"This I'll take the commander." Flow said.

Chrollo got in his stance and stared at the woman with intensity. "Captain Gai! Here I come!" He said, as he lunged quickly towards the woman.

Gai put both her giant swords to the ground and laughed. She closed her left eye and sent Chrollo flying in Udo's direction.

Udo grabbed Livy by the head and moved to the side.

Chrollo landed head first into the stand. "Order up, Flow." The man behind the desk said, as the milk poured on top of Chrollo's head.

Everyone pointed and laughed at Chrollo, as he brushed himself off. "Man that was funny!" Udo laughed.

Chrollo smacked his lips and got off the ground. "I sure do hate being filthy." Chrollo whispered.

"Stop challenging her,Chrollo! You lose every time!" Livy said.

Chrollo said nothing and walked away from the scene. "Captain, should I go after him-?"

Gai put her hand over the man's mouth. "There's no need for that. He just doesn't like losing…which is exactly why he's the commander!" Gai said.

Gai stood at 6'4,very muscular, with a red-colored cape, and beautiful long black hair.

"Everyone can go back to their jobs now! Everyone here has a role to play! Don't forget that!" Gai looked around and found Udo standing around.

"Oh shit, see you guys later." Udo said in a rush.

"Flow and Angel, Gai would like too speak with you." A soldier said.

Flow looked up and noticed the tall woman waving him over. Flow took his time approaching Gai. "Yes, ma'am?"

"How have you been?" She asked.

"That's a strange question, don't you think?" Flow asked.

"It's not strange unless you make it strange. But I've been worried about you, I just wanted to check on you, that's all!" Gai said as she smiled and walked away.

"We have a mission coming up or something?" Flow yelled over.

Gai held a thumbs up.

"Tsk. I knew it."

Angel sat in her room and heard the whispers of her parents. "You know how dangerous that is! She needs to be kept away from that boy at all cost! I don't care if I have to-!"

"NO! You won't do that, Charlie! I won't let you." A woman said.

"I'll do whatever it takes to save my family. Remember that!"

Footsteps were approaching Angel's door. She quickly jumped in her bed and pretended to sleep.

The door opened and closed as the footsteps faded away in the distance. "Are they talking about me and Flow?" Angel asked herself.

"And why do I think it's night time? I'm so silly." She laughed to herself.

Gai sat in her office, with Udo and Flow sitting in front of her.

"Udo, why can't you just work?" Gai asked.

"Mom…have you ever heard of a break? I'm just wondering." Udo said.

Flow scuffed.

"Don't get smart with me or I'll throw u in the punishment room again!" Gai yelled.

"I-you got it…" Udo said.

"I need the two of you to visit the great temples of that village." Gai said.

"Your talking about the village full of monks!?" Flow asked.

"Yes! You need to deliver this scroll to them, it's talking about suspicious activity in the blood clan." Gai explained.

"Can I open it?" Udo asked.

"I prefer you not to. If you open this scroll and aren't a monk…your destined to have bad luck." Gai explained.

"Interesting. Well…I'll go get Livy and the others!" Udo said.

"Very well. You five well move out shortly." Gai said.

Time past, and the five set out to the great mountain. "Let's hope this trip won't take long! I have a date!" Livy bragged.

"No man wants you, trust me Livy." Udo laughed.

"I'll shove my-"

"What's that?" Flow asked.

Angel stepped forwards and punched Flow to the side. In the forest, there was a bright yellow light in the distance.

"We're in monk territory. They know we're here, so don't worry too much about it! Let's just be respectful and keep moving." Udo said.

"Udo, something doesn't feel right. We've been walking for hours up this mountain, and not a single monk has been seen." Harpy whispered.

"We just have to reach the top! Calm down, Harpy." Udo claimed.

Flow stared at Livy as she tried her best to keep up with the crew. "You want me to carry you?"

"No. But thank you, Flow!" Livy said with a pretty smile. Livy had blond hair, blue eyes, and a beautiful face.

"Are you sure?" Flow asked.


(Harpy does have a pint though…why haven't we seen any monks?), Flow thought to himself.

The five finally reached the top of the mountain and stood in front of a giant temple. "Anyone home!?" Angel yelled out. There was no answer, just echos of her voice.

"What the hell?" Udo asked, as he began walking around.

"Where are you going, Udo?" Harpy asked.

"Spread out and look fro clues of what happened here! Meet back in the spot." Udo yelled as he disappeared.

"Damn him. But…don't blame him." Angel said as she disappeared with Harpy.

"Guess that leaves me n you!" Flow said to Livy.

"Flow…your funny."

"No matter how many times you reject…I'll keep shooting."

Livy rolled her eyes and walked in the opposite direction.m. Leaving Flow alone.

Flow began walking around the temple and closed his eyes. "Time move, reverse play!"

Flow could see all of the monks in their temple meditating. (My little time travel power can only last for twenty seconds! I have to hurry and find out what-)

A tall man walked into the temple. All of the monks stood their ground and got into a fighting stance. "Why are you here!? They aren't even here yet! This isn't the part of the deal!" A monk yelled in terror.

Before Flow could see what happened next, his vision ran out. "Udo!! Everyone come now!" Flow yelled at the top of his lungs.

Everyone reappeared and stared at Flow with a weird look on their faces. "It was a set up! Shit, we really screwed upcoming here, Udo!" Flow said in a horrified voice.

"Calm down Flow. Speak normally." Angel whispered.

"He's here! The legendary-"

A man appeared behind Udo and stabbed Udo through the heart and throat. Udo's body fell lifelessly, as the man grabbed Udo's body and tossed him off of the huge mountain.

"UDO!!!!" Flow yelled.

Flow turned his and and watched, as the man pointed his gun at Angel. "Angel duck-"

The man fired his gun. Livy shoved Angel to the ground and was shot in the head.

Flow froze as he watched her body drop to the ground. "Looks like I missed!" The man laughed.

Flow turned his head to the man and clapped his hands together. "Expansion! Demon army!" Flow yelled in anger.

The man smiled and jumped back, as thousands of creatures spawned from underground.

"Can't let that one slip away can I?" The man laughed as he was in the air.

"STRIKER!!!" Flow yelled in anger. The mountain began to shake as Flow couldn't control his rage.

"It would seem I really am famous around this island! That makes me so happy!" Striker laughed.

Angel grabbed Livy and tried to move her body. "She's really dead!" Angel screamed.

"God I love those screams!" Striker laughed.

Striker pulled out a very thick sword and walked towards Flow, with the demons around him.

"Livy…she's….Livy!!! I'm gonna rip you apart!" Flow yelled as he ran towards Striker on all fours.

Next chapter: the mission part 2