
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Action
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129 Chs

The meeting

As the early morning sun rained down on the city/hideout of the clan. Frost woke up with Adisa and Trover still sleep.

"Looks grew at outside" Frost said to himself. Frost put on his shoes and walked over to Adisa and Trover, who were both still sleep.

Frost looked at both of them and kicked them in the head.

"Hey. wake up, you two." Frost yelled.

Both of them jerked there head up. Both confused what was going on.

"We have a meeting in one hour with the captain. Then after that he is gonna have one with the other clan's leaders. If they show up." Frost explained.

"Oh yea ur right. Damn hahaha." Trover said.

Adisa got on his feet. And it was all still blurry to him. He then let out a yawn and began to head to the shower.

"Yea, he's not really a morning person to be honest. But anyways. We should head home and shower also, Trover." Frost said.

They both headed out the door and before Frost shut the door he yelled out "See u later squirt."

"Whatever bum." Adisa snapped back while the water was running in the shower.

Frost shut the door and began to walk home with Trover.

"So.... about yesterday is it really true?. Did Bella really turn on us?." Frost asked.

"Yes it is true" trover said.

"I see.... well. Then is it true what u told me yesterday also? And the rest of us?. They attacked the blind clan and their leader?." Frost asked.

"Yep they did. Two people attacked the clan. But they most be strong if they were to cause that much damage to a whole clan." Trover explained.

"I hope their leader is ok." Frost said.

They both kept walking down the street, u til they heard someone running at full speed behind them.

Both of them quickly turned around to see no one. They both looked in confusion and then turned their heads to see a short man in front of them.

"Oh gosh, look what we have here. If it isn't the devil himself Jerome." Trover said in a sarcastic way.

"Oh shut up Trover. We all know u wish u were me." Jerome said in a deep and evil way.

Frost and trover kept on walking as Jerome was still following.

"Oh come on. Don't tell me u guys are really upset about Bella and then the other two people planing the attack on the other clan. Jerome said annoyingly.

Frost stopped dead in his tracks and gave Jerome a death look." Do u not know what could happen in the future? There could be a war between both clans u dumb ass." Frost said to Jerome.

Jerome stopped walking while he was in front of them. And turned around with a huge smile.

"Don't u see the fun in that?". Jerome began shaking with excitement. "The fact that people die and they are scared and in fear brings me joy in my heart. Just imagine all the death that would happen in both clans." Jerome said as he laughed while looking at the sky.

Frost grabbed Jerome and through him to the ground while holding him by his neck.

"U listen here...the fact that people could possibly lose their homes, loved one, and children's lives being lost isn't funny, not at all u bastard!!". Frost said in a angers voice.

Trover kept looking at them as this was happening. It was early in the morning so there was no one out right now but only a few people.

Frost began to speak again.

Just because we aren't killers and sick minded pieces of shut like u doesn't mean that we enjoy what we do."

Jerome quickly wrapped his legs around frost's arm and then kicked him in the face and got to his feet in a blink of an eye. And pulled out a dagger knife and pinned Frost against the wall, with the knife at frost's neck.

Trover began to walk towards them. But Jerome looked at trover with a mean look and trover stopped dead in his tracks.

"Now listen here... why do u tho k we are troops frost?. U think we do it to protect? No. We do it to survive and feed here. I have killed thousands of men and women on this island because they are doing what we do best. I grew up a killer. That's how I survived." Jerome explained.

He lowers the knife from Frost's neck and jumped on top of the nearest building and looked down at Frost.

"In the end Frost u should keep ur friends close but ur enemies closer.... because u should be very alert on day.....of me." Jerome said in a evil tone.

Jerome turned his head. Jerome wore a dark cape and a all black jacket with two spears on the back of it. He looked at Frost with one eye showing over his shoulder.

Frost and him looked at each other. Both definitely had competition and beef with each other.

"It's how we live Frost. Ur not a good person ur self. And besides I care about my clan. Just not the weak people in it. I hate weak people.... which is why I hate u".Jerome said.

Jerome then waking across the roof and out of view from Frost and Trover's eyes.

Frost then looked the opposite way and then said "let's get going Trover". He said in a dead voice.

Both of them continued to walk home.

But meanwhile. On the opposite side of the city it was captain Udo. He was on a huge horse, him and three other guards were with him.

"Let the troops know there will

Be no meeting today." He said to the woman that was staying behind.

It was the woman that stayed at the first floor of Udo's building.

"Yes sir, I'll tell them immediately." She said. She quickly went off into the distance.

Udo gave his horse a quick tap to the side and it took off running. The guards were following quickly behind.

"I sent out the message and got 4 replies from clans. No response from the rest. As I feared." Udo said.

20 minutes passed and captain Udo reached his destination.

"U men stay right here. If anything goes down I'll let u know with a loud ass whistle. My horse will text to it also. So be on guard.

There was a giant tree with a hole in it. For Udo to enter. There where 10 areas to enter for each clan leader.

Captain Udo entered to see four clan leader sitting at a table. It was dark with a gloomy little light in the middle.

Udo took his seat and began to talk.

"I thank u all for coming today. And this early". Udo said.

"Now I'll make this quick. But we all know there has been a little group making things hell for our people. What I'm here to tell u guys is, to not fight each other for the time being. We don't know if it's this group or what. And I believe that they want all of the clans to have an all out war in the future."

All of the leaders looked at each other in amusement.

"For some reason I feel like we aren't on the same page. U guys get the situation. Blaze,Dante,Aliyah, and gazelle?" Udo said.

Blaze began to speak.

"Well Udo, u see. That's the hard part. We are don't know what the enemy wears or nothing. Shit, for all I know one of us can be the enemy. And when something bad happens we can't just sit there and say no it wasn't that pan or whatever." Blaze explained.

Gazelle spoke up right after.

Yes. I believe we should have our warriors and hunters just stay in our own territories. We don't need to travel and keep them going into other clan's areas. Gazelle said.

Aliyah sat there looking at Udo and didn't say a word.

Dante then began to talk.

The leaders that aren't here today are right now as I'm speaking planning to fight another clan soon. Like ur clan for example Udo. U were the ones who attacked- "we didn't attack anyone" Udo quickly snapped.

The room was silent.

"Listen all I'm saying is that we need to spread this message to all of the clans. We cannot have a whole war. It would destroy our home and kill most of the population as we know it. Just get the message to the other leaders that it's not the other clan's making these attacks happen." Udo demanded.

He told them what he believed to be their plan.

"Then let's just keep our people in our own territory" blaze agreed with Dante.

"But then how will we find our enemies?" Udo asked. "We can't just sit there and wait for a random person to show up at are gates and then kill them."

"How about this. My clan, Dante's clan and Aliyah's clan. Will be the clan's to investigate the other clan's ourselves." Udo suggested.

"Who said I followed your orders?." Dante said.

Udo stood up and began to make his leave.

"I know what me and my troops are gonna do. I'm not just gonna sit there and wait for some dumb ass to come on my front porch. Do u wanna know the reason why they haven't attacked my clan yet?" Udo asked.

"It's because they fear my troops and me. In like u Dante, my clan is strong and always ready to fight."

Dante looked with anger in his eyes. "We know what we're doing Udo. Just wait for the enemy to attack and have all of our warriors on stand by." Dante said.

Udo stared at Dante, he just kept on looking at him.

"We are all down with this plan. Now u should do the same". Blaze claimed.

"U all are at MY meeting that I assigned. I agree with what u guys are saying but there is nothing wrong with sending a little group to just investigate the people who aren't here today, to see what's going on. But hey if u wanna wait for some one to pop up u do that." Udo said as he began to walk out the entrance.

Dante began to leave also.

Captain Udo got onto his horse and and the three guards waiting for him to move.

"Hey Dante!" Captain Udo yelled across to the other side.

"Don't make the same mistake u did years ago when my troops went on that stealth mission and took ur supplies. All because u wanted to wait."

Udo said in a joking way as he gave his horse a quick little tap and it took off again.

Dante looked in anger as captain Udo went off into the woods.

"I see Udo..... u think your better then me?." Dante asked himself.

Dante began to laugh out loud. "Oh Udo. Don't u worry I won't wait for anyone. I'm all ways two steps ahead of u old man." Dante claimed.

The giant tree disappeared from Udo's view as he looked behind him.

Udo followed the three guards and was on his way back to the clan.

"When we get to to clan. Let these three people know I'll need them for a mission and they need to report to my office immediately." Udo said.

"Get Jerome, Frost, and Xavier. On the double!" Udo demanded.

"Yes sir" the three guards said.

All four of the men were riding in the woods with the sun shining high as ever. There was a little nice breeze in the air.

"I wonder how well these three will work together" Udo asked himself.

Udo smiled with excitement.