
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Action
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129 Chs

The devil’s world

Jerome and Levi had a stand off. Both looking each other right in the eyes.

"Come at me" Jerome said.

Levi ran straight at Jerome

When Levi was in a ten yard radius, Jerome glared at him and Levi's left arm came flying off.

Levi yelled in pain.

Frost was laying on the ground feeling very weak. "What kind of power is that?." Frost asked?

"I didn't even know that....Jerome was one of us." Frost said as he passed out on the ground.

Levi Put his right arm over the opening, where he got cut.

"Damn. You just had to get stronger huh?" Levi said.

Jerome looked in disappointment.

"Your very weak Levi." Jerome said.

Levi eyes filled with rage.

"Don't u ever underestimate me!!" Levi yelled out.

In one swift motion Jerome took one step and went behind Levi.

"So fast!" Levi said to himself.

Levi turned around to see Jerome right behind him.

Levi threw a punch with his right.

Jerome moved towards the punch and with his scythe, quickly chopped it off.

Levi fell backwards. Jerome then glared at him again to send him flying towards a tree.

Levi had hit the tree hard.

Jerome started walking towards Levi very slowly.

"What the hell kind of power is this.... this man used the plants and everything else around him for energy.... even some of my life force and put it into his energy to get stronger." Levi said to himself.

Jerome walked towards Levi.

"This is boring. I'll kill you right now. It's such a shame...but I'm not surprised. There have been only 3 people who have survived longer then 5min against me in this form." Jerome said.

Levi stood up and ran at Jerome again.

Jerome quickly put his hands together in a meditation looking way.

"Expand". Jerome said in a calm voice.

Everything around him became twisted and distorted. It was like another world...but evil and sinister.

Levi couldn't move, not one muscle.

The moon that was in the sky was now red. The grass below them was fire.

Levi looked up to see a faint reaper standing above all.

"Wait- no please!!" Levi said.

The giant Reaper lifted up its scythe very slowly.

The reader was the biggest in this world. Levi sat in fear as he could do nothing.

"Do you not know who our people are? They will kill you once they found out I'm dead you bastard." Levi shouted.

The reaper then swung his scythe down on top of Levi's body. Blood gushed everywhere.

The giant reaper got smaller and it changed into normal Jerome.

The world around him began to change back to normal.

Jerome was back to his normal height and body build now.

Frost and Xavier got bigger and more weight on them also.

Jerome looked behind him to see Levi's body absolutely destroyed. He could see some of the organs on the trees and parts of his body missing.

Frost got to his feet and looked in horror.

"What kinda of power- since when in the hell could you do that? And who gave u primos ion to use my life source for power?" Frost asked. As his expression went from fear to questionable.

Jerome could barley walk and got on one knee.

Xavier was still on the ground.

"Oh cut the crap Xavier...we both know you faked your pain." Frost yelled over.

Jerome could see Xavier moving.

"You little shit, your telling me.... you could have backed me up the whole time?" Jerome asked.

Xavier moved slowly towards his bow.

"That guy was to damn strong. I was gonna go get some backup....if I were to make it in time."

Jerome smiled.

For frost and Xavier that was the first time they ever seen Jerome smiling.

"Thank you". Jerome said to them both.

Frost and Xavier looked at each other and back at Jerome.

"Thanks to the both of you, u pushed be to be stronger and defeat this bastard. I couldn't have won without you guys. Thank you." Jerome said in a steady and low voice, with his head down on one knee.

Frost and Xavier walked over to Jerome.

They picked him up. Both of Jerome's arms on on both of their shoulders.

They began to walk down the cliff and towards the horses.

Frost looked at Jerome.

"Jerome....about what u said. U know about your life... I'm sorry for always- there is no need for that" Jerome cut Frost off.

The sun was starting to rise. The sky turning blue with a little bit of orange, with the wind blowing.

Xavier began to cry.

"Why the hell are you crying?".

Jerome asked.

"Because this whole time...you've been trying to protect us. Because you really do care".Xavier said as he was balling his eyes out.

Frost started to tear up also.

Jerome just looked ahead and pulled their heads close to his.

"You guys are like my little brothers....I have to try to protect you guys till the end".

All three of them got on their horses and headed back to their clan base.

Back at Levi's body there was a women staying over it.

The women looked with dead eyes. Almost as if she didn't care.

"Hey, boss. One of our members... is dead, Levi is dead." The women said.

"Not that I'm surprised...he was one of our low ranks anyways. But boss... we need to be weary of the Kani clan at all times". The women said into the phone.

"They are the only ones to actually kill one of our people... send a message to our third leader.... the one with the scythe is the one to watch". The women said.

She hung up the phone.

The women looked around and then out her finger in the ground. All of the dead trees came back to life and all of Levi's body parts where disappearing.

"I would revive you but. If u lose a battle on our side then... your weak. We don't like weka here...Levi". The women said in a angers voice.

She ran off into the woods.

Back to Jerome and the others they were still on their horses. Jerome was sleep. Frost and Xavier ended up tying Jerome's horse to Xavier's.

Frost looked back at Jerome.

"What an interesting. We have a lot in common...Jerome". Frost said.

The sun was up now. Shining bright as ever.

Jerome woke up.

Frost quickly leaned back and said.

"Let's take down these ass holes together. And if u ever need anything Jerome we are here. Your family".

Frost said.

Jerome looked in shock.

Jerome let his hand out.

Frost shook hands with Jerome while they were ridding in the woods.

"You remind me a lot of how my brother acted when he was alive..." Jerome said.

Frost saw something he ever thought he would ever see.

Jerome had a tear run down his face.

Then he quickly wiped it away.

"Let's go home now". Jerome said.

All three of them where headed back to the clan.

Meanwhile at the clan.

Adisa was in the office with captain Udo.

"Now Adisa make sure u handle it in a clean manner please." Udo said.

"Yea yea I know Captain". Adisa said.

Aubrie was with Udo now. And Adisa got on his horse and headed out on a solo mission of his own.

"Sorry Captain but if he is here also...then my main mission will have to wait". Adisa said in a angry way.

Adisa rode away from the clan. Getting ready for his own mission.