
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

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129 Chs

Scars that are to deep to heal

Adisa started to head down the mountain to catch up to the others.

Adisa pulled out his phone and told Udo that people would be coming to the gates today with ten men and two women with them.

After hanging up the phone Adisa headed the opposite way of the clan.

"I have to find that guy, according to captain Udo he was spotted with that woman in area again." Adisa said to himself.

Adisa walked down the mountain.

While he was walking he could hear footsteps in the distance. It didn't sound like animal footsteps either.

They were soft and coming from his rear.

It was summer.

"Huh? Weren't you just up there?." Adisa asked.

Summer started laughing.

"We should really talk… Adisa." Summer said with a smile still on her face.

"Sorry but I'm in a bit of a rush- to find that man that took away Bell?. Summer asked, as she cut off Adisa.

Adisa looked in surprise.

He nodded his head in agreement to follow her for a little talk.

Summer and him walked up the mountain. They were near the top when they reached their destination.

There was a water fall, with the sun bright as ever.

Summer went to the edge and sat on the edge of the cliff. She patted the ground next to her for Adisa to sit.

Adisa looked with a blank face and sat next to her.

So uh….what do u want to walk about?" Adisa asked.

Summer looked at the water and the sun. She took in a deep breath of the wind blowing against her face.

"It's a beautiful day today outside." Summer said as she ignored Adisa's question.

"Adisa. Do you not know what u are?." Summer asked.

Adisa looked in confusion. "A human being?." Adisa asked.

Summer laughed hard as ever.

"No, your not even that….you see, your a very special person. Were you the one that was the last person to ever be dropped off from the air ship?." Summer asked.

Adisa looked with a bland face at Summer.

"Nope, Never heard of that before." Adisa said.

"There is no need to lie. Whenever you get your memory back you'll know what you are. I'd rather not tell you." Summer said in a low voice.

The wind blew aggressively with the water fall roaring.

"What the hell it that supposed to mean?" Adisa asked.

"There are five people like us on the island somewhere. When we were all sent here we have a special dna code that we need to unlock." Summer said.

"Wait. What the hell do u mean? Dna? Five others?" Adisa asked.

Summer started to look around.

"Just know that you are incredibly special and I hope you will be the one out of all of us to find out the truth." Summer said.

Adisa was confused and looked at her with it in his eyes also.

"Don't worry. You'll find it in the future, you can get more information if u come by to visit more often." Summer said to Adisa.

"I doubt I'll ever come back here, the queen of your clan is kinda scary." Adisa said.

Summer put her head down, her smile disappeared from her face.

"The queen is my mom…but it wasn't really her choice to be my mother." Summer said.

What do you mean?. Haha, she and you don't act the same at all. She even has prisoners,she's mean and- alone." Summer said as she cut Adisa off.

"You see. When she was younger, like in her 20s she was rapped by multiple men." Summer said in a sad voice.

Adisa eyes opened even more in surprise.

"Accordingly her all she was doing was coming home from work and from getting her daughter from school. While driving she realized a car was following them, but she thought nothing of it." Summer explained.

"When she got home she and her daughter lay in bed in went to sleep. Then later that night someone broke into her home…and rapped her. Along with 10 other men. They each took their turn and time, each time her daughter Cried they would hit my mother in the head. So she waited,waited, and it finally stopped. But…. Before they left they killed her daughter in the process." Summer said in a sad tone.

Summer started crying, as she bald up her fist.

Then after all that. A couple months later she found out she was pregnant…..with me." Summer said.

"She never liked me…not at all. Because I'm a reminder of that night and of the person who rapped her. She said I even have the same eyes as my father." Summer said.

Adisa could feel his heart beating at a fast rate. He didn't know what to say to her.

"After finding out who some of the men were she pointed them out. All of them were out to death. All but my father…she found out he was sent here. So after her finding that out she had decided to come here to kill him. But it's been a long time, she still can't find him. She is here only to kill him….all while not loving me." Summer said.

"It's not like I asked to be born…she doesn't have to treat anyone like that…not even guys. But I understand her, I wouldn't trust anyone either at that point." Summer said.

"That's her whole reason for coming here, to find and kill him. She wants revenge and nothing more. I'm trying to hard Adisa. To keep her from wanting this path of revenge. It only brings darkness at the end and will ring no one happiness….no matter how much u want it." Summer said.

Adisa got closer to Summer as she lowered her head in a disappointed way.

Adisa was close to her now. He wrapped his left arm around her.

"I had no idea your mom was in so much pain from her past. You said you want to get her off of the path of revenge but to be honest, it's hard to change the kind of someone. Especially with a past like that, a lot of those women probably have stories kinda like hers. No matter what we say or do I don't know if we can change her mind on men and revenge." Adisa said.

"But I understand where she is coming from at the end of the day". Adisa said.

"This is the start of a nice friendship I believe." Adisa said.

Adisa stood up and looked over the edge of the waterfall. It was really far down.

"As humans we need to face our fears. Not just to overcome them, but to be better people at the end of the day. Adisa said in a calm voice.

"I know how you feel…with the not wanting love from your parents. You see I'm not from here, I was brought here on the airship with other people. Because my parents got rid of me. Or so I remember." Adisa sad.

"But despite all of that. I've met people in my life that have kept me going. Sometimes I even try to kill myself but I can't…some is always there for me. My captain has been like a father to me, friend as a brother, and the rest of them as my crazy ass family. You need people in your life that keep you going and help u become a better human being." Adisa explained to summer.

Summer's face started to turn red.

Adisa held out a hand for her to grab. Summer grabbed Adisa's hand, he pulled her close to him.

"U must be scared of this sight…am I right?" Adisa asked.

How did you know?. She asked.

"I can like feel your heart…. I don't know it's just stuff I can feel. Adisa explained.

"Wait….you can feel- Adisa quickly hugged her and jumped off the cliff. Headed straight to the water.

Summer screamed loud. But the noise was canceled out by the roaring water.

They both landed in the water.

Adisa came from the bottom and came to the surface to get air.

Adisa looked in shock to see Summer on the side with no signs of water on her.

"Just how fast are you?." Adisa asked.

Summer laughed. I have twenty percent of my dna unlocked so yep." Summer said.

"Yea, about that. What the bell do u mean?" Adisa asked.

"Just meet me at this spot in 2 days." Summer said.

"I have to go on a mission now Adisa, nice meeting you." Summer said.

Adisa kept swimming in the water as he waved goodbye.

"Holy crap, I could feel his peers going off the charts….but your definitely the fifth Adisa, your the key to ending all of this stuff." Summer said to her self.

Summer was headed down the mountain and towards the blind clan….to meet with Jade.

Meanwhile, Adisa was now leaving the water and headed down the mountain in wet cloths.

"Summer….and the queen's story is so sad…. Hopefully one day I can help her out. Me and her aren't that different." Adisa said.

"But still I wonder why she was hiding the fact she was leaving to tell someone information…just another feeling I guess." Adisa said to himself.

Adisa walked down with the sun still shining high.

"Time to go back home."