
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Action
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129 Chs

Left evidence

Jerome,Jericho,Frost,Summer, and Jade were all on top of a building now.

"Glad I teleported us away in time!" Jerome said, while he held his hand on his eighth eye.

"Where did you come from, Jade?" Frost asked.

Jade said nothing, as she already had tears in her eyes. She looked around at everyone and stopped dead on Jericho.

Jade leaped at him with her sword in her hands. She crashed into him and brought her blade down through his hand. Jericho used his hand to stop it from penetrating his head.

"This man…is a traitor!" She yelled.

Summer pulled Jade off of Jericho and held her back tightly.

"What are you talking about? Me and him have been fighting Jugo's damn army the whole time!" Jerome said.

"Back when I was fighting Laity and the explosion went off…the others in his group attacked us! Bella me, he's the traitor!" Jade explained.

Frost friend his cold glare to Jericho. "I have nothing to do with this…that I swear." Jericho said.

"Where's Xavier?" Jerome asked.

"He stayed back to fight them off! All…to protect me." Jade answered.

"I see. Summer, teleport Xavier here whenever you pick up his aura!"

Summer let go of Jade and started meditating.

"And for Jericho…I don't believe he's lying. I this just group kept it hidden from him because they knew he'd kill them!" Jerome explained.

Jericho got to his feet and held his hand in pain. "Shit…you guys couldn't have betrayed us, Could you?" Jericho asked himself.

A huge explosion went off in the distance. "That's Jugo!" Frost said.

"You don't worry about him. Me and Jericho have that under control!" Jerome said.

"What do we do, then!?" Summer asked in a desperate voice.

"You and Frost go take care of that annoying sniper. Jade will remain here where it's safe." Jerome told to everyone.

"I'll fight Jugo alone…Jericho, you go look for the girl and Xavier . And bring them up here with Jade.After that's, done come to my aid!" Jerome ordered.

"Hehe, sure thing!"

"Now, everyone go!"

Everyone quickly jumped off the building leaving Jade behind to rest. Frost and Summer headed to the north side of the city,near where the explosions started.

"Where there'll do we start?" Frost asked.

Summer stopped for a moment and closed her eyes. "What the hell are you-oh I get it." Frost said.

In Summers mind. She was playing back the events that happened before the explosion took place.

She could see Xavier running up the steps to the building and getting shot at by unknown aura objects.

Her mind went blank in that very moment. "Shit! I wanted to see more…but the guy was shooting right in this spot before. If I were him, I'd go to help the others!"

"So your saying he's back near Jerome? Or even Jade?" Frost asked.

Summer grabbed Frost's hand and tapped her foot. They were where Jade was laying down.

"She's out cold. I'll leave her be." Frost said.

Summer bent down and looked down on the city below her. Trying to find out where he might be hiding.

"He's gonna be in a tall building, where there's good view of the area." Frost explained

Frost took note of all the tall buildings around him. "I see….him."

Summer turned her head in shock. "How the hell can you see him, Frost!?"

"I'm my clan, our bodies are ice cold on the inside. If your hot then…it's like I can see through you!"

(Amazing…his powers have really improved over the last month. And what's better, he seems confident in himself and not scared to take action!) Summer thought to herself.

"But enough chat. Time to go to work!" Frost said.

Frost closed his left eye and stared hard at the tall building to the right, using his right eye.

"Ice bloom!"

The top of the building froze up and exploded into tiny pieces, revealing a man wearing a torn Cape with Blue aura in on his hands.

The man quickly jumped out of the building and held out his hand to shoot a wire across the building. He swung from one building to another.

"Don't let him get away!" Frost yelled as he stomped his foot down to create ice. The ice below him grew into the sky and he could control it.

"Hang on to me right, Summer."

Frost leaned forward a little bit to make the ice move forward at a fast rate.

They where right behind the man. Getting close,closer, and closer.

"Now Summer, do it!"

Summer clapped her hands together to stop the time around the man and keep him where he was.

"Wha-what kind of power!?" Light said.

Frost and Summer were now next to Light. Staring at him in anger.

"Where's the girl? Frost asked.

"Have no clue. Could ask you the same!" Light responded.

"Tsk. You shot at our comrade back there…do you have any idea what you've done!?" Summer asked.

Light snapped his head back and looked at Summer with a death stare.

"What about my comrades? My people? The people you've killed?" He asked.

Frost and Summer fell into silence. "You kids have no idea how this works. You don't even understand what's coming, do you?" Light asked.

"What do you mean?" Frost asked.

"You'll see. One day, the coming will come for your heads!" Light said as he was able to love his body again.

"I thought he couldn't move!" Summer yelled.

"Powers don't bother me. You can't hurt me, child!"

Light jumped on the roof of a building and did a back flip. While in air he shot two aura, like attacks at the two.

Frost looked at the things and they froze in place.

Summer tapped her foot and teleported behind Light.

She tried to grab him but he quickly turned around and shot again.

Before the light hit her she snapped her fingers and switched places with Frost.

The light froze in place once again.

"That damn girl!" Light said.

Frost looked at Light and froze his feet in place. "Expansion!" Summer yelled.

Light's whole body froze in place. He could only see what looked like to be a universe that was covered in green.

"This power…I've seen this before!" Frost said. (I can't move…and what's worse, my thinking is slowed down.)

He could see Summer floating in the air and come down slowly towards him.

"We just want to talk…that is all. Don't try to run, because you can't! In my time power, it's my rules and speed of time. You can't move faster than time, can you?" Summer asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Damn you! Damn youuu!" Light yelled out.

"Where-where's earth? What the hell is this place?!"

"We…are in time."


"Forget it. Where's Jack hiding? And why do you guys want your hands on Adisa so bad?"

"Hahaha, I won't sell out our leader. I could care less about telling you that. And as far as the boy, he's special. You know that yourself." Light said.

"First ring: Amplification pin point."

Summers pointer finger ring, started glowing. A red dot appeared on Light's stomach.

"I already had pain inside me before…you think this will change that? We need Adisa and his power. That way we can end all of this ,shit!"

"End all of what?"


"No,no,no. There's more to it then that. Don't you want to destroy the humans outside the island? World domination?"

"Haha. You people really don't know anything at all! It's to hard for a low being to understand!" Light explained.

(So…it's more to the story…as I figured it would be. Now I need to know what the truth is then and what Jack's up too!)

"This is your last chance. Tell me, Where is Jack!"

Light stared to laugh out loud. He was laughing so hard he was struggling to breath.

"Jack…saved me!- he's manipulated you!" Summer cut off.

"He manipulates some, but, not all! You see, Jack saved me from myself! He gave me a reason to keep loving and fight. What you guys are doin is wrong…not us! He…he's the real hero! He saved all of us from our hell that we call lives!" Lights spat back.

"Then tell me…why did he save you from exactly?" Summer asked.

"He saved a human once who was forced to work and do labor for the rest of his life. He saved a little girl from being abused by her father, all because he wanted her to be strong and perfect. He saved a woman from her village, who didn't let women live with real freedom. He saved a man who lost everything in his life and thought he had nothing to love for. He saved a young boy from his old clan, who were going to kill him and steal his powers! Don't you get it? He's not evil at all! And you don't even know real pain until you understand the way he thinks…you know nothing!"

Summer said nothing and stopped her expansion.

"Eh-what happened?" Frost asked.

Light was still froze to the building and couldn't move. "Nothing." Summer replied in a dry tone.

"What do we do with him then?" Frost asked.

"We'll keep him here, for-you idiot he already broke free." Frost said.

Summer turned around in shock to see Light standing over them. Taking aim.

"Expansion: Death needle piercing!" Light yelled.

A huge circle surrounded the area. Summer and Frost could feel their stomach's being cut open.

As it was happening, Summer snapped both her hands and went back in time before Light created his expansion.

"What the hell?" Light yelled out.

Frost quickly jumped up and slammed Light into the building, holding him there!"

"Shit…I'm too weak…Jugo! Jugo use your ability now!! Sacrifice me and see your duty done!" Light yelled out.

Far back where Jerome stood, face to face with the real Jugo. Jugo could hear Light's pleads.

"Very well." Jugo said.

Before Jugo could do anything else, Jerome had already stabbed Jugo in his shoulder.

Jugo quickly used his guan chains and wrapped it around Jerome's body and threw him off the building.

Jugo looked over the edge of the building to make sure Jerome fell over, but he couldn't see Jerome anywhere.

"Where there'll did you go…soul?!" Jugo yelled out.

Jugo turned around to see Jerome coming at him. Jerome's purple, sinister aura spreader on his sword. "Reaper slash!" A aura trail could be seen headed straight for Jugo.

Jugo could feel pain in his chest and stomach area. "Sh-shit. That attack can travel through air!?"

"I've been doing all this damage…and yet he keeps regenerating. Me and Jericho have been at this for the longest, trying to bring him down. But without a doubt, he, Jugo is the strongest out of their group. And he hasn't even shown his full power, yet. That's impressive!" Jerome complimented.

Jugo clapped his hands together so hard that it sent Jerome flying back from the impact.


Jugo let out a yelled so loud that it made Jerome's ears ring. A huge beam of aura shot up in the sky, and buildings where falling apart.

"What the hell?" Jerome asked himself.

Jerome still had his aura flowing around his body. "I'll just enter reaper mode, at this point. It's a new form that doesn't cost expansion…or my hidden troop item." Jerome said to himself.

He looked up in the air to see Jugo floating high and with his chains flowing around him with aura.

Jugo held both his hands out. "Absorb!" Jugo yelled.

Light and Bella's bodies flew inside of Jugo. Jugo's pants started ripping and he get bigger in size.

After all the yelling was over, Jugo landed on the building and walked slowly towards Jerome.

Did he absorb their powers? Or maybe-

Jerome's face was covered with Jugo's hand. He grabbed Jerome by his head and slammed him into the building. The building fell apart and was nothing but ruble.

Jugo began looking for Jerome's body. Jerome jumped up quickly, he used the aura in his feet to jump high in the air and on to another building.

Jugo started flying towards him. Jerome ran at Jugo. But this time got on his knees and slid below his fist. While sliding, Jerome managed to put two daggers in Jugo's rib cage area.

Jugo pulled out the blades and continued to chase after Jerome. Moving building to building, Jerome was navigating smoothly through the city.

Jerome stopped on a tower and clapped his hands together, with Jugo getting ready to punch him.

"Hidden troop technique: Reaper of the night…scythe!"

Jerome put the hoodie over his head to show red eyes coming from inside of it. Nothing else could be seen besides the red glow.

Jerome's body was turned to the side with a strong looking stance. His cape blew in the wind and his aura was flowing everywhere.

Some of his aura formed into a scythe and became physical.

He held the scythe with a tight grip and looked straight at Jugo, who had stopped in his tracks.

"There it is! Show me what you got, Jerome!" Jugo yelled.

Jerome took one step forward, in that split second, Jugo's arm went flying off his body.

When did he- Jugo was interrupted when he saw Jerome behind him.

Jugo jumped up in the air and flew in the opposite direction.

"He can't fly…so that's good on my part!" Jugo said.

Jerome looked up the in the air and started to float himself.

"Reaper slash." Jerome whispered.

Jugo could see purple like aura coming at him. He flew low to the ground. Only to meet with Jerome's eyes.

Jerome slashed Jugo's face. They were in the middle of the street now, Jugo's right side was gushing out blood.

"Where did all that speed and power come from? And on the information we gathered…you shouldn't be able to fly or move this fast!" Jugo said.

Jerome said nothing, he just kept walking slowly towards Jugo.

"It's like he literally turned into a reaper. This,this is crazy strong!" Jugo said to himself.

"My powers have been canceled? Well, my side powers. I can't regenerate anymore…why? Is it from that scythe?"

Jerome jumped high in the air and spun the scythe over his head and slammed it down. Jugo jumped out of the way and clapped his hands together quickly.

Chains came from the ground and wrapped around Jerome's body.

(He's using his aura to control the chains…interesting!) Jerome thought to himself.

Jerome broke free from the chains, only to see there where chains forming around him now.

It was as if he was in the middle of a strong tornado.

"Chain overdrive!" Jugo yelled out.

The chains got closer and closer to Jerome. All having blades at the end of them.

The chains rained down where Jerome was standing. Leaving, only dust in the air.

"Jerome!" Frost yelled out from the building.

Jugo laughed at turned his attention towards Frost and the others.

"I'll kill you all and take Jade with me!"

Jugo took a step towards them. Only to be stopped when hearing Jerome's evil laugh.

The smoke cleared. A giant creature covered in purple aura, with red glowing eyes.

"This…is the reaper itself." Jerome explained.

There was a huge skeletal face covered in a purple like hoodie and with glowing, jet res eyes. The reaper had a giant scythe at it's side also.

"When could Jerome-what kind of training did those two do?!" Summer asked.

Jerome snapped his fingers. The reaper quickly slashed the chains away.

Jerome was standing in the middle of the reaper. You could see through the aura.

It looked as though Jerome was floating inside of it.

"Nothing can penetrate this guy." Jerome said in a calm voice.

Jugo grew with anger on his face. Jugo created a dark like pool of goo around him to create multiples of him.

"There's no need to try. And besides….your weak." Jerome said mockingly said.

Jugo ignored him and clapped his hands together. "Fine soul, if that's how you want to play, then so be it!"

Jugo's multiples started jumping inside of his body. Jugo started to form into a giant creature.

On the building where Jade was. She could see his giant tail crashing down on buildings. "What…in the world?!"

Jerome looked up high in the sky to see another so pleasant face looking down on the city.

"So that's why he absorbed them. He was getting his body ready for the transformation…shit. This isn't good, not at all." Jerome said to himself.

"Frost and Summer have used up lots of their powers. Jericho was beat up from fighting with me…and now he's looking for the girl. So I'm all on my own. I need to buy time for these guy to evacuate the area!" Jerome said.

Jerome couldn't believe the size of Jugo. "What the hell even are you??" Jerome asked.

Jugo let out a deep laugh that was shaking the ground.

"I am…a god!" Jugo said.

"Why the help does Jack keep getting all the strong people?"

Jerome pointed his scythe at Jugo. "Fine then…the only way to win is to…but I need time!" Jerome said.

"It looks like the dark powers have consumed most of his body. Therefore making him bigger and deformed. But his power is off the charts! I need to cast the soul spell, fast!" Jerome said.

(I can't use my expansion…it would kill even more survivors and my own comrades.)

Jerome couldn't help but notice ash falling from the sky.

"As soon as I'm out of energy and with my back up against the wall….here you guys come." Jerome said.

All of a sudden a giant sword came crashing down on Jugo's giant body.

"What?" Jugo said in confusion.

"Shrink." A voice whispered behind Jerome.

Jerome turned around to see Nzinga standing behind him.

"So…you guys did come. How annoying." Jerome said sarcastically.

Jerome's reaper disappeared and Jerome collapsed on one knee, holding his right arm.

"You can master that creature, now?" Nzinga asked.

"Hell no. It's way to powerful."

Nzinga looked up and noticed that Jugo was staring at the top of a very tall tower. On the top of the tower, there could be seen a shadow staring with it's arms crossed.

"Ahh, there he is!" Nzinga said.

"Who…who is that?" Jugo said as he was shrinking back to normal size.

"He canceled out my technique?!" Jugo asked himself in a panic.

The stranger jumped off the building and landed right in front of Jerome. A black cape could be seen. It was Adisa.

"Adisa? When did you get here? Aren't you-Udo let me go. You just rest. Everyone here looks to be out of it." Adisa said.

Adisa walked over to Jugo, slowly. Pulling out his sword.

"Expansion:Dark rain!" Adisa staid.

The ash in the sky started falling aggressively now.

"I thought he didn't have an expansion?! What the hell is going on!?" Jerome asked.

Before anything could be asked. Nzinga pulled out a piece of ash and snapped her fingers.

Everyone was in front of the Kani clan. Jericho,Frost,Summer,the girlJade, Jerome, and Nzinga.

"Udo wants him to handle it solo." Nzinga said.

"When-the hell?"

Back in the city stood Jugo and Adisa.

"So your the one we've been looking for?! You don't look like much kid. But what's inside you is what freaks me out the most!"

"You talk too much. And your loud." Adisa responded in a calm voice.

Jugo reached inside of his body to pull out Trover.

"Is this who your looking for, boy? Well, sorry to tell you but…the thing inside you need him to survive. This won't work out!" Jugo said.

"I'll be taking him with me after I slice your head off."

"Oh? A very cocky one you are. Just shut up and stop the act. Humans and their army will be here any minute now! They've all seen the damage we've done on tv and now the humans here will want a war with us! The plan is brilliant! All those lives lost and gone. Hahaha."

Adisa said nothing and started walking towards Jugo again.

"Not another step!"

Adisa stopped when seeing Jugo hold a knife to Trover's throat.

"You see….even if you wanted to kill me you can't. I've absorbed all my people's powers and now I have your friend. Come quietly, boy!"

"We only have 3 minutes until the people come back. I don't have time for this, anymore. I'll be killing you and taking Trover back with me."

In one swift motion Adisa got low to the ground and jumped in the air.

He clapped both his hands together. Lots of ash in the air formed on to his body. He was covered in it.

Jugo threw Trover's body to the side and threw his chains at Adisa. Jugo watches as the chains went right through Adisa's body.

"What?!" Jugo said.

Adisa brought his sword down on Jugo's face and dragged it across, creating a deep cut On his face.

Jugo fell back in pain.

Before he could do anything else, Adisa had paralyzed Jugo's body.

"I-I can't move!? Why is that?" Jugo asked.

"When someone is inside my domain for a long time,they can't move." Adisa explained.

Adisa walked over to Trover and picked him up.

(This guy's on a different level! He's not stronger then Jerome or that other guy. But still. His powers….are insane.) Jugo thought to himself.

The ash stopped falling and Adisa put his sword to Jugo's neck.

"I refuse….to die by someone like you! Screw keeping you alive!" Jugo yelled.

Adisa jumped back quickly when noticing Jugo's body getting bigger and bigger.

"This…this is my burden, Jack!"

"He's building up his aura. And plans to explode his body in the process of it all. I have to hurry and get far!" Adisa said.

Adisa's body went back to normal as he was running away. He closed his eyes hard.

A loud explosion went off behind him.

He quickly clapped his hands and teleported in front of the gate at Kani.

"Got him!" Adisa yelled in delight.

Everyone looked beaten up and confused. Everyone except Nzinga and Adisa.

"The plan worked out just fine. We got Trover,got the girl,and all the enemies are dead!" Adisa explained.

"You killed Jugo that fast, Adisa?" Jade asked while out of breath.

"Well…not exactly. He knew I was too strong so he blew himself up."

Udo came crashing down on everyone, landing on three people.

He popped up quickly and head butted Adisa.

Adisa fell to the ground holding his nose in pain.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"Who the hell gave you permission to sneak off?" Udo snapped.

Adisa slowly turned his head to Nzinga who was already walking away from the crowd.

"Nzinga, you idiot!!!" Udo yelled.

"What was that, Captain? I couldn't hear you!" Nzinga said in a taunting tone as she disappeared into the clan.

Udo looked under him to see he had landed on Frost,Summer, and Jericho.

Jade looked over to her right to see Xavier passed out on the ground.


She quickly crawled over to his body and started shaking him aggressively.

Xavier slowly opened his eyes.

"Thank goodness." Jade said. She wrapped her arms around Xavier so tight that he could barley breath.

Mean while at City of Goud.

The man and his army marched around looking for survivors. No one was in sight.

Among all the rubble later thousands of bodies. One person could be heard yelling for help.

"Someone's right here, boss!" A soldier yelled out.

A big man with a kid on his back shiver all the men aside. "Take a good look boy." The man said with a deep tone.

The soldiers removed a piece of building from on top of the voice. It was a man…accept his legs where missing.

The big man bent over and started talking to the guy.

"Who did this to our people? Was it another city with a surprise attack?" The man asked.

The crippled man quickly grabbed the mans shirt. "N-no….it was-it-it was them! And besides…I know you, your the famous military Sargent. You've killed many of their kind. Please….you must avenge all these people." The man said as he took his last breath.

The crowd of men fell silent.

"Scorpion, sir. What- the soldier stopped talking when seeing scorpion's tears.

Scorpion turned around and looked at all the men. "Everyone look around you. Tell me…what do u see?"

"Dust!" The little boy said on Scorpion's huge, and muscular back.

"This was a running city. But we know the enemies who did this. And we will NOT sit down and allow all these people's death without justice! We,we as people did nothing to these creatures. They've terrorized us for years now! Now is not the time for mourning…now is the time to take action and KILL. Now then…everyone back to base. I'll alert the boss and give you all details." Scorpion shouted.

All of the men marched back into their cars and drove away from the destroyed city.

A man approached Scorpio. "What is it, Wolf?" Scorpion asked the strange man.

"Sir….you and your boy might want to look at this!"

Wolf led Scorpion out on to the street. Wolf bent over and picked up a piece of ash.

"It's just ash…why are you-it's not normal ash, sir. If you look closely, you can almost see a little shine! I believe this can lead us to the attacker if you just give me some time to study it!" Wolf said.

Scorpion started to scratch his bald head irritatingly.

"That's fine."

"Wonderful! I'll get started right-

"Make sure you put it in project ALPHA."

"Sir…are you sure about that? We both know how dangerous-Wolf stripped speaking when seeing Scorpion's crazy eyes staring back at him.

Wolf bow his head and quickly walked off.

Scorpion was by himself. He stared at the street and picked up a piece of ash from the ground.

He looked at his child and back at the ash.

"Interesting." He said. Scorpion put the ash in his pocket and walked towards the entrance of the city.

"Alpha starts now!"