
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

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129 Chs

A History Lesson

Udo began to speak. "So about hmm... let's say 100 or 150 years ago there was a city of people that was very poor and at war with each other all of the time. But the rest of civilization didn't want to help them,They treated them like dirt and wanted all of them dead because they acted like "wild animals". But I'm reality they were all begging for help" Udo explained.

"So one day. The whole world decided to eradicate these people and the city. They did so. And by them doing that they started making rules for the rich and poor across the world".

" if ur poor, a criminal, a killer, liar, rapist, and much more. Then u are sent to this island. Now don't get me wrong. After the city was destroyed there where a couple thousand people that survived. And the civilization that didn't live in the city took the people and put them on this island. And that's where the laws come in after like I said" Udo said in a low tone voice.

" And now we are on this island because of our people's past or because some of us are just Bad people. But I believe we are all just wanting to leave this hell... but it's like we can't because we will let some bad people back into the world again. Udo explained.

Udo flexed with anger.

"But these rich or good people outside of the city just judged our people and put them in this island. The ancient city was very poor and had no recourses so they fought each other to survive... everyday was hell. And the rest of the world did nothing to help. Instead they made money off of watching us kill our selfs and we're laughing at it. Instead of giving us what we needed to end the fighting and to help us survive."

"So when they saw the people in the big city fighting and started to have like a all out war, and when only thousands of the people survived the war they didn't want them to die. They put them on this island to keep the fighting going and so they can watch us kill our selfs, every once in a while. Udo said angrily.

About every two years a giant air ship comes and drops people off that were bad people or they found out that they have some DNA of the people from the ancient city. Because they don't want to have " a monster in the world".

"Shit Adisa as far as I see it every person on this planet should be on this island".Udo said with a little grin on his face.

"Now Adisa, don't get me wrong I agree with the fact they are putting bad people here suck as killers and what not. But for them to put most of us here all because of our blood line is savage" Udo explained. Udo looked Adisa dead in his eyes while explaining it to him.

Adisa looked down and just stared at the floor.

"There is no need to get upset Adisa. I mean just look at what's going on or what u guys as troops have been doing. We are all still fighting among each other just like our ancestors did".

"We never know what would have happen if we were to leave that city that had giant walls to keep us in. We will never know.... but

I always wonder, Adisa. What would happen if we could just retaliate one day against the whole world?" Udo asked himself.

Adisa looked at Udo the same way he looked at Bella.

"Captain....why am I here?" Adisa asked in a questionable way.

Udo looked at Adisa with calm eyes,no emotion in them once so ever.

"Adisa to be honest I don't know much about ur past. I remember seeing the air ship coming 5 years ago. And only one person fell out of it was you. U where out cold and it was freezing. People on the island were wondering what kind of people fell out but it went around saying it was just a boy." Udo said

Adisa looked in shock.

"Adisa.... that has never happened before here on this island... not just one person falling into the ocean from the air ship. And that was the last time I've seen the ship. It is supposed to come every two years. Adisa, ur special. And if people knew that the kid was you who fell out of the ship they would question u or have u killed." Udo told Adisa.

Adisa eyes widened in surprise.

"I doubt I'm anything special. I'm sure there was a reason the ship didn't return. Plus. I remember some of my childhood. Adisa said slowly.

"U mind telling me about it boy?" Udo asked.

Adisa kept looking down. Eyes were just like the captain's eyes, calm and dead. Almost like he had no emotion at all.

"I remember being in a house and a group of people came in and my parents couldn't pay them back in time.... I'm sorry I just stood remember the conversation that well. But anyways my parents couldn't pay the government.... so then they had a choice to sell me and put me on the island or they would have to kill me. My parents could have took my place and came to the island while I lived there though." Adisa said in a sad voice.

Udo looked at Adisa in a confused way.

" so ur parents decided to stay there in civilization. While they sent their child away? Over because they couldn't pay the government?" Udo questioned.

"Yes captain" Adisa Saudi

"That's one reason why I don't trust anyone or love anyone. But I believe there is more to the story then just some damn money. I haven't smiled in 5 years captain." Adisa said while still looking at the floor.

Captain Udo looked at Adisa and stood out of his seat.

"I know that a lot has happen today but.... Adisa. We are ur family now to. Udo claimed

Adisa's eyes opened up in surprise.

"Through your time being here in the clan and being part of the troops. We taught u our ways and accepted u as our own. I remember just like yesterday when u became a troop. U are never alone. I know u get depressed and are sad from the loneliness and the pain inside from not being loved." Udo looked up and so did Adisa. Udo smiled at Adisa and kept on speaking.

"Believe me I know what it's like to be alone and lose people u love.... and to be betrayed. I'm sitting where my own mother sat years ago, man. With the troops u know and including myself Adisa we are ur family and would do anything for u. Remember that. Don't ever turn ur back on ur family." Udo said to Adisa

"Despite all the stuff that's going through ur mind and all of the things bad that has happend now in ur life. Keep pushing forward in life, don't let the pain inside stop u" Udo said in a bold way.

Adisa could feel a tear going down his face as he was looking the captain in his eyes. Adisa couldn't hold back the tears. They began to fall out without any control at all.

Udo kept talking to him.

"Use ur pain to live better and work harder. And if u need anything Adisa we are here for u very last one of us. Hell, I believe in u to do great things when u get older Adisa." Udo said.

Adisa clutched at his heart and began to cry. Udo began to walk over to Adisa.

Udo gave Adisa a hug with his one huge arm. And all that was being heard in the room was Adisa's crying.

1 hour went by and Adisa was now just sitting there in the room with captain Udo.

"U ok, Adisa?." Captain Udo asked.

Adisa got up and walked towards the door.

"Yes. I'm ok. Thank u very much captain. Ur people's history is very sad also. I'm sorry people like me were the cause of it". Have a good night. I'll see u and the others in the morning." Adisa said with a low volume.

Captain Udo just kept looking at him until he lift the room.

Adisa began to walk down the little town where his clan lived. He could see all of the people with their families and kids with their parents. All eating together and what not.

While Adisa was all alone. He kept waking down the street and then saw his house to the right.

He opened the door. It was all dark inside.

"Damn I can't find the switch" Adisa aid annoying to himself.

When he turned on the light Adisa was shocked to see both Frost and Trover both in his house on the couch just chilling.

"Surprise!!!" They both said at the same

Trover looked most happy to see Adisa. Trover was a 17 year old boy with a man-bun.. was 5'10 and was a very skinny guy.

Adisa just say there looking stunned.

"Well we decided to just stay the night at ur place. Our parent aren't home for some reason, i don't know if they went to some food place or whatever but yea." Frost said.

Adisa looked at both of them with joy in his eyes.

Adisa picked up the remote and asked "well, what movie to u guys want to watch?"

Meanwhile at the blind clan headquarters:

He girl held Joseph the leader of the blind clan, in her arms as she was crying. "W-who did this?" Shit said with anger in her voice.

There were 5 men around her. One of the men in a scared motion steps forward and said "the Kani clan did this ma'am.... including their leader. Udo."

The girl looked up and in a low voice said " so your telling me.... my father..... was killed by the Kani clan. Our allies?". The girl began to laugh and then cry again."I will make sure that their clan will be burnt down to the very last grand of dirt. We will kill them all.....every last one of them. Beneath my feet. We will make our move soon enough on the clan. Bring out other ally along with us. We need time to get our strength back." The girl demanded.

"Yes ma'am" all of the men said at the same time.

All of the men quickly ran out of the room while the girl held her father in her arms.

"Father.... Udo and his so called troops.... will pay for what they did. Don't worry.... Jade is on the case." Jade said.

Jade looked with anger in her eyes as fire around her was still going on. And with her father in her arms, was missing two arms." We will kill them all.... father".