
Island Of The Dead

Welcome to Banoi A tropical island paradise where you can leave the world behind Welcome to the Royal Palms Resort Offering its guests from around the world the ultimate in luxury and relaxation Welcome to the place where your dream holiday is about to become your worst nightmare… Suddenly, and without warning, a terrifying plague breaks out on Banoi. Resort guests, hotel staff, islanders areinfected overnight…and transformed into the ravening, flesh-craving living dead.For those few who, for some reason, are immune to this apocalypse it becomes a race against time. To survive, toget off the island and warn the world before it’s too late. But first they must escape the clutches of the zombie hordes… Welcome to Banoi, A paradise to die for…

Knightofthedead · Horreur
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'Of course they did.' Purna shot Charon a contemptuous look. 'Isn't that right?' Charon inclined his head. 'Partly.

But the Organization didn't create the virus.

The virus was already here, on Banoi.

The Organization invests a huge amount of money in research and development. They probe every branch of science looking for potential new weapons, and they have eyes and ears everywhere.' 'And they heard about the virus?' said Sam.

Kevin nodded. 'The first of the infected to come back from the dead were taken off the island and tested.' 'Yerema's rapists,' said Purna, glancing at the girl. 'Precisely,' replied Kevin. 'And tests showed that in all three of them the virus – Pathogen K – could not be isolated because it was constantly mutating.

And so in order to create a usable biological weapon, a stable form of Pathogen K had to be found so that a vaccine could be developed.' 'Because without a vaccine, the virus would be useless as a biological weapon,' said Purna.

'Which is where you guys came in,' said Charon, spreading his hands expansively. 'It was discovered that, despite the aggressive nature and constantly mutating state of the virus, a tiny percentage of people were completely immune.

The Organization therefore used its resources to scan blood records the world over. They even created a multi-national blood drive event under a variety of banners and initiatives to cast their net still further.

Ultimately you four were selected from millions of potential subjects. It was discovered that you possessed the most vigorously resistant immune systems, strong enough to withstand close proximity engagement with the infection.

Plus you fit the required demographic survival profile.' 'You mean we were young and fit and we wouldn't get sick,' said Sam. 'Precisely.'

'So you dropped us into the middle of all this shit just so we'd get the original stable form of the virus for you?' 'Dropping a trail of crumbs for you to follow along the way, yes,' replied Charon smugly.

'I assume West was in on this?' asked Purna. Charon smirked. 'Mowen too. Such a shame about poor Dr West, though he served his purpose. I'm sure the vaccine he developed, combined with his notes – which you were thoughtful enough to bring along with you – will prove invaluable.'

'So all that shit about Ryder White's wife—' said Sam. 'Oh, that's all true,' said Charon, still smirking. 'It's always more convincing if you conceal a few droplets of truth in an ocean of subterfuge.' Sam frowned.

'So this Ryder White guy works for the Organization too?' 'No.' Sam stared at Charon for a long moment and then shook his head. 'I don't get it.' 'I think I do,' said Purna. Narrowing her eyes, she said, 'It wasn't Ryder White who contacted us, was it? It was you.'