
Chapter 13

Roohi POV

We were on our way to farmhouse. The ride was surrounded with comfortable silence.

Ahad would casually take my hand in his and place it on his thigh or kiss it.

These small gestures means a lot to me.

For me small gestures means a lot precisely because they are small and do not shout 'look at me'. They simply offer love quietly.

We have to drive for a couple of hours to reach the point. An hour have already passed and I was getting a little uncomfortable in my seat .

The back pain I had, has intensified and becoming uncomfortable more than unbearable.I tried to mark my pain because I didn't wanted ahad to cancel our trip and he will surely do so if I get more sick or uncomfortable I started to shift in seat to find a comfortable position to relax my back pain but,couldn't find one.

''Roohi are you alright.You are constantly fidgting in your seat''.Ahad diverted my attention to him."I'm fine"and gazed outside the window.