

SekaiTech: A story about fantasy and advanced technology. Notice: This Story isn't finished yet, once it's finished the chapter will be rewrite to create much better chapter. Notice: This Novel is still under development, as you saw this, you're now part of the BetaReader. Must: Help me with my story by commenting your suggestions, opinions, and reactions. Read as you'll notice the difference, plots from the vol. 1 will be 'overused' as the whole novel is still underdeveloment. . . . . . . . . thank you for understanding. Synopsis: Siah was an ordinary college student who loved technology and gadgets. One day, he was suddenly transported to a fantasy world where magic and monsters existed. He soon discovered that he had a unique system that allowed him to summon advanced technology from his original world, such as smartphones, drones, robots, and more. He also learned that his system had a shop feature that could let him buy anything he wanted, as long as he had enough points. He could buy skills, items, weapons, and even people with his system. With his system, Siah decided to explore the new world and have fun. He met many friends and foes along the way, and he used his technology to help or hinder them. He also encountered many mysteries and secrets about the world and his system, and he tried to uncover them. He realized that he was not the only one who had a system, and that there were others who had different systems and goals. He had to face many challenges and dangers, but he also enjoyed many adventures and pleasures. However, his life changed when a God appeared before him and told him a shocking truth. The world he was in was divided into 28 continents, each guarded by a God. But one of the Gods, who ruled over the largest continent, had turned into an Evil God and was planning to destroy the other continents and Gods. The 27 Gods had no choice but to pick a soul from another world to stop the Evil God, and they chose Siah. Now, Siah had to use his system and technology to fight against the Evil God and his minions, who also had systems and powers of their own. He had to ally with the other Gods and their chosen ones, and travel to the different continents to find a way to defeat the Evil God. He also had to deal with the consequences of his actions, and the fate of the world and his system. IsekaiTech is a novel that combines science fiction and fantasy, and follows the journey of Siah, a young man who has the power to acquire anything he desires. It is a story of adventure, comedy, romance, and action, set in a world where technology and magic coexist, and where a battle between Gods and Evil is about to begin. updates starts at 0:00, I'll try to make it everyday. Also, I'll rewrite the story if it's done to make it more detailed and undertable. be part of the BetaReaders now!

KLUX · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs

Chapter 5: Dungeon

[ Has it gotten Boring? Then tell me what to do, help me. Reader ]

In just a few minutes, the operation was successful. Mae was able to stand and feel her arms. Her brother woke up and saw this. Fuku was put down, and the both of them started hugging each other and crying.



[Name: Mae


Age: 26

Weight: 154

Height: 5'1

Level: 6 

Attack power: 15

Magic power: 0.5

Defense: 16

Agility: 23


[Name: Steven]


Age: 12

Weight: 32

Height: 4'1

Level: 1

Attack power: 5

Magic power: 0

Defense: 2

Agility: 10



After all their crying, Mae then kneeled down and put her hand on her chest with a firm grip like this ✊️ and said, "Thank you. In my name, Mae, I declare that my body and soul belong to you and yours only."



Before Aciah could ask Fuku what she meant by that, Fuku answered him through his thoughts: "That's the sign where a knight devotes his or her body and soul to you; they recognize you as their master, and your command is absolute."



"I see,"


His brother also kneeled, "I also devote my body and soul."


"Don't betray me, and you'll receive heaven." He then drops some clothes and a cloak for the both of them. "Put these clothes on and follow us." Siah and Fuku then wait outside.



They start talking through their thoughts.


"What do you think, Fuku?"


"It's a good thing to have more manpower, and we saved lots of points. I read their minds, and they have no intention of betraying you; they already made up their minds to die for you."



"That's good then. Hey, Fuku, do you think I'm naïve?"


"I don't think so; you're kind—too kind for this world; you can't even kill a person," he giggled. "It's kind of funny how you would survive on your own, but, Siah, the more people you save, the more people respect you, you will be for sure to end the rule of this world,'survival to the fittest' and that is what I admire."



"I never had a plan on saving the world when I got here; my plan is to travel around the world, but if I can save people along the way, then I'll gladly do it. Hey, Fuku, I don't want to be a hero nor become a villain; what I only want is to do what I like without caring for what the world thinks."



Fuku smiled. "That's a good goal, Aciah. I'll always support you, so do what you love."




The two of them talk while looking at the dark sky, which is slowly becoming brighter because of the sun's rise.



"We're done changing," Mae said as they got out.


"Good, let's first get out here," Siah said.



They make their way to an inn, which has a room good for four people; it's kind of large; and it's six silver coins for a night.




"Let's have breakfast first," Siah said, and they bought sandwiches and coffee for breakfast. Mae and Steven were surprised by the taste and even made a big deal about it.




Fuku didn't make a big deal about it when he first tried food from my system. Is he used to delicious foods?



"I can say that your foods are delicious; I just didn't make a big deal out of it," he said through Siah's mind.




After breakfast, "You two should rest first; we're heading out to do some business," Siah said and left with Fuku.




"Sister, those two are really weird, aren't they?" Steven said.


"There's a lot of mystery around them; one of those is this," she says, moving her arm. "This doesn't exist in the kingdom or even the empire; I never heard something like this before." She then looks at his brother seriously.



"Steven, no matter what, don't ever get their bad side; they are our saviors. We should do what they said, and I'm sure those two will be great figures in the future."



Her brother agrees, nodding his head out of fear, that what they go into is a serious matter, involving their lives on the line.



A few hours have passed; it's already noon. Around 12:30, Siah got back. What he saw when he got there was Mae doing some workouts and Steven sleeping.



"Getting used to your new arms and legs yet?"



"I'm kind of getting the hang of it; my punches and kicks are far stronger than my old body."



"That's good, then," Siah said, looking at Steven.


"He's probably been up all night looking for someone to rob. About what happened earlier, I'm sorry."


"It's okay; he only did it because he wanted to heal his sister."


"I'm sorry. Part of that is why I'm sorry, but I'm sorry because I'm happy that he robbed you. If he didn't do that to you, we probably wouldn't meet us. I'm sorry," Mae said with sincerity.



"What an honest girl you are, but it's okay; I don't mind; fate brought us together, I guess."



Steven then woke up, yawning and stretching his arms. "Hahhhhh, it's been a while since I slept so well!"



Siah and Mae giggled.Here's some food; let's eat; we need energy for r toda



"What are we doing today?" Steven asked while Siah was preparing the meal.


"We're going to explore the dungeon."


"Ohhh, are you an adventurer, mister?"


"Yup, I want to explore lots of places and fight different kinds of monsters," Siah said while handing them the chicken curry he prepared.



"Ohhhh! This is delicious!" The siblings said.


Aciah just watched them and giggled.



After eating their lunch, they went ahead and went to the dungeon. When they got out of the wall and were a few kilometers away, where there weren't any humans, Siah got his hover bike and rode towards the dungeon in minutes, carrying them both in the hover bike.



"So this is the dungeon."


Steven and Mae are both dizzy after riding the hover bike; it's too fast that they got dizzy.



"By the way, I don't see your partner around here; is he not coming with us?" Mae asked.



"Oh, he has business to do; that reminds me, we never really introduce ourselves, noh? My name is Siah, and my partner's name is Fuku."



"What a strange name," Steven said.


"Well, you could say that we're not from here," Siah replied.


"That explains all these strange things you have. Well, we won't question them," Mae said.



"Alright, let's talk about those later." The dungeon has a large entrance, like a cave but far larger; it's in the middle of a forest, filled with trees. There are a lot of adventures around; they must have also explored the dungeon for money.



"Before we go, have these, Mae. You're a knight, are you? Here's a sword and a pair of jump boots. You might not get familiar with the jump boots, but you'll get used to them."



The jump boots are a new gear of ours; with these boots, we can move really fast. Jump boots are a type of gadget that allow the wearer to leap great distances and heights, usually by using some form of anti-gravity technology.


While the sword that I gave can cut anything, any monster, no matter how strong their skin is, at first, it looks like a regular sword that can cut monsters, but it's actually a plasma blade that can cut through any material and generate intense heat. The plasma blade would be activated by a switch on the hilt and powered by a rechargeable battery. The blade could also change its shape and length depending on the user's preference.



"And as for Steven, he's still a bit too young to be fighting. Wait here; Fuku will be sure to come here; he'll tell you what to do."



Steven nodded. "Alright, let's go." Mae and Siah got into the dungeon, and in just 2 hours, they managed to get to the 25th floor.



"You seem to know where you are going," Mae said.


"Well, we came here with Fuku to explore a bit, so yup, I know a bit," a small spider said, then suddenly jumo into Aciah, but he just killed it with his pistol.



He explored the dungeon when they both left in the morning, which also explains why he has points to buy Mae some weapons.



Mae is also getting a hang of her new body and weapons; she's more suitable to be vanguard; it's the right choice we saved her.



We did our research in the dungeon, and what we concluded is that a dungeon is a mysterious and dangerous place that contains various creatures, traps, treasures, and secrets.



Dungeons are usually located in remote or hidden areas and can only be accessed by certain means, such as portals, keys, or rituals, but most of them are founded by accidents.



Dungeons are often created by powerful beings, such as gods, demons, or ancient civilizations, for various purposes, such as testing, entertainment, or experimentation.



Dungeons are also dynamic and unpredictable, as they can change their layout, difficulty, or rewards depending on the adventurers who enter them. Dungeons are a source of adventure, challenge, and discovery for those who dare to explore them.



As for the inside of the dungeon, we're underground, but it's bright, maybe because of the light coming from rocks. The theme inside is like a cave; it's full of rocks everywhere. As for the monsters, it's random, but all of them are weak compared to the monsters we fought in the demon forest.




What we have killed so far are goblins, skeletons, cave spiders, kabolts, and zombies.



We heard that this dungeon consists of 100 floors; it's been cleared by an adamantite adventure, but it still has lots of treasures and monsters.



While easily making our way through, we didn't even notice that we made it through the 30th floor. A large door is blocking our way; if I'm correct, it's the floor boss.



Every 30th floor, there is a floor boss; this is one of the reasons why adventurers came here. Once they kill the floor boss, it will disappear, and a treasure will appear.



Just a typical dungeon theme in games, we opened the door, and there, a giant minotour is waiting for us. He's around 10'9 tall and has the body of a bodybuilder while carrying a large axe.


The minotaur roared as it saw the two intruders in its lair. It was a massive beast with horns, fur, and muscles that could crush a human with ease. It wielded a huge axe that could cleave through stone and metal.


Mae noticed the blood on its axes. "Normally, dungeon bosses only appear when we enter them, but in this one, he's waiting for us; the other party might fail and manage to kill them," Mae said to me. I can tell that she's nervous.




Well, I can't blame her; that minotour killed someone already, after all. "Don't worry, this will be easy," Siah reassured her.



They begin their plan. Siah first throws flash grenades into the minotour's eyes, blinding him. Then, Mae rushed and attacked the minotour's foot, but since she still hadn't mastered the sword yet, she didn't manage to cut the foot.




The minotour growls angrily and fights back, attacking blindly. I proceed to shoot its head while Mae is distracting him, but it's no use; the skin is so thick and his arm is covering his head. Siah noticed that he was about to swing his large axe.



"Mae! Look out!" She managed to duck down, avoiding the large axe, and rushed towards it's belly, stabbing it's belly. With her turning on the plasma, the minotour went rampage and punched Mae, causing her to let go of the sword and get hit into the wall.



She fell unconscious. "Shit, this is getting more dangerous than I thought," Siah said while looking at the mirror, taking out the plasma sword and making it his second weapon.




Siah then uses 10 fragmented granades, but it's no use; the minotour wasn't even scared.Goddammit,he said, then bought a Tempest. It's a high-powered energy rifle that fires bolts of electricity that can shock and incapacitate enemies. It can also chain to nearby enemies and deal damage to them as well.



Before Siah had the chance to fire it, the minotour didn't waste time and rushed to him. Siah immediately fired the tempest at the minotour, but the minotour dodged it.



The tempest takes a minute to recharge, making it kind of useless in a fight like this. With his jump boots, he ran and ran, waiting for the tempest to recharge. The minotour is not a fool; he's still a dungeon boss after all.



He saw Siah's plan and targeted the unconscious Mae instead, throwing the plasma sword at her.



Siah saw this and immediately went for Mae, but with his speed and the thorwed sword, he couldn't make it in time.



Instead of going to Mae, he just used his item box to store the sword inside. The minotour was pissed and rushed to Aciah, but Siah took this chance and charged into him. To the minotour's surprise, in midway, Siah stopped his jump boots and shot the minotour with the tempest.


Stunning him, Siah took this chance to take out the plasma sword and cut the minotour's head.



Siah then goes to Mae, who's unconscious.

The system scanned her; it's nothing serious; she's just uncomfortable; she needs some rest.





I manage to get 2 million points from killing the minotour. There's also a chest that pops up; it's full of gold. Of course, I took it and put it inside the item box.

[ I'll be expecting you to the next chapter, Reader ]

please tell me if there's something you can't understand or you find weird, thank you.

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