

SekaiTech: A story about fantasy and advanced technology. Notice: This Story isn't finished yet, once it's finished the chapter will be rewrite to create much better chapter. Notice: This Novel is still under development, as you saw this, you're now part of the BetaReader. Must: Help me with my story by commenting your suggestions, opinions, and reactions. Read as you'll notice the difference, plots from the vol. 1 will be 'overused' as the whole novel is still underdeveloment. . . . . . . . . thank you for understanding. Synopsis: Siah was an ordinary college student who loved technology and gadgets. One day, he was suddenly transported to a fantasy world where magic and monsters existed. He soon discovered that he had a unique system that allowed him to summon advanced technology from his original world, such as smartphones, drones, robots, and more. He also learned that his system had a shop feature that could let him buy anything he wanted, as long as he had enough points. He could buy skills, items, weapons, and even people with his system. With his system, Siah decided to explore the new world and have fun. He met many friends and foes along the way, and he used his technology to help or hinder them. He also encountered many mysteries and secrets about the world and his system, and he tried to uncover them. He realized that he was not the only one who had a system, and that there were others who had different systems and goals. He had to face many challenges and dangers, but he also enjoyed many adventures and pleasures. However, his life changed when a God appeared before him and told him a shocking truth. The world he was in was divided into 28 continents, each guarded by a God. But one of the Gods, who ruled over the largest continent, had turned into an Evil God and was planning to destroy the other continents and Gods. The 27 Gods had no choice but to pick a soul from another world to stop the Evil God, and they chose Siah. Now, Siah had to use his system and technology to fight against the Evil God and his minions, who also had systems and powers of their own. He had to ally with the other Gods and their chosen ones, and travel to the different continents to find a way to defeat the Evil God. He also had to deal with the consequences of his actions, and the fate of the world and his system. IsekaiTech is a novel that combines science fiction and fantasy, and follows the journey of Siah, a young man who has the power to acquire anything he desires. It is a story of adventure, comedy, romance, and action, set in a world where technology and magic coexist, and where a battle between Gods and Evil is about to begin. updates starts at 0:00, I'll try to make it everyday. Also, I'll rewrite the story if it's done to make it more detailed and undertable. be part of the BetaReaders now!

KLUX · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 21: Ancient Civilization

Three months later, the floating city was finally completed, attracting many people from different races and different lands who wanted to see the marvel of engineering and magic.

More than 50 expedition vehicles were created. Amelia and Ave, who learned business, expanded their business by selling products from Earth, such as foods, clothes, furniture, technology, hygiene, and many more. Of course, only the basic items were available for sale, and only they had the exclusive right to sell them, as they were the only ones who could create something like that with their advanced knowledge and skills.

The empire, which had been devastated by the past incident, managed to recover with the help of Islivaria and Lara kingdom, who provided them with resources and aid. Because of the alliance, the Empire and Lara kingdom also benefited from the exchange of technology and culture, and they reached a level of development that was comparable to the early modern era and the mid modern era on Earth.

Islivaria Country, in particular, became more populous and prosperous because of its popularity of advanced technology, making the whole country as large and modern as New York, but with more futuristic features. The city had tall buildings, clean streets, improved quality of life, efficiency, sustainability, and security for its citizens. The most popular feature of all was the points system, which allowed people to access various services and benefits with a card that had a password, similar to a bank account.

Islivaria's military also became stronger and stronger, as they sent more expeditions to explore the unknown lands and earn more points for the system.

Lastly, there was Siah, who became very busy and successful, as he excelled in everything he did. Because of his understanding and being a quick learner, and of course, with the help of the advanced technology, he surpassed Brod, his mentor, in swordsmanship, and Kathy, his friend, in magic. He became the CEO leader of Ave and Amelia's company and the great king of Islivaria, who was loved and respected by his people. He was truly living his dream life in this new world.

Inside the Barren land:

"It's been three months, right? Ever since we joined this expedition, the country has grown so much." Aaron said, looking at the vast landscape below him. He was a soldier of the Islivaria, He was sitting on the roof of the Aegis Skyblade, a massive airship that served as their mobile base and sanctuary.

[Name: Aaron

Title: Soldier of the Islivaria

Age: 22

Weight: 145

Height: 7'0

Level: 100

Attack power: 521

Magic power: 8

Defense: 531

Agility: 352 ]

His Majesty really is great. Our weapons keep getting stronger and stronger by time. He thought, admiring his sword that glowed with a blue light. It was a plasma blade, capable of cutting through almost anything. He had received it as a reward for his achievements in battle.

"Indeed, His Majesty is the best leader we could ask for. He has given us everything we need to fight and win." Kurt agreed, sitting next to him. He was Aaron's best friend and fellow soldier. He also had a plasma blade, but his was red. He preferred close combat, while Aaron was more skilled in ranged attacks.

[Name: Kurt

Title: Soldier of the Islivaria

Age: 22

Weight: 150

Height: 6'9

Level: 101

Attack power: 532

Magic power: 3

Defense: 589

Agility: 451 ]

They were both 22 years old, tall and muscular, with short hair and sharp eyes. They wore black and silver armor that enhanced their strength and speed. They had reached level 100, one of the highest rank among the soldiers. They had high attack power, defense, and agility, but low magic power. They didn't need magic. They had science.

They looked at the mountains in the distance, where they had heard rumors of a hidden civilization that possessed ancient secrets and treasures. They were eager to explore and conquer it as part of their mission to expand the glory of Islivaria.

Ting! Ting! A notification came from their waist. It was a device that looked like a cellphone but could do much more. It had a radar that could detect enemies, no matter what race or form they had. It was a system powered by a powerful AI that assisted them in their operations.

"HEY! Get down, both of you! Monsters are coming!" A voice came from their device. It was a video call, but a hologram screen appeared instead of a flat one. It showed the face of their lieutenant, a stern woman who was in charge of their squad.

"Yes, lieutenant!" The two of them quickly stood up and saluted, then jumped into the opening that appeared on the roof of the Aegis Skyblade. The opening closed behind them, sealing them inside the airship. They ran to their stations, ready to face the incoming threat.

The Aegis Skyblade soared into the sky as the monsters from the mountains swarmed towards it. There were thousands of them, a horde of beasts of different shapes and sizes. They surrounded the airship from all directions, trying to tear it apart.

But the Aegis Skyblade was not defenseless. With a single command from their leader, a silent sound wave swept across the grassy plain, and the mountain slopes. It was a sonic weapon designed to shatter the eardrums and brains of any living creature within its range. Some of the weaker monsters dropped dead on the spot, while others staggered and groaned in pain.

But that was not the end of it. Automatic machine guns emerged from the sides, top, and bottom of the Aegis Skyblade, firing non-stop at the remaining monsters. The bullets were made of a special alloy that could pierce through any armor or flesh. They rained down on the horde, annihilating them in a matter of seconds.

Aaron and Kurt watched the scene from their monitors, feeling a surge of pride and excitement. They were part of the elite force that operated the Aegis Skyblade, the most powerful weapon in the world. They had no fear of any enemy, no matter how many or how strong they were. They were the invincible soldiers of Islivaria, and they were ready for any challenge.

They flew towards the mountain where their mission was. The top of the mountain looked normal, but not for their advanced radar. There was indeed an ancient civilization buried inside the mountain.

Two teams of soldiers descended from the Aegis Skyblade, using ropes attached to the airship. Each team consisted of six soldiers, including the team captain.

Aaron and Kurt were part of the team that was assigned to explore the ancient civilization. Using dynamite, they blew up a part of the mountain, creating a large hole. With their rifles ready, they entered the hole, prepared to face whatever monsters might lurk inside. The smoke cleared up, revealing an iron gate that blocked their way. The iron gate had weird symbols carved on it, unlike any language they had ever seen.

The captain signaled Aaron to approach the gate while the rest of the team covered him. Aaron walked slowly towards the gate, cautiously aiming his rifle at it. As soon as he got near it, a large purple magic circle appeared on the ground, under his feet.

"Shit!" He exclaimed as he felt a strange force pulling him in. Before he could react, he and the rest of his team were teleported inside the gate, where a large golem was waiting for them. The golem was made of adamantite, with glowing runes all over its body. It roared in anger as it saw the intruders in its domain.

The golem is a formidable foe, towering over the soldiers with its massive size and strength. It has red glowing eyes that radiate malice and hostility. It is made of adamantite, a rare and indestructible metal that can resist any physical or magical attack. It has glowing runes all over its body, indicating that it is imbued with ancient and powerful magic. It is the guardian of the hidden civilization, and it will not let anyone pass. It is level 1000, far beyond the level of the soldiers. It has high attack power, magic power, defense, and agility, making it a well-rounded and deadly enemy. It is one of the most dangerous creatures in the world.

[Name: Guardian

Title: Adamantite Golem

Age: 1503

Weight: 1311

Height: 30 feet

Level: 1000

Attack power: 5310

Magic power: 521

Defense: 5901

Agility: 120 ]

"Holy..." the soldiers got speechless, can they really kill something like that?

"Hey! Contact the Comander! We'll do our best to buy time!"

"Yes sir!" One of the captain ordered.

The golem swung its massive fist at the soldiers, who barely dodged it. The fist smashed into the wall, creating a shockwave that shook the ground. The soldiers fired their plasma blades at the golem, hoping to cut through its armor. But the blades bounced off the adamantite, leaving no scratch. The golem laughed, a deep and menacing sound that echoed in the chamber.

"Is that all you got, puny humans? You are no match for me, the guardian of the ancient civilization. I will crush you like insects!" The golem taunted, using a language that the soldiers could understand, thanks to their devices.

"Damn it, this thing is too strong! We need backup!" Aaron shouted, as he rolled away from another attack. He checked his device, but there was no signal. They were cut off from the Aegis Skyblade and the other team. They were on their own.

"Backup? You think you can call for help? You are trapped here, with me. There is no escape, only death!" The golem said, as it unleashed a blast of magic from its eyes. The blast hit one of the soldiers, who screamed as he was vaporized.

"NO!" Kurt yelled, as he saw his comrade die. He felt a surge of anger and courage, and charged at the golem. He swung his plasma blade at the golem's head, hoping to blind it. But the golem was faster, and caught his blade with its hand. It squeezed the blade, and it shattered into pieces. Kurt gasped, as he felt a sharp pain in his hand. He looked, and saw that his hand was also crushed.

"AAARGH!" He cried out, as he fell to the ground. The golem lifted him up by his neck, and smiled wickedly.

"Good, good. You have some spirit, human. But it is useless. You are nothing but a toy to me. A toy that I will break and discard." The golem said, as it tightened its grip on Kurt's throat.

"KURT!" Aaron shouted, as he saw his best friend in danger. He felt a surge of fear and desperation, and ran towards the golem. He grabbed his rifle, and aimed it at the golem's chest. He pulled the trigger, and fired a special bullet. It was a mini-nuke, a powerful explosive that could destroy anything in its radius. He hoped that it would be enough to damage the golem, or at least distract it.

The bullet hit the golem's chest, and exploded. A bright flash and a loud boom filled the chamber, as a mushroom cloud rose from the impact. The golem roared, as it felt a surge of pain and heat. It dropped Kurt, and staggered back. It looked at its chest, and saw a hole in its armor. It was bleeding, a dark and thick liquid that dripped from its wound.

"What? What is this? How did you do this?" The golem asked, in disbelief. It had never felt such pain before. It had never been wounded before. It was supposed to be invincible.

Aaron took advantage of the golem's confusion, and ran to Kurt. He picked him up, and checked his pulse. He was alive, but barely. He had to get him out of there, fast.

"Come on, buddy. Stay with me. We're not done yet. We're going to make it." Aaron said, as he carried Kurt to the gate. He hoped that it would still work, and take them back to the outside.

The golem recovered from the shock, and saw the soldiers trying to escape. It felt a surge of rage and pride, and decided to finish them off. It gathered all its magic power, and prepared to unleash its ultimate attack.

"You think you can run away from me? You think you can hurt me and live? You are fools, humans. You have angered me, and now you will face my wrath." The golem shouted, as it fired a beam of pure energy from its chest. The beam was so powerful, that it melted everything in its path. It was aimed at the gate, where the soldiers were.

Aaron saw the beam coming, and knew that they had no chance to dodge it. He hugged Kurt, and closed his eyes. He prayed that they would survive, somehow.

"Kurt, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. You were my best friend, my brother. I love you, man." Aaron said, as he waited for the end.

"Me too, Aaron. Me too." Kurt said, weakly. He opened his eyes, and saw the beam getting closer. He smiled, and said one last thing.

"See you on the other side, buddy."

One of the captains threw 10 devices to Aaron and Kurt, the devices then turned into a futuristic blue shield. The shield formed a dome around them, protecting them from the beam.

The other captain used his power boots, rushing towards them. He reached them just in time, before the beam broke through the shield. He grabbed them, and pulled them back to safety.

The blast left a large hole in the iron gate, exposing the inside of the ancient civilization. It was a dark and mysterious place, full of secrets and dangers.

"Use mini nuke bullets!" The captain who threw the shield devices ordered.

The soldiers obeyed, loading their rifles with the special bullets. They aimed at the golem, and fired. The bullets hit the golem's chest, and exploded. The explosions were so powerful, that they tore apart the golem's body. The golem screamed in pain, until it died. It collapsed on the ground, a pile of rubble and metal.

"Stop fcking acting on your own!"

[Name: Blake

Title: Captain of the 17 division

Age: 43

Weight: 113

Height: 6'7

Level: 192

Attack power: 1213

Magic power: 9

Defense: 822

Agility: 2801 ]

He's the one who rushed into them, the captain of Aaron and Kurt.

"Well, I still turn out great right?"

[Name: Claire

Title: Captain of the 18th division

Age: 31

Weight: 121

Height: 6'1

Level: 182

Attack power: 1219

Magic power: 3

Defense: 981

Agility: 1321 ]

"What about him...?" Kurt said worriedly about his companion earlier that was crushed

"I saved him, however his entire half body got crushed, first aid was already applied to him, so you don't have to worry" Black reassured him

"I see..." Kurt said and fell unconscious.

The reinforcement came.