

SekaiTech: A story about fantasy and advanced technology. Notice: This Story isn't finished yet, once it's finished the chapter will be rewrite to create much better chapter. Notice: This Novel is still under development, as you saw this, you're now part of the BetaReader. Must: Help me with my story by commenting your suggestions, opinions, and reactions. Read as you'll notice the difference, plots from the vol. 1 will be 'overused' as the whole novel is still underdeveloment. . . . . . . . . thank you for understanding. Synopsis: Siah was an ordinary college student who loved technology and gadgets. One day, he was suddenly transported to a fantasy world where magic and monsters existed. He soon discovered that he had a unique system that allowed him to summon advanced technology from his original world, such as smartphones, drones, robots, and more. He also learned that his system had a shop feature that could let him buy anything he wanted, as long as he had enough points. He could buy skills, items, weapons, and even people with his system. With his system, Siah decided to explore the new world and have fun. He met many friends and foes along the way, and he used his technology to help or hinder them. He also encountered many mysteries and secrets about the world and his system, and he tried to uncover them. He realized that he was not the only one who had a system, and that there were others who had different systems and goals. He had to face many challenges and dangers, but he also enjoyed many adventures and pleasures. However, his life changed when a God appeared before him and told him a shocking truth. The world he was in was divided into 28 continents, each guarded by a God. But one of the Gods, who ruled over the largest continent, had turned into an Evil God and was planning to destroy the other continents and Gods. The 27 Gods had no choice but to pick a soul from another world to stop the Evil God, and they chose Siah. Now, Siah had to use his system and technology to fight against the Evil God and his minions, who also had systems and powers of their own. He had to ally with the other Gods and their chosen ones, and travel to the different continents to find a way to defeat the Evil God. He also had to deal with the consequences of his actions, and the fate of the world and his system. IsekaiTech is a novel that combines science fiction and fantasy, and follows the journey of Siah, a young man who has the power to acquire anything he desires. It is a story of adventure, comedy, romance, and action, set in a world where technology and magic coexist, and where a battle between Gods and Evil is about to begin. updates starts at 0:00, I'll try to make it everyday. Also, I'll rewrite the story if it's done to make it more detailed and undertable. be part of the BetaReaders now!

KLUX · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 14: The Battle

"With that being said, let the battle begin!"


The black knight, who is wearing black armor, and Siah, who is wearing a powered suit—who will win? Advanced technology, or the world of swords and magic?




As soon as the fight began, the knight immediately rushed in and appeared in front of Siah, about to swing his sword, but Siah immediately dodged and even touched him, planting Advanced C4, which is much more powerful than the original.




The C4 explodes, and Siah, using his rifle, fires at the knight nonstop. The smoke cleared up, with the knight flying towards Siah. "Shit, his fast," Siah's thoughts



He then jumped really high and continued to fire at him, but the knight continued to go towards him. The fight was intense; neither of them got hurt yet; it's as if those two were equal.




The two of them continued until the black knight got a hold of Siah's feet; he's about to slice him up, but Siah took out his sword out of his item box and countered it. After he deflected the knight's sword, Siah aimed for his arm, which was holding his foot, but the knight noticed this and threw him.





Siah, however, uses his jumping boots and stops himself mid-air. "My guns aren't working. If my guns aren't working, then I'll use my sword!" Siah then stops running and faces him with his sword, which is covered in plasma.





When the knight fought back, he noticed the plasma was melting his sword and armor. "..." He then covered himself with magic, protecting himself and adjusting his sword's power.





Siah noticed this. "Magic? I see." Siah then pulled out thousands of plasma swords and sent them flying towards the knight.



The clash between the black knight and Siah intensified; the battlefield was now a symphony of flashing swords, exploding plasma, and crackling magic. Each move seemed to be a dance of skill and technology, a testament to the fusion of worlds.


As the plasma swords soared toward the knight, he summoned a barrier of ethereal energy, deflecting the deadly onslaught. The dark thunder lingered, casting an ominous shadow over the arena, but the knight emerged unscathed, his magical shield holding firm against the onslaught.


Siah, undeterred, unleashed a barrage of energy projectiles, each one seeking its mark. The black knight expertly weaved through the storm of attacks, his black armor gleaming with an otherworldly resilience.


The crowd watched in awe as the battle reached a crescendo, the clash of ancient magic against futuristic weaponry captivating every spectator. The MC's voice echoed through the arena, heightening the anticipation as the two warriors faced off in a mesmerizing display of skill and power.


In a moment of sheer determination, Siah infused his plasma sword with unprecedented energy, creating a blinding blaze of plasma. The knight, recognizing the imminent threat, fortified his magical defenses, creating a shimmering shield that crackled with arcane energy.


The collision between Siah's plasma-enhanced strike and the knight's magical barrier sent shockwaves through the arena. The spectators held their breath as the intense clash unfolded, the very air charged with the essence of conflicting worlds.


The fate of the duel hung in the balance, with a dazzling display of prowess and power leaving the crowd on the edge of their seats, witnessing a clash that transcended the boundaries of time and technology.



The battle seems endless, with both of them paired by each other's attack, "This is going nowhere."



Suddenly, Kathy shouted, "You can win this!" In the silent crowd.



Siah, puzzled, responded to the unexpected encouragement. "Kathy?"


The dark knight's demeanor shifted, his focus now solely on Siah. "Princess?" he uttered, his gaze turning into a vengeful glare. The once-neutral battlefield now bears witness to a personal vendetta.



The atmosphere changed, and the dark knight who is just fighting for his will changed; it's as if he's going to kill Siah!



"To think that you kidnapped the princess is unforgivable," the knight declared, his sword held high. "Forget the event; I'll kill you!"

The atmosphere thickened as dark clouds gathered, signaling an impending storm.


"Do you think I'll let you?" Siah said, summoning dozens of automatic missle lunchers and fires towards him.



The missiles hit the knight, but in the smoke, the clouds formed, and a large black thunder struck where the knight was clearing the smoke. The dark knight started to glow purple; he's on another level compared to earlier.





Siah, undeterred, unleashed a barrage of missiles, the explosions obscuring the knight's form. But from the smoke emerged a transformed foe, glowing with an ominous purple aura. The dark knight spoke with newfound determination, "Die, Human."


Siah, recognizing the gravity of the situation, enveloped his sword in black energy, preparing for the clash of titans. The two adversaries charged at each other with incredible speed, the force of their collision sending shockwaves through the arena.


In a breathtaking moment, their swords clashed, releasing a surge of energy that reverberated through the crowd. The sheer power behind their strikes seemed capable of shaking the very foundations of the battleground.


As the clash reached its zenith, Siah's sword absorbed the dark knight's weapon, leaving the dark knight momentarily stunned. Seizing the opportunity, Siah accelerated towards his foe, delivering a devastating slash to the knight's chest.



The arena fell into stunned silence as Siah's decisive strike cut through the dark knight's defenses. The clash of their swords echoed, leaving a resonating tension in the air. The dark knight, now vulnerable, staggered backward, had his armor cracked, and was visibly weakened.


Siah, fueled by determination, pressed forward. The crowd erupted into gasps and cheers, witnessing the turning point of the battle. The dark clouds that once shrouded the arena began to dissipate, revealing the aftermath of the intense confrontation.


The MC's voice rose above the hushed audience: "A dramatic twist! Siah, against all odds, has seized control of the battle! What a display of skill and strategy!"


As the dark knight struggled to rise, Siah stood tall, his sword still radiating with the absorbed power. The purple glow that surrounded the knight faded, leaving him defenseless against the impending defeat.


Kathy, watching from the sidelines, couldn't hide her relief. "You did it, Siah!" she exclaimed, her voice cutting through the tense atmosphere.


Siah, panting but determined, addressed the fallen dark knight, "I think you misunderstood something. I didn't kidnap Kathy or do any bad things; I saved her."


The dark knight, defeated but not broken, looked up at Siah with a mix of resentment and acknowledgment. The clash between advanced technology and the world of swords and magic had reached its conclusion, leaving the arena in awe of the unexpected outcome.




"With that, folks! The battle ended with the win of Siah! Siah is now officially an adamantite adventurer!"



In a room where Siah and The Dark Knight are sitting facing each other, the silence was awkward. The door opened, and it was Mae and Kathy.



"Congratulations, master Siah," Mae said and bowed.



"So it's your master, huh?" the dark knight said.


"Yes," Mae replied, and she stood beside Siah.



Kathy, sit next to Siah. "Let's go back to the topic," Siah declared.



"When you said princess, what do you mean by that?" Siah asked.



"It seems that you took care of the princess," the dark knight said, then took out his helmet. There, he has horns like Kathy. "A demon," Mae said.



"Yes, I'm a demon, and my name is Brody. I'm one of the generals of the demon king; however, I wasn't on the 4 generals of the demon king. I survived the war and fled with the order to protect the princess; however, in our escape, I got separated from the group to slow down the enemies."



"I kind of get it now; however, she's still 12 years old, isn't she? If I'm correct, the way it happened decades ago when she's still not born?" Siah asked.



"That's correct; the princess was put into a deep sleep for her to wake up in a peaceful world."


"So that's why... I still have memories of my parents, even though they're long gone," Kathy said.



"Yes, princess" 


"If what he's saying is true, then what is your plan? Do you have a place to stay?"



"There is a place where the survivors of demon folks gathered; it's an isolated place, so humans don't know about it."


"What do you think, Kathy? It's your decision."


"Brody, I know that trusting humans can be hard, but... hiding forever can't fix anything; the next generation for sure will want to explore the world too. That's why I want you to achieve my goal, that is, for humans and demons to coexist!"



Brody is shocked. "Princess is really growing up; if that is Princess Kathy's wish, I'll follow it." He then kneels down. "I, Brody, shall be your sword that will fight and protect you whenever you need it!"



"Stand up, Brody; from now on, you're now my royal soldier!"



And with that, Kathy's goal of coexisting with humans starts!