
1,000,000+ In All Stats, ARISE

"I will not be able to get too many powerful subordinates for you lot, but I assume that is fine?" Asked Romulus.

Both Uno and Dos fervently nodded, also speaking on behalf of Wolfy, who was currently fighting a Lvl 125 Titan Behemoth in the background.

Romulus observed their new appearances, noticing that their sizes had been constantly decreasing with each further level up. Originally, they were the size of small buildings and had robust, intimidating physiques. However, the more they leveled up, the more humanoid they looked. Pulling up the stat part of their system interfaces, he saw:

{[Uno (S) (Mythical Knight)]} - [Lvl 128]

|Strength: 632,000| |Defense: 638,000|

|Intelligence: 610,400| |Agility: 650,000|


{[Dos (S) (Mythical Knight)]} - [Lvl 127]

|Strength: 670,000| |Defense: 660,000|

|Intelligence: 602,000| |Agility: 630,000|