
Isekai As a wand

In the bustling streets of Shibuya, Hinagawa's ordinary life takes an unexpected turn when a chance encounter with the enigmatic Nika leads to a fateful encounter with a runaway truck. As he faces the brink of death, a divine intervention by the goddess Celestia offers him a second chance at life—but with a twist. Reborn into a fantastical world of magic, Hinagawa discovers that his new form is not what he expected. Transformed into a sentient wand with the remarkable ability to shape-shift, he can only turn into a girl and a wand grapples with his newfound identity as a girl in this new world. Navigating the challenges of his reincarnated existence, Hinagawa must confront the shadows of his past while embracing the boundless potential of his future. With the guidance of Celestia and the unwavering support of newfound allies, she embarks on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, courageously defying societal norms and forging her own destiny in a realm teeming with magic, mystery, and the promise of redemption. Yet, as Hinagawa endeavors to unravel the mysteries of his past and carve out a place in this vibrant new world, he must confront the ultimate sacrifice he made to save Nika—a decision that will forever alter the course of his destiny. (Main character) Hinagawa (A.K.A. Hina) - Gender: Female - Age: Aliased as 10, though she is actually younger - Appearance: - Eyes: Sky blue - Hair: Sky blue with two pink flower hair clips on each side, and a matching pink hairpin - Clothing: Wears a navy blue dress with pink dress ties - Second Form: Magic Wand - Description: In her second form, Hina transforms into a magic wand with a pink body and a blue energy core. She can shift into this form with ease. Hinagawa, affectionately known as Hina, is a young girl whose true age is concealed by the alias of being ten years old, though she is, in reality, younger. She has enchanting sky blue eyes and matching sky blue hair adorned with two pink flower hair clips on each side and a matching pink hairpin. Her usual attire consists of a charming navy blue dress accented with pink ties, reflecting her youthful and vibrant personality. Hina possesses a unique ability to transform into a magic wand. In this second form, she takes on the appearance of a wand with a pink body and a blue energy core, a transformation she can accomplish effortlessly.

Gamer_Fantasy · Fantaisie
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86 Chs

Ch 67: Training ground!!

As Hina joined the training ground, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. The scent of fresh grass mixed with the earthy aroma of sweat and dirt. The clang of metal against metal resonated through the air as soldiers practiced their drills. The sun cast a warm glow over the field, highlighting the determined faces of those present.

People turned to watch, their murmurs filling the air. "Are they going to train?" someone whispered, their curiosity piqued.

Carrion, carrying Hina on his shoulder, drew even more attention. The sensation of his solid, muscular shoulder beneath her was both comforting and firm. She could hear the rhythmic thud of his footsteps and the rustle of his cloak as it brushed against his armor.

"Wow, Goddess Hina is small on his father's shoulders," one of the onlookers remarked, their voice tinged with awe and surprise. The statement was echoed by several others, their eyes wide with admiration and respect.

Carrion gently set Hina down on the ground, his strong hands steadying her as she found her footing. The training ground seemed to pause, all eyes on them. Carrion's voice boomed with encouragement. "Let's re-practice your magic power one more time."

Hina took a deep breath, her eyes narrowing in concentration. "System, display my status," she commanded.

A holographic interface appeared before her, shimmering with a faint blue light. The system's voice, clear and mechanical, responded, "Status displayed. Hina Main skill tree: Levitation, Telekinesis, Magic Burst, Body Morph, Magic Shift Evolved Extreme. This is the one that created by: Skill Knowledge Creation. Skill add: Energy Saber, Magic Net, Divine Slash, Divine Slash Meteor Strike. New sword name: Regulos, Magic Lightning, Skill Meteor Shield, Magic Bullets, Body Double, Double Dagger Metal Infused with Lightning."

Hina's eyes sparkled with excitement as the system listed her skills. She turned to Carrion, who was watching with a proud smile. "That's the overall skill you have," the system concluded.

Carrion chuckled, his deep voice filled with pride. "Oh, haha, wow! You inherited your mother's knowledge creation, but instead of creating worlds, you created weapons and magic of your own," he said, his face lit with happiness.

Hina's eyes widened in amazement. "Wow! Can I actually create a world?"

Carrion's smile softened, and he shook his head. "No, not yet. You're far too weak to do that. Even if you were as strong as me, you still couldn't create a world. You must be 100 billion times more powerful than me to pull that off."

Hina's face fell, a mixture of disappointment and determination crossing her features. "100 billion? That's a pain in the ass."

Carrion laughed heartily, the sound warm and comforting. "Yes, indeed," he said, his face reflecting a mix of amusement and encouragement. "But you've got the potential, Hina. Just keep training, and who knows what you'll achieve."

Carrion, still smiling, looked at Hina with encouragement. "How about using your lightning skill?" he suggested, pointing to a large boulder some distance away.

Hina nodded, her expression serious as she turned to face the target. She took a deep breath, feeling the electric energy build up within her. The air around her seemed to crackle with anticipation. She extended her hand towards the boulder, her fingers tingling as she summoned her power.

"Lightning Strike!" Hina called out, her voice steady.

A thin bolt of lightning shot from her fingertips, illuminating the training ground with a brief flash of light. The bolt was accompanied by a sharp, sizzling sound as it crackled through the air. The smell of ozone filled her nostrils, a sharp and tangy scent that made her eyes water slightly.

However, the lightning strike was weak, barely more than a spark. It fizzled out before even reaching halfway to the boulder, dissipating into the air with a soft pop. The ground where it struck had only a faint scorch mark, almost imperceptible.

Hina frowned, her shoulders slumping in disappointment. She could feel the slight warmth of the dissipated energy lingering on her skin, a reminder of her unsuccessful attempt. Around her, the ambient sounds of the training ground—the clanging of weapons, the murmur of distant conversations—seemed louder in the wake of her failure.

Carrion, ever patient, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't be discouraged," he said, his voice a comforting rumble. "It takes time to master such powerful abilities. Focus on channeling your energy more effectively."

Hina's frustration was evident in her voice as she spoke up. "But I've already mastered them. The problem is that my energy null power is very weak."

Carrion's smile remained gentle and understanding, his hand a steady presence of support on her shoulder. "That's the result of using your magic power so much without considering the consequences," he explained calmly.

Hina sighed, feeling the weight of her own impatience settling in. She knew Carrion was right; her relentless use of magic without proper restraint had taken its toll. The realization brought a sense of humility, mingled with determination to correct her mistake.

"I understand," she murmured, her gaze fixed on the ground as she absorbed Carrion's words. The taste of remorse lingered in her mouth, bitter and sharp, as she mentally resolved to be more mindful of her energy usage in the future.

Carrion squeezed her shoulder gently, offering silent reassurance. "It's a lesson we all must learn," he said, his tone soft but firm. "Now, let's focus on strengthening your energy null power. With time and practice, you'll regain your balance."

Hina nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose stirring within her. She straightened her posture, lifting her chin with determination. The touch of Carrion's hand felt like a lifeline, anchoring her as she prepared to face the challenges ahead. With his guidance and her own determination, she was ready to embark on the journey to reclaim her strength.

Hina's father's sudden offer brought a glimmer of hope to the situation, his words carrying a warmth that enveloped her like a comforting embrace. "How about I replenish your null power? I will restore it to 50% peak," he suggested, his eyes shining with paternal pride.

Carrion tapped Hina's shoulder gently, a silent gesture of support. But as he did, his expression shifted, his gaze darkening with concern. Suddenly, Carrion seemed to lose focus, his eyes clouding over as if glimpsing a vision of impending doom.

In that moment, Carrion saw Hina's evil counterpart, a twisted version of his beloved daughter. Her eyes were black voids, her face contorted into a menacing smirk, and she was enveloped in a dense, dark miasma. The world around him seemed to crumble and dissolve, leaving only devastation in its wake—a castle reduced to ash.

Carrion snapped out of his trance, his breath coming in rapid bursts as he struggled to comprehend what he had witnessed. His face was pale, sweat beading on his brow as he realized the gravity of the situation. "Oh no," he murmured, his voice trembling slightly. "Your core energy has been corrupted. That's why your mother, Celistia, could not connect to you anymore."

Hina, unaware of the turmoil raging within Carrion, looked up at him with innocent curiosity, her angelic face a stark contrast to the darkness that threatened to consume her. "What is it?" she asked, her voice soft and pure, oblivious to the sinister presence lurking within her own being.

The air in the area seemed heavy with foreboding, the scent of fear mingling with the faint aroma of incense burning nearby. The distant sound of footsteps echoed down the hall, adding to the sense of unease that hung in the air.

As Carrion assured Hina that her magic power had been replenished, she felt a surge of relief coursing through her. With determination etched on her face, she began to channel her energy, her movements reminiscent of the charging power of legendary warriors.

A crimson aura enveloped Hina, casting an ominous glow around her as she prepared to unleash her magic. The intensity of her gaze mirrored the celestial hue of her eyes, sparking with raw power.

In a moment of uncertainty, Hina questioned her father, Carrion, about the nature of the energy coursing through her. But Carrion remained silent, his expression betraying a sense of unease.

Undeterred, Hina focused her energy, directing it towards the boulder target with pinpoint precision. A bolt of dark red lightning lanced through the sky, striking the boulder with devastating force. The impact was seismic, reducing the rock to dust and sending shockwaves reverberating through the ground.

The onlookers stood in awe and fear, their murmurs echoing through the training ground. The sight of the dark red lightning left them shaken, evoking comparisons to the power of a demon lord.

As Hina dispersed her energy and the training ground fell silent once more, she turned to the system, seeking answers to the darkness that had manifested within her magic. But Carrion intervened, his voice weighted with concern as he called for an end to the training session.

With a nod of understanding, Hina acknowledged her father's decision, her mind swirling with questions and uncertainty. The training ground, once a place of determination and focus, now lay cloaked in a palpable sense of foreboding.

*To be continue *