
Isekai As a wand

In the bustling streets of Shibuya, Hinagawa's ordinary life takes an unexpected turn when a chance encounter with the enigmatic Nika leads to a fateful encounter with a runaway truck. As he faces the brink of death, a divine intervention by the goddess Celestia offers him a second chance at life—but with a twist. Reborn into a fantastical world of magic, Hinagawa discovers that his new form is not what he expected. Transformed into a sentient wand with the remarkable ability to shape-shift, he can only turn into a girl and a wand grapples with his newfound identity as a girl in this new world. Navigating the challenges of his reincarnated existence, Hinagawa must confront the shadows of his past while embracing the boundless potential of his future. With the guidance of Celestia and the unwavering support of newfound allies, she embarks on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, courageously defying societal norms and forging her own destiny in a realm teeming with magic, mystery, and the promise of redemption. Yet, as Hinagawa endeavors to unravel the mysteries of his past and carve out a place in this vibrant new world, he must confront the ultimate sacrifice he made to save Nika—a decision that will forever alter the course of his destiny. (Main character) Hinagawa (A.K.A. Hina) - Gender: Female - Age: Aliased as 10, though she is actually younger - Appearance: - Eyes: Sky blue - Hair: Sky blue with two pink flower hair clips on each side, and a matching pink hairpin - Clothing: Wears a navy blue dress with pink dress ties - Second Form: Magic Wand - Description: In her second form, Hina transforms into a magic wand with a pink body and a blue energy core. She can shift into this form with ease. Hinagawa, affectionately known as Hina, is a young girl whose true age is concealed by the alias of being ten years old, though she is, in reality, younger. She has enchanting sky blue eyes and matching sky blue hair adorned with two pink flower hair clips on each side and a matching pink hairpin. Her usual attire consists of a charming navy blue dress accented with pink ties, reflecting her youthful and vibrant personality. Hina possesses a unique ability to transform into a magic wand. In this second form, she takes on the appearance of a wand with a pink body and a blue energy core, a transformation she can accomplish effortlessly.

Gamer_Fantasy · Fantaisie
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86 Chs

Ch 66: Did i do something last night!?

As Hina woke up in the morning, she saw Lefa still peacefully sleeping beside her. The soft light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room. Hina carefully sat up, trying not to disturb Lefa. The air was filled with the subtle fragrance of fresh linen and the distant sounds of the castle waking up.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Hina's maid rushed in, her voice cheerful and routine-breaking. "Good morning, Princess Hina! Breakfast will be ready shortly."

Before Hina could respond, there was another commotion. The door swung open with a bang, and King Arthur himself stormed into the room, his face a mix of relief and desperation. "Thank goodness my daughter is safe!" he cried, his voice breaking with emotion. He dropped to his knees beside Lefa's bed, his royal demeanor completely abandoned.

"I thought I could lose my daughter Lefa," King Arthur continued, his hands trembling as he gently caressed Lefa's hair. His eyes, usually stern and composed, were now filled with tears. The maid, taken aback, stood frozen, shocked by the king's unannounced entrance and his raw display of emotion.

Lefa stirred, rubbing her eyes and yawning. She stretched and then noticed the king. Scratching her head, she looked up at him with a sleepy but radiant smile. "Yeah," she said softly, her voice still tinged with the innocence of sleep. "I'm okay." Her words, simple and sweet, melted the tension in the room.

The room was filled with the mingled scents of morning dew and the faint aroma of breakfast being prepared in the kitchens below. Hina felt the cool touch of the marble floor beneath her feet as she stood up, the soft rustling of her nightgown the only sound breaking the silence. She watched King Arthur, usually so composed and strong, as he cradled Lefa's hand in his, his face a portrait of relief and love.

"Thank you for coming so quickly," Hina said softly, her voice trembling with emotion.

King Arthur looked up, his eyes meeting Hina's. "I couldn't bear the thought of losing her," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Lefa means the world to me." His words hung in the air, a testament to the bond they shared despite not being blood-related to Hina.

The maid, regaining her composure, quietly set about preparing breakfast, the clinking of dishes and the aroma of freshly baked bread filling the room. The warmth of the moment was palpable, a stark contrast to the fear and uncertainty they had faced.

Hina sat back down on the bed, her heart swelling with gratitude and love for the people around her. As she glanced at Lefa, still nestled comfortably in the king's embrace, she felt a renewed sense of hope and determination. They had survived the ordeal together, and now, surrounded by the people who loved them, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Hina walked alone down the hallway, the echo of her footsteps reverberated against the stone walls. The faint scent of incense lingered in the air, adding to the solemn atmosphere of the castle corridors. Each step she took felt heavier than the last, burdened by the weight of recent events.

She couldn't shake the images of the past night from her mind—the fear in Lefa's eyes, the desperation in King Arthur's voice. Despite the relief of knowing Lefa was safe, a sense of unease lingered within her. The encounter with her darker self, the manifestation of her own inner turmoil, left her shaken to the core.

Lost in thought, Hina wandered aimlessly, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't help but question her own strength, her ability to control the power that lay dormant within her. The events of the night had revealed a side of herself she never knew existed—a darkness that threatened to consume her.

As she walked, the castle halls seemed to stretch on endlessly, a maze of corridors and shadows. Each corner held a whisper of uncertainty, a reminder of the dangers that lurked within and without. Hina felt a chill run down her spine, a shiver of apprehension that refused to be ignored.

But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of determination flickered within her. She refused to let fear dictate her actions, to succumb to the shadows that threatened to engulf her. With each step, she reaffirmed her resolve to confront the darkness within and emerge stronger than before.

Finally, as she reached the end of the hallway, a sliver of sunlight pierced through the narrow window, casting a ray of hope upon her path. Hina paused, bathed in the warm glow, her heart steadied by the gentle embrace of light.

With renewed purpose, she continued on her journey, her footsteps guided by the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Though the road ahead was fraught with challenges, she knew she was not alone. With her friends and loved ones by her side, she would face whatever trials awaited her with courage and determination.

As she disappeared around the corner, the hallway fell silent once more, the echo of her footsteps fading into the distance. But in the quietude, there lingered a sense of hope—a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding her towards a future filled with possibility.

As Hina approached the cottage within the castle grounds, she saw Benimaru, Flicker, Kanade, and Goddess Carrion engaged in conversation. The morning sunlight cast a warm glow upon the scene, but Hina's heart was heavy with worry.

Goddess Carrion greeted her with a tender smile, addressing her as "my daughter." Hina returned the smile, though her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the previous night's events.

Benimaru, ever the stalwart hero, broached the topic of the bandit raid from the night before. Hina's memory flashed back to the chaos of the cave, the fierce battle against the bandits, and the overwhelming surge of power that had consumed her.

Suddenly, Hina's recollection faltered, her mind clouded with confusion. She couldn't remember the details of how they had rescued Lefa, nor could she recall the fate of the other hostages. Panic welled up inside her as she grappled with the gaps in her memory.

Kanade's voice, soft with pity, broke the tense silence, suggesting that Hina had been responsible for defeating the bandits. Flicker's response was sharp, defending Hina from Kanade's implication. But Benimaru's darkened expression hinted at the gravity of the situation.

Desperation and frustration boiled within Hina as she demanded answers. She pleaded with her companions to shed light on the events she couldn't recall, her voice trembling with emotion.

Amidst the uncertainty, Goddess Carrion's somber tone cut through the tension. With a heavy heart, she revealed the truth: Hina had been possessed by a demon during the raid. The realization hit Hina like a crushing weight, confirming the ominous warnings she had received from the system.

Clutching her trembling hand, Hina felt a surge of determination wash over her. Despite the darkness that threatened to consume her, she vowed to fight against the demons that lurked within and reclaim control of her destiny. With the unwavering support of her friends and the guidance of Goddess Carrion, she would confront the darkness head-on and emerge victorious.

As the tension thickened in the cottage, God Carrion intervened with a soothing voice, urging everyone to calm down. His gentle words eased the atmosphere, and Hina felt a sense of relief wash over her.

Carrion turned to his daughter with a reassuring smile, his touch soft and comforting as he caressed Hina's face. Hina could sense the genuine concern and love in her father's embrace, and it brought a small measure of solace to her troubled heart.

But beneath the surface, Hina's emotions churned with turmoil. She couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible had happened, something that had nearly cost Lefa her life. Tears welled up in Hina's eyes as the weight of her unremembered actions bore down on her.

Carrion's embrace enveloped Hina, offering a sense of security amidst the chaos of her thoughts. His father's words, spoken with such tender reassurance, reminded Hina that, ultimately, what mattered most was her safety and the safety of those she had rescued.

In that moment, enveloped in her father's embrace, Hina allowed herself to release the pent-up emotions that had been building inside her. The tears flowed freely, a cathartic release of the fear and uncertainty that had gripped her since awakening.

The warmth of Carrion's embrace, the sound of his soothing voice, and the scent of his gentle presence filled Hina with a sense of calm amidst the storm of her emotions. And as the tears subsided, Hina found herself surrounded by an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the love and support of her father and friends.

Hina's voice trembled as she confessed her inability to summon her divine power. The words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the room. Carrion's expression shifted, his brows furrowing in concern.

"Impossible," Carrion murmured, disbelief coloring his voice. He couldn't fathom how his daughter, blessed with divine heritage, could be unable to access her powers. Yet, the truth of Hina's words lingered, undeniable and unsettling.

In the depths of her thoughts, Hina pondered the revelation. She couldn't deny the reality before her: her divine power remained beyond reach. But amidst the frustration and confusion, a glimmer of understanding flickered within her.

"I... I still have the system," Hina whispered, her voice barely audible. It was a small comfort amidst the uncertainty, the knowledge that she could still rely on the mysterious system that had guided her thus far.

Carrion looked surprised. "Impossible," he said. "But maybe you can summon your system?"

Hina nodded. "Yes, I can still use my system."

Carrion's eyes widened in realization. "You mean the system your mother gave you as assistance?"

"How did you know?" Hina asked, surprised.

Carrion smiled proudly. "I have a connection to your mother, Celestia. Don't forget that."

Flicker and Kanade looked confused. "What is the system?" they asked in unison.

Carrion shook his head. "It's best you two don't understand or know this," he said.

"Yes, Goddess," they replied, though still curious.

Benimaru, lost in thought, recalled his past life. "Ah, the system," he mused. "I remember that from when I was still Sano in Shibuya, playing games. There was a system called status user interface. It's not fair that only the daughter of a goddess can have them. I remember watching anime and reading manga where every isekai had a system with a user interface. Cool, but now, I'm just a plain resident in this world."

Kanade noticed Benimaru's strange expression. "What's with that weird face you're making?" she asked.

Flicker laughed. "Yeah, it's funny."

The two of them laughed, lightening the mood.

Benimaru snapped out of his thoughts, shaking his head with a grin. "Nothing, just lost in thought."

Then Benimaru thought again, "Or maybe she's the incarnation from another world?" He pondered for a moment, then dismissed it. "Nah, it can't be. It couldn't be a coincidence, right?" He nodded to himself, his hand on his chin.

And then Benimaru said, "Let's train again in the training grounds."

*To be continue *