I sensed the presence of the beast again, so I saw a pulse, and after landing, I knew it was gone. I'm happy to be running in my daily training, but if I don't do anything, beast-type monsters might catch up to me, and I might be fighting, or if I'm not good enough, I might have fallen prey.
I realized again that steady daily exercise is very important.
Oops... Another branch... Um... I thought I should go back when I found the second branch... After running for a while, it split into two branches, so I ran backward and looked back.
I hastily crouched down to avoid it, but my beast-type monster jumped to avoid it chasing after me.
huh... Somehow I managed to run and escape.
"Bye... boobs"
I dodged the first beast I encountered with its massive leap and momentum.
"Gyaugau gyaagya"
"Kuwao gyan gyan gyan"