
Isekai - City Slick to Goblin Quick

In a zany twist of fate, Hiroto wakes up not in the cozy comfort of his bed, but in the muddy shoes of a... goblin? Yep, you heard that right! The world of Valerion is nothing short of bonkers, and Hiroto's got a magical slate that’s more quirky than a smartphone. Teaming up with Luna, the moonlit mystery mage; Riku, a foodie cat-kin; and Elara, a warrior with a cache of secrets, Hiroto is on a mission. From heart-fluttering romance to hilarious goblin antics, to quests that are more slapstick than epic, Hiroto realizes that being a hero is no piece of cake... or is it a pie? And as ancient forces stir, will our goblin-turned-hero stand tall... or at least, taller than a goblin's height?

SnoozePanda · Fantaisie
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44 Chs

The Webbed Enigma

Chapter 33: The Webbed Enigma

The Enchanted Grotto beckoned. Its dimly lit entrance was partially concealed by cascading ivy, yet its mystery was evident. Hiroto lit a torch, the flickering flame reflecting in his eager eyes. "Looks daunting," he remarked.

Luna's sharp eyes roved over the entrance, landing on some curious inscriptions. "Wait! These... I've read about them," she mused. "We're stepping into one of Valerion's most enigmatic places."

The party hesitated momentarily but ventured forth into the cave. Its deeper recesses hummed with magic. Illuminated webs stretched from floor to ceiling, each strand alive with silvery luminescence.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Hiroto reached out to touch a web. A jolt of static shot through him, and he yelped, pulling back.

Seizing the opportunity for some drama, Riku smirked. "Allow the agile and mighty feline to demonstrate," he declared pompously. He aimed to navigate the labyrinth of webs with acrobatic grace, but instead, he ended up hopelessly entangled. His limbs flailed, each movement tangling him further.

Seeing Riku's predicament, Hiroto tried to free him but instead found his own hand caught. Unexpectedly, he began to cluck like a chicken, much to the group's amusement.

While Hiroto's clucks filled the cave, the webs pulled him closer to Luna. Their faces inches apart, Hiroto blurted out between clucks, "You know, I really... um... like you." Luna blinked, both amused and touched, their comical proximity adding a layer of absurdity to his sincere confession.

Elsewhere, Elara tentatively reached for a radiant web. Upon contact, she was hit by fragmented visions of her ancestors. She saw proud faces, connected in some mysterious way to Valerion's history. Gasping, she withdrew her hand, shaken by the revelation.

Riku, finally free from his webbed prison, looked dramatically weak. "I'm starving!" he exclaimed. "I could eat a dragon! Or maybe a roasted phoenix with a side of unicorn salad?" He painted vivid, humorous images of feasts, leaving everyone in splits. Hiroto, however, noted with concern the after-effects of the web on Riku.

As Luna gazed pensively at the webs, fragments of memories – not her own – surfaced. She saw her ancestor, intertwined in a dance with a shadowy figure. The memories hinted at a relationship with the legendary Arachnomancer.

Their antics had not gone unnoticed. From the cave's shadowy depths emerged the Arachnomancer himself. A twisted figure with spider-like attributes, he eyed them all with amusement. However, upon seeing Luna, his expression turned contemplative.

"Seeking passage, are you?" he rasped. "Fetch me the venom of the Luminous Crawler from within, and I shall grant you an artifact."

Suspicion gnawed at Hiroto. The Arachnomancer's interest in Luna seemed more than casual. However, before he could voice his thoughts, Luna nodded. "We accept your challenge."

As nightfall approached, the team set up camp. Luna and Elara, now bound by their shared visions, exchanged stories. Elara's tales of her ancestors echoed eerily with the memories Luna had experienced.

Meanwhile, Hiroto, wrestling with jealousy, watched them from afar. Riku, always the meddler, tried to get Hiroto and Luna together, his attempts more laughable than effective. "You know," Riku whispered to Hiroto, handing him a daisy, "for her."

Despite the trials of the day, the group's camaraderie remained strong. They huddled together, laughing at Riku's culinary fantasies, and braced themselves for the quest that lay ahead.

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