
Hey everyone! Authors note hehe

Heyyyy I just wanted to step in to say hi, and explain a little about why I'm writing this and if you've read anything of mine before why it's so similar. This is actually a combination of two of my stories that I just didn't like how they where alone. Now I'm deciding to slowly take the two and turn them into one. So Ireland's beauty and criminal yesterday, FBI agent today are becoming one story. Of course I'll slowly change things up and we'll see where it goes from there. I would love to hear from any of you reading of what you feel I could and should do better :) I'm sorry for being so en-professional about all of this!!

I'm actually just 18, I started college a couple months ago, and I got engaged a little under a week ago, so now I'm planning a wedding studying for a career and trying to stay up to date with my hobbies aka this writing haha. I will do my very best to post chapters ones a month! This month you may get several chapters because I have a lot of free time on my hands because of term break! Yayyy haha. Anyways just thought I'd give you all a heads up to where I'm at and how things may not happen perfectly. Have a good day/night and cherish every moment you can ❤️