
Chapter Two- Being the new girl

It's been a week here so far, I work at the coffee shop down the road, and I decided to be an aspiring writer. Most of the stories I am writing are truthfully about my life, and about the tragedies I've been through. I then send them to my boss, who then uses the information to build onto the case against my family. I work a minimum wage job at the cafe, and i get paid every other week. Which makes since for the story of a just now graduate trying to make it by in her new life as an adult. All the things I am sending to my boss is supposedly being sent to agencies about picking up a job or becoming one of their writers.

As I first get to the house I knock on the door in front of me hesitantly, why I'm not sure, but I turn around. I guess I was preparing myself for what and who I might see by knocking on this door. I was also trying to steady my breathing, and put myself into an act of a cheerful college graduate, that is ambitious about her dreams to become an award winning author.

Hearing the door creek open I prepare for whatever voice comes, and I hear a deep and sleepy "hello?" As I turn around putting on a pretty little smile. "Hello! My name is Dakota! I commented on your add. We set up a meeting today?" I say in a chipper voice. He stared at me for a while, looking me up and down, for the moment it seemed to have clicked in his brain "oh yea Dakota. I thought you would be I don't know. Male" he laughs.

His laugh was charming. Deep and yet light. His eyes were almost an ocean blue, dark on the outsides and light in the middle. His lips looked plush, and soft, but his hands showed he was hard working. Even though he had sleep in his eyes, you could tell he was alert of what he was around. His skin was several shades darker than mine I guess he was Indian somehow, maybe I'll find out someday.

He motions for me to come in seeing as we have a meeting about the extra room, they asked me a lot about me personally, my age, height, weight, ethnicity, job, and average weekly paycheck. It was strange, but understandable seeing as I was going to move in with them. There was Lucas, who is the one I explained at the door, And Anika. Seemingly they had a tough relationship, but I didn't know much about them or it so I can't say much. Anika is very pretty, she has light skin, red curly hair, and emerald green eyes. She seems super outgoing, and unaffected about anything that has fear to do with it. I was excited to get to know my new housemates, but also very nervous seeing as my last couple homes ended in pain.

Walking into the house I felt my anxiety rise. I've never had to act as another person for more than 22 hours let alone it being 24/7. Knowing everything was all set up I went through the introductions and everything. I gave bits and pieces of information about the character I am portraying myself to be, but what happens if I screw up, and give wrong information. I haven't screwed up like that since the first job I had where I was supposed to be another person. It gets difficult to continue playing an act when you're already acting as someone you're not.

I have started getting close to Lucas within the last week, mainly bcause im not good at girl talk and it seems that's all that anika wants to do....

He broke up with his girlfriend Anika, who also lives in the house. I've basically been right in the middle of it. Lucas has been spending all his time with me, and she has been telling me a lot about everything he did wrong. I think she wants to scare me away from him, I'm not sure though. I've learned that Lucas is a big flirt. A flirt with blue eyes. Even with him being a flirt he can be as cold as ice, but on average he is extremely charming. His eyes pop out insanely, especially because he is gorgeously tanned, and his body is also very well built. I've come to realize this about him. This helps him be as flirtatious as he his because the girls already can't not look at him...


It's been very complicated to go through all of this, new personalities, new friends, new home, and new job all in one go. It's going to be christmas soon, and there is an event in my work. I have to find a date, and attend an annual party that the coffee shop runs. I'll probably get Lucas to come with me seeing as i have not truthfully met anyone else… but that's a problem for another day.

Walking blindly to the couch I found as seat alone invested into the work I was doing on my phone. I actually did end up doing a lot of writing, when I was in high school I really enjoyed writing. I sat there and wrote about my previous life for hours. I've just started writing about the first time my father told me that he would let people sexually abuse me for more money, and how I would have to act in moments like this. He told me that until i was 16 he would sell my body for money and drugs, and then he would sell me to whomever is willing to marry someone that is as tainted as me.

After a while I felt the seat beside me sink, so I went outside of my writing and put my phone away. Looking over I notice it's Lucas, but he has the most unusual expression for himself. I could see an overpowering sadness within his icy blue eyes, and I could see the hurt within him.

"Lucas, are you okay?" I say with deep concern, and then I could see this woman walking off the porch with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah…. I'm fine" he says while running his fingers through his dark brown hair, after running his fingers back he pulls them forward until he is covering his face with his hand. I decided to put my hand on his shoulder offering a form of affection, and support. At this point I could feel him pull away reluctantly before standing up and walking outside.

As I watch him walk outside I could see the tension in his shoulders, I wanted to walk after him, and take all of it away. I've never seen him in this way. Though it's only been a week….

The only questions I have left is who is that woman, and why is she so familiar?