
Chapter three

For the past couple days I haven't been able to get this girls face out of my head. Why do I recognize her? And why is Lucas refusing to speak to me? She kind of reminds me of my one friend from before I changed everything about myself. Is my past already coming back to me…. Anyways, I still need to figure out a date for this saturday… I think I'll ask lucas even though right now it's doubtful.

I just get down from my shower and walk over to the couch to sit down, as I'm sitting I can hear Lucas and Anika yelling back and forth. It slowly sounds like it's getting more and more violent. They have been fighting like this for the past couple days as well. I believe it's in russian. I can pick up some of it, but I'm not too advanced in russian. Anika storms outside and Lucas comes to the living room to sit down, but he stands and stares at me for a moment. I expect him to turn around and leave so i stand up and go for a walk outside, but before I could get past him he grabs my arm and looks me in the eye. " I need to ask you a serious question Dakota, and i need you to be honest because im fed up with everyone's lies." he says in his angered tone, but i'm afraid I can't answer many questions honestly at this moment. I have too many secrets that can't be unfolded without permission. "Lucas, I want to be able to answer every question that you could have for me, but it's not only dangerous for me, but dangerous for you to know anything about the reality about me" I speak softly and go to walk away thinking that'd be the end of the conversation, but he stops me again. "Just one question, and I will leave you alone." he says, and I simply nod hoping the question is something i can answer honestly. He then pulls up a picture of me as Amara, and asks if it's me. I take a couple steps back and look at him in shock. " where did you get that photo?!?!" I say in a rush as I bring out my phone and start dialing my boss's number. He then grabs my phone. "I got it from Sadie Callaway" he says calmly. And my brain races back to the girl that helped me escape my hell, and the girl with a smirk. They're one and the same, and i didnt notice. "I have to start over again, it's too dangerous for you, i.. I have to go"

He still holding me in place looks at me "Amara Kenyon, daughter of mafia lord, and gang leader. Abused in way too many ways to mention. Runs away and turns into Dakota Morris. Gets married to an abusive man, and then previous fiance sets fire to your home… coma for a year and then gets back to normal a year after awakens. Other then a long lasting depression. Now helping take down not one but two mafias. Does that sum up what you're doing with Jonathan and Claire Jones?" He says straightforwardly. "Who are you?" I say then pull out of his grip, he doesn't answer just presses call on my phone, and says hello to Jonathan.

Jonathan sighs " Lucas you figured it out, how, and where the hell is Dakota. SHE is in great danger, and that's why I assigned her to live there with you, oh and how did Anaka take the news about having to leave the house?"

"She's just fine, I need you to look up Sadie Callaway. She's the one that gave me the information on Dakota. Goodbye" lucas says and then hangs up before tossing me the phone. "Why didn't you lie to me when showed you your photo. It's not a perfect image of you, and most people would fall for you saying its not you."

"I didn't want to treat you like most people, and I could already tell you knew the truth"

"I will from now on be apart of your business, and I won't hesitate in protecting you. I hope you do the same. Anika doesn't know about any of this. She's not an agent. Actually I have been doing a study on her, she came from a family in russia that heavily terrorised us. We were figuring out where she stood. And she stands with us so I no longer need to study her"

I couldn't handle this right now, so I decided to just go to my room. As I was in my room I decided to write more, which i did until I fell asleep.

I woke up to knock s on my door, so I stood up and answered it. Lucas standing in front of me. "I want to apologize for my behavior, I shouldn't have flirted with you so much the last two weeks," he says in a calm tone.

" I would take you flirting if it means that there is no longer a cold shoulder" i then yawn and stretch causing my shirt to reveal that i have a tattoo on the side of my stomach of flowers, and I catch his eyes studying my movement. "Is that all?" I then say as I straighten my shirt back over my stomach.

"No, I made lunch." he says then walks down stairs. I decided to follow. " so I have to go to this thing for the cafe, and i need a date… mind coming?" I ask as I grab an apple.

"Sure… when is it?" he says

"Uhhhh friday at 9pm-3am"

So then we made that a date.

A couple days have gone by, Anika has been slowly moving out. She will be fully moved out today, and tomorrow is me and Lucas' 'date'. Seeing as it's a Christmas party we're wearing red and white. I'll be braiding my hair other then a few strands that will be left out and curled. We have been trying to get closer, but I have been trying to be careful I'm not getting attached because it seems his record of staying with people is a week. Which sucks because he is very kind and charming.

It's actually been nice not feeling like I have to hide anything anymore. To just speak freely without watching every word I say to make sure the next does not screw up who I'm supposed to be. He has also been speaking freely. It's kind of fun.

"Why did you go silent in those couple days?" I ask with extreme curiosity.

"Well I just found out the gorgeous, single new girl has been lying about who she is, I hate when people lie because of all the times I've had to lie. Plus if the new girl is that damn secretive I thought I didn't want her to think she had a chance with me… and uh I kind of just then read part of your stories now realizing they where your life and I just couldn't figure out how to treat you afterwards." he replies partially sheepish and partially cocky.

"Ha! You think I need a chance with you, I think it's the other way around" I say I'm a kidding manner, but skip over the next part because I just don't know either.

Later in the day Anika is fully moved out and it's just me and Lucas for the next month or so. Then river will be joining us. We decided to watch movies, mainly Christmas movies. And mainly romance. So that's fun. I've been curled up in a blanket and slowly falling asleep. The last thing I remember is the couple in the movie having their first kiss. And then I was out.

I woke up in a dark tunnel. I stand up and look around. This feels oddly familiar. Wait no it can't be. I walk down the aisle and sure enough it is the hell where I grew up in. I open the door and it's just as I remember. Fake. I silently walk the halls looking at the pictures, and smelling the average smell of blood throughout the house. I'm near my room that's when I was being pinned against the wall.

"J-Jason let go of me" I say already recalling what memory this is. It is my 14 year old Christmas, a year before I ran from here.

"Ha you don't have any authority. You're my property! I'm going to buy you here I'm just a year. And then you won't be able to escape my hands!" He says with an dark laugh

"No I'm not. Let go of me!!"

He then brings a knife to my neck and I then stand as still as possible. I haven't felt fear in a while, so I don't know how to react. He gently runs it across parts of me. Down my arms over my chest until he pushes it against my neck again.

"Dakota… Dakota wake up" I hear in the distance. "Lucas?" I say quietly. Feeling his words make me feel safer.

"Who the hell is lucas"

" the man I'm living with…" when i say that james pushes the knife into my neck causing blood to drip down. This isn't part of the memory he's pushing it in to deep.

"You won't get away, I'll always find you again!" He says before everything goes dark.

When I wake up I'm in lucas' concerned grip. And tears suddenly flow down my cheeks. He pulls me into his chest. "Hey, hey it's ok, your ok… I promise I won't let anything happen to you." he says in the most calming voice ever. I can't help but melt into his arms. "Your shaking, what did you dream up?" He asks but I just shake my head and curl up closer to him. "Please don't make me talk of it. I've already been writing all of it down I don't want to speak it" he nods and then just holds me. His grip around me is by my waist and up on my head. He gently pulls me as close as possible and we just fall asleep again with no worries.

I wake up and realize we never left the couch and I am fully cuddled into him and he never let go of me. As if he was guarding me from every fear that I had. I see his eyes open and look me over. As if he was searching for an emotion. Then he sits us up and walks to the kitchen. I run upstairs because I just don't know what to think. I sit in the ground at the foot of my bed just thinking about everything for a couple hours, I knew we couldn't do anything like this again, but my heart just fluttered thinking about his arms around me. Him searching my eyes for anything causing him to look so deep and intense.

I hear knocks one my door."come in!" I say as I'm in my walk-in closet changing into the dress which takes just a couple seconds. I've already done my hair and makeup. So when i walk out I'm fully set besides the heels. I'm wearing a short dress that is white with red lace. "Hey, what's up?"

He is just looking at me for a while, then he says, " I just wanted to make sure you're ok. You seemed pretty shaken up last night, but it seems that you're just fine… that was just a one time thing just so you know"

"Oh! Yeah i know" I laugh a fake laugh. "Of course" i say then turn around to sit and put on the heels. "You don't have to come tonight.. I've told them chances are I'll end up alone either way." then i stand and walk away to catch the taxi i called a while ago.

Expecting to go alone, I get into the taxi and go.