
Is there an end in heaven?

"Is there a heaven above the sky?" - "if there is" 'But what if there is a sky above that sky', those were the thoughts of a boy who was looking at the stars, when he finally stopped looking at the starry sky he did not realize that one of Those infinite stars headed towards him with a speed that surpassed light and crashed into him, who had immediately lost consciousness. In the boy's heart a star was born and that was the beginning of his journey into the unknown.

ANGEL_Rodriguez · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

rain of petals

Since the beginning of time there have been two types of energy that living beings can harness to get rid of the shackles of nature and break the heavens.

One of them comes from the heavens and the earth, throughout history they have called it different things, but the most used are Qi and mana. By releasing that energy into the body, they can increase their lifespan, their strength, manipulate the elements, and even reality itself.

There are different kinds of Qi or mana such as demonic, sacred, dragon and many more depending on the race or nature of each living being that influences the energy around it.

Some are frowned upon for their destructive and vicious nature, to the point that they are banned. There are also those that are most beneficial for increasing strength or creating treasures.

The second type of energy comes from the soul of each living being. It is strengthened by practicing special techniques or by absorbing external soul energy after being carefully refined so as not to harm your soul. Some use treasures created by the heavens and the earth, others the residual soul energy left after someone dies or by consuming soul-enhancing pills.

The energy that comes from the soul can be used to improve the senses, control the elements better, make your mind store and process information faster, attack the soul of your enemies and even when your soul is very strong you can survive for a while without a physical body.


After studying a little about the types of energy that exist, Mo Nan sat cross-legged and checked his strength. In the memories she obtained, the power levels were divided into 9 realms and each with 9 stages.

For Qi or mana.

Body refinement, Qi (mana) refinement, core formation, golden core, union of body and core, spark of life, divine bridge, Nirvana, ascension.

For the soul.

Mortal soul, transcendental soul, nascent soul, soul split, soul union, heavenly soul, soul world, soul king, soul emperor.

Thanks to the lineage of the nine-tailed fox, his Qi cultivation advanced to core formation. For each fox with high bloodline, the amount of tail represents its cultivation level and when the fox reaches its third tail it can change into its human form.

Although he is in the first stage of core formation, his strength when he is in his half-fox form is equivalent to someone of the fifth stage.

The bloodlines of each species have their own advantages and specialties that make them superior to the others, even when the bloodline is of high quality it can upset the entire balance of the world.

Checking his soul with the help of what he learned from memories, Mo Nan realized that he was only at the ninth stage of the mortal soul.


Letting out a sigh, he knew that with his strength he could kill a normal person with a simple slap, but thanks to his memories he can control his strength so he didn't hurt his mother while he was fucking her.

Knowing that without an adequate technique he could not make the most of his abilities, so he decided to look for the best technique in all the information that was in his mind to strengthen his base to the maximum.

After searching technique after technique for five minutes, one caught his attention. It was called rain of petals and was divided into 10 stages, each one more powerful than the last.

Concentrating all his mind on the technique, he closed his eyes and began to understand the first stage. The Qi around him went to his body, entering through his pores, and then entering his core.

The first stage was about concentrating his Qi in every part of his body to increase strength and speed. After being able to concentrate his Qi into his body he had to start forming flower petals around him that he can use to attack and protect himself.

Each petal of Qi was as hard as steel and sharp as a sword, but in the first stage it could only form twenty and its use quickly depleted the Qi.

Fortunately with his cultivation base, his core stored a lot of energy and his body subconsciously absorbed the Qi around him.

Half an hour later, Mo Nan's entire body was surrounded by a layer of blue-colored Qi. Opening her eyes she observed her body before punching the air.

"Ha, ha, ha, This is great, I just need to start forming the petals." she said with a smile after seeing how a small wave of air formed from the blow. Closing her eyes again she manipulated the Qi in her core to direct it to her hand through the meridians.

A small drop of pure Qi appeared in the palm of his hand, he imagined a small petal and began to shape the Qi. It was more difficult than she thought, she had to have great concentration and control over Qi so she wasted a lot of energy, but in the end she managed to make her first petal in less than twenty minutes.


Four hours later.

"Ugh... This is harder than it seems." Mo Nan complained as she lay down on the bed, her entire body was filled with sweat. In all these hours she could only form ten petals in total, it takes a lot of energy and control to form one, therefore her mind felt exhausted by so much effort.

Looking at the 10 petals that revolved around his hand, he felt that he could control them at will. Imagining in his mind the petals heading toward the ceiling, he smiled when he saw how they moved as he had imagined.

Trying various ways, he was satisfied with the result. He wanted to continue practicing, but the sun was already setting and he had to make food before his mother arrived.

Getting up to take a bath, the petals disappeared into the air, he could re-form it in less than a second so he didn't worry.

After showering he went to the kitchen to prepare the food, but while they were making it he began to search in his mind for a suitable technique for his mother, after all she was his wife and he wanted the best for her...