
Whispers in the Night

[Althea's POV]

Walking side by side with Ais through the hallway of the Loki Familia base, I couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and annoyance lingering within me.

The events from earlier, when Loki tickled us mercilessly, replayed in my mind like an irritating loop.

"You know, Ais," I began, my voice laced with irritation. "I still can't believe what Loki did to us back there. It was utterly ridiculous, don't you think?"

Ais, being the silent and understanding sister she always was, simply nodded in agreement, her golden eyes reflecting our shared sentiment.

As we made our way towards the dorm area, specifically the rooms assigned to the female members of the Familia, I continued my complaining.

"I mean, can you imagine? Tickling us until we couldn't breathe? And in front of everyone too. It was so embarrassing."

Reaching our rooms, which conveniently were located right next to each other, I turned to face Ais and said, "Well, goodnight, Ais. Let's hope tomorrow is a bit more normal."

Ais nodded in response, and with that silent affirmation, we each entered our respective rooms. Closing the door behind me, I let out a tired sigh and made my way to the bed area.

Ais nodded in response, her gaze filled with sisterly understanding, before we both entered our respective rooms.

As I closed the door behind me, a tired sigh escaped my lips. It had been a long day.

The room I was in technically belonged to me ever since I was welcomed into the Loki Familia. It had become my sanctuary—a place where I could find solace from the chaos of this strange world.

I removed my mage robes and exchanged them for the familiar dress I had worn when I first woke up in this room.

It felt comforting to slip back into something that reminded me of my origins, providing a sense of familiarity amidst the chaos.

Stretching my tired limbs, I climbed onto the soft bed and settled myself down, allowing my body to sink into the mattress.

The events of the day weighed heavily on my mind as I replayed each moment, from the confusion of waking up in this world to the encounters we had faced.

Today had been a very strange day indeed, filled with unexpected twists and turns. It was as if nothing made sense anymore, and the line between reality and fantasy blurred beyond recognition.

With a sigh escaping my lips, I whispered to myself, "What a strange day it has been."

Finally, closing my eyes, I surrendered myself to sleep, hoping that the dreams that awaited me would offer some respite from the enigma that had become my life.


After drifting into a state of slumber, I suddenly found myself standing in the middle of a vast grassy plain. Confusion wrapped its arms around me as I surveyed the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Seriously, where am I?" I mumbled to myself, fully aware that talking to oneself was generally frowned upon.

I scratched my head, contemplating the possibility that this was all just a dream. But let's be real, it felt more real than reality itself.

The vividness of the scenery and the distinct sensation under my feet were undeniable.


Laughter echoed through the air, luring me in like a moth to a flame. Naturally, my curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to investigate. Because why not?

And there it was—a majestic tree standing tall in the heart of the plains. And beneath its leafy canopy? A heartwarming family scene straight out of a feel-good movie.

Two adorable blonde kiddos were having the time of their lives, while a blonde bombshell of a woman watched over them with that look of infinite adoration.

It was like stumbling upon a lost memory, a moment frozen in time.

I couldn't resist the magnetic pull drawing me towards them, urging me to join in the fun. But just as I took a step forward, reality took a nosedive into the realm of weirdness.

Naturally, I freaked out.


A spine-chilling growl came from behind me, prompting a swift about-face. And let me tell you, what I saw was the stuff of nightmares. A massive, scale-covered dragon with one eye stared back at me, oozing pure malevolence.

"What the actual heck is that thing?" I blurted out, unable to contain my terror.

"That's the One-eyed Black Dragon," a voice chimed in, shedding light on the menacing monstrosity. Though who or what the voice belonged to remained a mystery, as mysterious as my current predicament.

As I turned towards the source, a determined swordsman strode past me, his gaze unwaveringly locked on the approaching beast.

There was something oddly familiar about him, a nagging sensation of recognition wrapped in a cloak of enigma.

Summoning my inner determined damsel, I called out to him, desperately needing some answers.

"Hey, hold up! What's your name?" I yelled, trying to inject urgency into my voice without sounding like a total nutjob.

But nope, Mr. Mysterious didn't have time for chit-chat. He glanced back at me, dropping a cryptic message like it's no big deal.

"Take care of your sister for me," he said, all solemn and stuff.

Wait, sister? Oh, right, Ais! The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. I guess I'm a bit slow on the uptake sometimes.

Without wasting a moment, the swordsman sprang into action, dashing straight toward the formidable dragon. Well, someone's in a real hurry to meet their scaly match!

"No, wait!" I protested, trying to dash toward him. Too bad some invisible force decided I needed a time-out, freezing me in place. And I don't mean a cozy winter wonderland kind of freeze.

As if things couldn't get any worse, icy crystals began sprouting at my feet, slowly encasing me in a frosty prison. Just great.

"This can't be happening!" I exclaimed, my voice a tremor of fear. "Someone, anyone, save me!"

But as the icy grip tightened its hold, plunging me into a darkness blacker than my soul before coffee, my last glimpse was of a familiar elf figure lurking nearby.

They looked concerned, but hey, at least they were there for the dramatic exit.

And just like that, everything faded into oblivion, leaving me with more questions than answers. Dream or not, this was a wild rollercoaster ride I wasn't ready for.



I jolted awake, my body drenched in sweat, the remnants of the nightmare clinging to my consciousness like a persistent itch.

Thank the heavens, it was all just a nightmare. No need for an Oscar-winning horror film here. Although, if they were handing out awards for terrifying dreams, I'd have a solid shot.

I sat up, my mind still spinning from the intensity of the dream. Seriously, what was the universe trying to tell me with that mind-bending experience? Symbolism? Prophecy? Or maybe just a bad batch of dragon tacos I had for dinner.

Mental note: Lay off the spicy enchiladas before bedtime.


A groan interrupted my deep thoughts, and there was Ais, snoozing away right next to me. Did she teleport in her sleep or something? Sleepwalking seems like a safer bet.

Maybe I should consider installing a GPS tracker on her, just in case she decides to embark on any nighttime adventures.

"Sister, please don't leave me," Ais mumbled in her sleep, tugging at my heartstrings even when she's unconscious.

Aw, bless her innocent little heart. She must think I'm some kind of superhero. Well, who am I to burst her bubble? I'll be her mighty protector, armed with a snarky sense of humor and a never-ending stash of sarcastic comebacks.

I gently ruffled her hair, offering a silent promise to shield her from anything that goes bump in the night. Dragons, monsters, boyfriends—you name it, I'll handle it. I'm like the supernatural version of a bouncer, keeping all the trouble at bay.

'Take care of your sister for me.'

The swordsman's words echoed in my mind, and I smirked. No worries, Mr. Mysterious. I've got this sister-guardian gig down pat. I've even got the cape and theme song ready to go.

Settling back into bed, I wrapped my arms around Ais, feeling the warmth and comfort of our sibling bond. Together, we'll face the world, armed with our unique blend of quips and sisterly sass.

With that comforting thought, I closed my eyes, ready to conquer dreamland once again. Just remember, Ais, you've got the best bodyguard in town—me.

Sleep tight, sis. And if any dream shenanigans arise, rest assured that I'll be there, armed with my invisible sword and a knack for turning nightmares into silly bedtime stories.

Imagination is the gateway to a thousand worlds waiting to be explored.

Good_Doggo2001creators' thoughts