
Is It Wrong to Serve Justice in the Dungeon?

Rika Takahashi, a spirited Japanese high school girl, finds her life tragically cut short when she valiantly tries to save her dear friend Haruka from a fatal truck accident and failed to do so. However, fate has other plans in store for her. Rika awakens in a mystical world known as Orario, a land teeming with gods, magic, and adventurers. Reborn into this unfamiliar realm, Rika soon discovers that she has been granted a second chance at life. As she navigates the bustling streets of Orario, she finds herself in a precarious situation, only to be saved by the Astraea Familia—an all-female exploration Familia. The captain of the Astraea Familia, the wise and formidable Alise Lovell, recognizes the potential in Rika and offers her a place within their ranks. Embracing her new identity, Rika takes on the name Kiara, signifying her rebirth in this fantastical world. She becomes an integral member of the Astraea Familia, honing her skills in combat, magic, and investigative prowess under the watchful eye of Captain Alise. Together with her fellow adventurers, each possessing unique strengths and backgrounds, Kiara prepare herself to fight against the forces of Evils that threatens the peace of Orario.

Good_Doggo2001 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Unseen Danger in the City

After our successful return from the dungeon, Ryuu and I strolled through the bustling streets of Orario.

My heart still raced with the excitement of my first real battle, but mixed with it was a lingering sense of self-doubt.

"Ryuu, what did you think of my performance back there?" I asked tentatively, my voice betraying my nervousness.

The blonde elf paused for a moment, her calm demeanor unwavering. "You showed potential, Kiara, but you were a bit too hesitant in your strikes. Your footwork could use some improvement, and you seemed overly focused on a single goblin, leaving yourself vulnerable to the others," she replied, her tone honest but not harsh.

Her words stung a little, and I felt a pang of disappointment. I had hoped for some praise, but instead, Ryuu pointed out my weaknesses in the fight.

I lowered my gaze, feeling a bit disheartened by my own performance. "I see. I have a lot to work on, don't I?"

Ryuu's eyes remained steady, and she spoke with a hint of fondness in her doubt. "Indeed, but that doesn't mean you lack strength. You showed promise in analyzing your opponent's weaknesses, and when you found an opening, your strikes were precise."

Her words offered a glimmer of hope, and I looked up at her, searching for some encouragement. "You think so?"

"Yes, Kiara. It's essential to be aware of your shortcomings, but don't forget to recognize your strengths as well," she said, her voice firm but supportive.

I nodded, taking in her words. "I'll remember that. I'm determined to improve and become a better adventurer."

Ryuu nodded approvingly. "I know you will. Just keep practicing and learning. The dungeon is full of challenges, and being ready is important."

As we continued our walk through the streets, I felt a mix of gratitude and motivation. Ryuu's straightforward assessment of my abilities might have been tough to hear, but I knew it was vital for my growth as an adventurer. Her subtle display of fondness in her doubt made me appreciate her guidance even more.


Passing through the bustling market district, a sudden commotion caught our attention. A large crowd had gathered near an alleyway, and Ryuu and I exchanged glances, a shared instinct urging us to investigate.

Pushing through the throng of people, a sense of urgency surged within me. Something was amiss, and we needed to ascertain the situation.

As we neared the center of the commotion, my heart sank, and my eyes widened in shock. There, against the wall, sat Neze and Iska, both unconscious and seemingly injured.

"Neze! Iska!" I called out in concern, rushing to my Familia members to check their condition.

Both Ryuu and I knelt down beside them, assessing their injuries. Iska had a cut across her chest, and Neze had a bruised arm. It was clear that they had been through a tough battle.

"Are they going to be alright?" I asked, my voice tinged with worry.

Ryuu's calm demeanor was unwavering as she checked their pulses. "They're still breathing, but they need medical attention. We have to get them back to the base immediately."

I nodded, my mind racing with questions. Who had attacked them, and why? I couldn't believe that Neze and Iska, two of the strongest members of our Familia, were lying injured like this.

As we tried to gently rouse them, the crowd around us grew more curious, but no one seemed to have any information about what had happened.

"We need to carry them back to the base," Ryuu said, her voice decisive.

"But what about the investigation?" I hesitated, torn between helping my Familia members and finding out the truth behind the attack.

Ryuu glanced at me with a hint of understanding. "We can't do much here without more information. Our priority right now is to get Neze and Iska to safety."

She was right. We had to ensure the safety of our Familia members first. With a determined nod, I helped Ryuu lift Neze, while another passerby assisted us with Iska.

Together, we carried them back to our base, my mind still racing with questions about the attack. What kind of danger had they faced? And who could have done this to them?

As we made our way through the streets, I couldn't shake off the sense of urgency and worry gnawing at my heart. The labyrinth was not the only place filled with danger in Orario.

There were threats lurking in the city itself, and I was determined to find out who was responsible for hurting my Familia members.


Eventually, with Neze and Iska still unconscious, Ryuu, the passerby, and I arrived at the front gate of our base, carefully carrying them.

As we approached, the sound of hurried footsteps reached our ears, and I saw Alise and the other Familia members rushing to see what had happened.

"Neze! Iska! What happened?" Alise exclaimed, her voice filled with concern as she saw the condition of her fellow adventurers.

"We found them like this in the market district's alleyway. They were attacked, but we don't have any information about the culprit," Ryuu explained, her voice calm but urgent.

The other members of the Familia were quite distressed and worried upon hearing the condition of Neze and Iska. The sudden turn of events had shaken them to the core.

Maryuu quickly stepped forward, her stern demeanor softened by concern. "We need to get them inside so I can tend to their injuries immediately."

With gentle care, we brought Neze and Iska inside the base, where Maryuu promptly attended to their wounds. The passerby left after we thanked them for their help.

Later, the rest of the Familia and I anxiously gathered in the main room, waiting for updates on their condition.

"Will they be fine?" I asked Alise, my voice filled with concern.

Alise placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Maryuu is skilled in healing magic. They should recover, but it might take some time."

Relieved to hear that they were in good hands, I turned my attention to the incident. "Who could have done this? And why?"

Alise's brows furrowed as she considered the questions. "I don't know, Kiara. It is highly unusual. Neze and Iska are strong adventurers, and it's rare for them to be caught off guard like this."

Ryuu chimed in, her voice calm but determined. "We should investigate this thoroughly. It's possible that someone from another Familia is responsible, or it could be a random attack. Either way, we need to find out."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on everyone in the room. Attacks within Orario were not unheard of, but this was the first time it had directly affected our Familia.

"We need to report this to the Guild," Kaguya said, her graceful presence commanding attention.

Alise nodded in agreement. "You're right. We should inform them about the incident and ask for their assistance in the investigation."

With the decision made, Alise quickly dispatched Kaguya and Lyra to the Guild to report the attack and seek some aid. In the meantime, the rest of us tried to piece together any information we could about what had happened.


Several minutes later, Lady Astraea enters the room, her presence commanding immediate attention. Her peaceful expression remains unchanged, but her eyes sweep over the worried faces of the Familia members, sensing the tension in the air.

"What's going on here?" she asks, her voice calm but firm.

Alise steps forward, explaining the situation to their goddess. She recounts what Ryuu said about the attack on Neze and Iska, detailing how they were found unconscious and injured in the market district. As she speaks, the concern in Lady Astraea's eyes becomes apparent.

"That's quite a troubling news," Lady Astraea says, her tone tinged with worry. "Have you informed the Guild?"

"Certainly, Kaguya and Lyra went to report the incident," Alise confirms.

Lady Astraea nods, her mind processing the information. "Good. We must cooperate with the Guild in their investigation. The safety of our Familia members is our top priority."

She then turns her attention to me, her gaze gentle. "Kiara, I heard that you were with Ryuu during the incident. Is this true?"

I swallow nervously, feeling the weight of her gaze on me. "Yes, Lady Astraea. Ryuu and I found them in the alleyway."

Her expression remains kind, and she places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "You did well in getting them back safely. Your sense of justice is commendable."

A wave of relief washes over me, knowing that Lady Astraea doesn't blame me for the incident. Her praise fills me with a sense of validation, and I stand tall.

"But from now on, I want you to exercise extra caution," she continues, her tone gentle yet firm. "The city of Orario can be as dangerous as the dungeon itself. Always be aware of your surroundings, and if you encounter any suspicious activity, report it immediately."

"I will, Lady Astraea. I promise," I complied earnestly to my goddess's instruction.

"Good. Now, we must all remain vigilant and support each other," she says, addressing the entire Familia. "Let us hope that the Guild's investigation yields results soon."

The room fills with determined nods as we all reaffirm our commitment to each other's safety. As the day unfolds, the atmosphere within the base remains tense.

Neze and Iska were still unconscious, but Maryuu assures us that their conditions are stable, and they should recover later on.

Eventually, Kaguya and Lyra return from the Guild with news that an investigation has been launched. However, no significant leads have been uncovered yet.

The attack seems to have been a directed one, but the culprit's identity remains a mystery. We all stay on high alert, ready to assist in any way possible and waiting for justice to be served.

As the sun sets, I find myself standing on the balcony of our base, gazing at the city lights below. My mind is filled with questions, doubts, and determination.

The road ahead as an adventurer in the city of Orario is filled with both dangers and mysteries. But with the support of my Familia and the guidance of Lady Astraea, I know I can face whatever challenges come my way.

My journey has only just begun, and I'm ready to embrace it with all my heart and soul. The dungeon's depths may hold untold dangers, but I've also found that danger can lurk in the city's shadows.

As an adventurer of the Astraea Familia, I'll strive to protect the innocent, seek justice, and grow stronger with each step.

For I believe that with grace, willpower, and camaraderie, I can become a shining light in the darkness, just like Lady Astraea's star in the night sky.

Amidst the shadows of uncertainty, courage shines brightest, and unity becomes our shield.

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