
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Chapter 7: Intermission Part 2


In Orario, industries and occupations can be classified by risk and return. On one side of the scale, you have adventurers in Dungeon Familias, they risk their lives to get resources from the Dungeon, and they incur a high risk to get high returns. On the other side, you have Commercial Familias, which issue Quests to get resources to make processed products, they hardly have any risk, but because of the costs of the Quests, they don't have a high return. In other words, in Orario the level of risk you take accompanies the level of rewards you obtain. Of course, exceptions to the rule exist, like Ishtar and her Pleasure Quarter, she incurred almost no costs or losses, making it more of a no-risk high-return venture, but exceptions were rare.

In this scale, Orairo's information business was a low to medium return, given that normally it involves being in social places like cafes or bars to obtain the information, and low to medium risk, since sometimes deals could end badly. So precautions need to be made, for example, hiding potions nearby in the place you were having a trade, planning ahead and memorizing all escape routes, repeatedly doing deals in the same familiar locations with the same clients, and so on.

Ultimately, how good, and how profitable, an information dealer was depended on their talent to analyze information and pack it into a finished 'product', their luck, and their trustworthiness. Being neutral and having friendly relationships with as many familias as possible greatly affected how trustworthy they seem to be.

Gita, besides cafes and bars also obtained information from extra sources. She followed Commercial Familias items' availability and prices. She also obtained information in the Guild, even if she wasn't an Adventurer or was given a Falna, she normally heard others talk, saw the bulletin board, and took notice of who picked or didn't pick quests. And obviously, obtain information from people she makes deals with. Ultimately this gave her an ample network of contacts. Contacts that she used to make personal deals…

Gita Meyers stared at the robed figure, her yellow eyes narrowed with suspicion. The back-alley was dimly lit, casting shadows on their transaction. The man held a small box in his hands, its contents hidden from view. Gita knew this person well, an acquaintance from her network of contacts. They were engaged in a familiar dance of negotiation.

"6" Gita offered, her voice firm but tinged with a hint of playfulness.

The robed man scoffed at her offer. "Hey, don't give me that. This box is worth 9, no less"

Gita's dog ears twitched in annoyance, moving the big cat ears in her hood. She leaned forward, her tail wagging slightly. "9?! You must be dreaming! I can only give you 7 for it"

The robed man chuckled, seeing her determination. "I see. It seems negotiations have broken down then"

But Gita wasn't one to give up easily. "Wait! 8! How about 8000 Valis?!"

The robed man hesitated, a flicker of greed crossing his face. "Well, fine"

Gita let out a sigh, feigning exasperation "...Jeez, you really left me dry", thought her tail was betraying her, as it slowly swayed from side to side according to the sense of victory that surged within Gita.

The robed man deposited the box at her feet, nodding. "Thank you for the purchase. See you soon"

Then, Loki and Bete suddenly appear coming down from the roof. Loki's eyes narrowed as she approached Gita and the robed man, her gaze filled with suspicion. Bete followed closely behind, his expression reflecting his usual scowl.

"'Sup, caught you doin' some shady business, huh?" Loki's voice carried a mix of curiosity and accusation. "What's the deal? Smugglin' items? Engagin' in fishy business?"

"Haa...?! I don't know what you're talking about," Gita responded, her tone laced with surprise.

The robed man took advantage of the distraction and swiftly slipped away into the back-alleys, disappearing from sight. Bete instinctively tensed, ready to give chase, but Loki held up a hand, signaling him to stand down.

"Let 'em go" Loki said with a dismissive wave. "We got bigger things to worry 'bout."

Bete grumbled under his breath, clearly disappointed by the missed opportunity. He crossed his arms, looking at Gita with suspicion.

She gestured towards the box. "What I bought is this", she lifted the lid of the box, revealing its contents.

"This is an ingredient called 'Katsuobushi,' popular in the Far East," Gita explained, her tone matter-of-fact. "It's made by simmering, smoking, and drying tuna. It's also the main ingredient of 'Dashi.' It's my favorite food" leaving out that it is also one of the foods that her definitely-not-girlfriend cat girl most enjoyed and usually ate together. Gita was willing to go far and beyond for Love.

Loki couldn't resist making a joke, chuckling softly. "Well, I guess it was fishy business after all."

Bete lets out an exasperated groan at Loki's joke, clearly unamused. Loki turns to Gita and asks, "So, why all the secrecy in this suspicious back alley deal?"

"When first-class cooks and commercial Familias get involved, prices can skyrocket to horrifying levels," Gita explained. "I'm buying directly from the same trader who supplies Katsuobushi to the super-rich restaurants, so I can get it at a cheaper price."

She sighed a tinge of resignation in her voice. "It's still expensive" thinking about the price of the ultra-deluxe food. One can buy a Jagamarukun at 30-40 Valis, materials for one meal at 50 Valis, and a more expensive meal at a bar for 300 Valis. While Gita had just paid 26 times more than that, it was for an entire box worth of food that would last her a full month if she ate it only herself, half a month if with Love.

"Ain't that Illegal?" Bete interrupts looking in Loki's direction, questioning the legality of the transaction.

But before Loki can respond, Gita didn't miss a beat in answering first, "It's all legal and above board. I'm just cutting out the middlemen, cutting costs for the cooks, the Familia's share, their administrative costs, and even the taxes they would have had to pay"

"We trade in a quiet place to maintain anonymity. So, all legal, all good, and cheap Katsuobushi" she concluded.

She couldn't resist the temptation as she glanced at the fish-shaped food displayed in the open box, her mouth watering. "Whoo! Such good quality...!"

"Ya'e willin' to sell a few fishes?" Loki's interest was piqued by the exotic food.

Gita pondered for a moment, assessing the situation, before settling on her response. "Yes, 12,000 Valis per fish" she declared.

Loki exclaims, "WHAT?!! That's a scam! Ya just bought the whole box for 8,000 Valis!"

Gita pouted in response, her tone slightly indignant. "It's my favorite food, you know? I'm giving you the normal market price with a 10% discount. Acquiring cheap luxury food is the result of my hard work and connections."

Loki gave up, realizing Gita's point. "Fair enough. You're tellin' the truth. Enough 'bout the fish. We came lookin' for you 'cause you're quite the informant. We need some information."

Gita's ears twitched slightly in both surprise and flattery. "I'm flattered" she replied, her voice tinged with a touch of pride. "I didn't realize my name as an informant had become so renowned that one of Orario's top Familias would come seeking me out. What do you need?"

Loki's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "We know ya have some information about those carnivorous plants that attacked during Monsterphilia. We need to know more about 'em."

"Well, I do have some information on those plants," Gita began, her tone tinged with a hint of mischievousness. "However, considering the fact that your Familia fought against them, I'm sure you have more insights than I do."

Bete interrupts, his voice filled with accusation. "Quit actin' like you didn't know 'bout 'em beforehand. We know you had some info."

Gita's eyes narrowed. "Yes, I did warn a few acquaintances about them," she admitted, her voice carrying a touch of self-satisfaction. "But obtaining that information was thanks to a contact of mine."

Loki steps in, her expression eager. "I'd looove to know more about this contact who provided you with the info. Can you share their identity?"

"I'm sorry," Gita replied, her voice firm yet tinged with a touch of regret. "As an informant, I cannot reveal the identities of my sources. If I betray their trust, others will be reluctant to share valuable information with me."

Loki's tone becomes more persuasive as she leans forward. "I'm willin' to pay a lot more than the fishes' price for this information. Name yer price."

"I appreciate your willingness to pay, but I must maintain the confidentiality of my clients," Gita explained, her tone resolute. "Without that trust, I cannot be considered a reliable informant."

Loki, seemingly disappointed by Gita's refusal, exchanged a meaningful look with Bete. Gita's senses heightened, sensing a shift in the atmosphere, but it was too late. Bete stepped forward to grab her and punched her in the stomach.

"Willin' to talk now?" Loki asks, but Gita shakes her head, trying to act tough even if her stomach hurts. Her hands trying to separate Bete from her.

Bete punched her again, this time Loki didn't even need to ask. Gita's attempt to put up a tough front quickly crumbled. Her act had backfired, and she found herself in a vulnerable position..

"T-There's a new contact who approached me. She goes by the name Shall. Wore an extravagant black dress with a big skirt, quite the fancy attire. She seemed interested in gathering information about the Monsterphilia's monsters from me, perhaps as a test of some sort. She gave me details about the plant monsters originating from the Deeper floors and their attraction to magic, be it spells, items, or magic stones. T-That's all I know!"

Loki's eyes narrowed as she processed the information. "And what about her description? Can ya give me more details about Shall?"

"She was shorter than 5 feet, silver hair tied into a ponytail, pale skin, and crimson-red eyes. Her facial features were delicate and refined," Gita explained, her voice holding a hint of uncertainty. "I-I don't know where you can find her, though, if that's what you're after. Shall came to me of her own accord."

Loki muttered to herself, a mix of realization and suspicion crossing her face. "Matches the description... Shalltear."

Loki turned her attention back to Gita, her expression softening slightly. "Alright, Gita. How much do I owe ya for the information?" she asked, while Bete released his grip on Gita, allowing her to breathe a sigh of relief.

"I-I don't want any money," Gita replied, her voice quivering. "Just... just no more trouble, please."

Loki and Bete turned to leave, but before they did, Loki reached into her bag and pulled out a sizable pouch of Valis. She placed it near Gita, a gesture of gratitude and assurance.

"You won't hear a word 'bout this conversation from us, Gita," Loki said, her voice filled with sincerity. "Consider it a token of appreciation for your help. Keep the money, and stay out of trouble."

Gita's gaze fell upon the pouch, and a glimmer of relief flickered within her, only to be quickly extinguished. With her hand clutched tightly against her stomach, Gita struggled to bend down and retrieve the money Loki had left behind. The pain radiating through her abdomen intensified, and before she could grab the pouch, a mixture of breakfast and blood erupted from her mouth.

A harsh reality settled upon Gita at that moment. Her lack of preparedness for such a turn of events had left her defenseless. She had failed to consider countermeasures if the deal turned sour, as she had deemed this particular arrangement as low-risk. After all, the worst that could happen is just not getting her favorite food, or so she thought...

But now, faced with the consequences, she realized the naivety of her assumptions…

Fortunately, a white-haired and red-eyed rabbit was lost wandering through the labyrinthine streets of Orario and stumbled upon Gita in pain.

"!!" Recognizing her distress, he swiftly retrieved a healing potion from his pack and offered it to her—a blue syrup-like liquid contained within a vial.

With limited options, Gita reluctantly accepted the potion and drank it, feeling its soothing effects take hold in her stomach. She couldn't help but notice a hint of sweetness, laced with delicate spices.

"Why did you do that?" Gita asked, her voice filled with both gratitude and confusion. "You should have saved that for your Familia."

Bell, his gaze gentle and earnest, simply replied, "I-I just wanted to help someone."

Unwilling to let the act go unpaid, Gita insisted on repaying Bell for the potion. In the information business, avoiding debts was strictly forbidden. She inquired about the cost, eager to reimburse him.

Bell hesitated for a moment before answering, "It was 500 Valis."

Gita's eyes widened in disbelief. She retorted, "Huh?! Who is scamming you?! That was a watered-down potion! It certainly wasn't worth that much!"



After leaving Gita, Loki, and Bete, made their way through all the humans and demi-humans as they walked down East Main Street.

The sun shone brightly at its zenith. The hustle and bustle of daily life in Orario carried on underneath a clear blue sky. The area was alive with the voices and footsteps of its many visitors, but even the surrounding areas were so full of people that it was difficult to see the stone pavement below. Many had given up trying to reach their destinations on foot and flagged down one of the numerous horse-drawn taxis to traverse the large city.

Loki's eyes lit up when she spotted a street stall selling Jagamarukun, fried potato puffs, "Lookie there! Jagamarukun! Bete, wanna split a few with me?" Loki exclaimed, her excitement evident.

Bete let out an exasperated sigh. "I ain't eatin' any. Now, would you stop makin' detours already?" His patience was wearing thin, but Loki paid no mind as she headed toward the stall to place an order.

Walking side by side, Loki munching on a jam-flavored puff, they attracted quite a lot of attention from the passersby. People, especially females, couldn't help but notice Bete's distinctive animal-like ears and swishing tail, finding them rather cute.

Amidst the lingering gazes, Bete locked eyes with two young women on the other side of the street. Sensing their interest, he met their stares with his own amber glare. The girls jumped in surprise, nearly stumbling over their own feet.

"Ahh, such a waste. An' those two were pretty cute... Be~te, ya gotta be nice to the ladies, ya hear?" Loki commented, finishing her snack and licking her fingers as she observed the scene.

"I hate weak women most of all," He retorted, unimpressed and dismissive.

Loki raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin forming on her lips. "Eh~, no way. Ya don' get that squeezin' feelin' in your heart when a damsel in distress looks at ya for help? No urge to be her shield?"

Bete scoffed, his tone dripping with disdain. "Hah! If you can't protect yourself, go crawl in a hole somewhere and don't bother coming out."

She chuckled, finding amusement in his response. "So cold... Yer a real contradiction, ain't'cha, Bete?"

Annoyed, he retorted, "Oi, what's that supposed to mean?!"

Loki's grin widened playfully. "It's, well, ya know—ya bein' head over heels for Ais an' all!"

Bete's face flushed bright red, his voice filled with embarrassment. "Like hell I am!" he growled in response.

"Hee-hee-hee," laughed Loki, thoroughly enjoying the back-and-forth banter with him.

The werewolf attempted to hide his emotions and maintain a threatening posture, but her giggles proved to be his undoing.

"Ahh, screw you... Oi, how many times are we gonna walk around the same block?" Bete grumbled, his frustration evident. His lips pulled back, revealing his teeth as he sought a straightforward answer from Loki.

"Hnnn~," she muttered, looking around on tiptoes, holding a cloth sack over her shoulder. "To be frank with ya, the evidence indicates that Shalltear is involved with the plant monsters and she is probably targeting us. We received information from Gita, but the girl is like a ghost, so that's a dead end... Now I'm makin' sure I didn't overlook anythin' with the plant monsters" she explained to him, sharing her thoughts on their current investigation.

Loki had focused her efforts on East Main Street, where the Coliseum stood, but so far, they hadn't come across any promising leads. The plant monsters had emerged from beneath the street, but all the holes had been sealed, and the area appeared to have returned to normal.

"So you're saying the 'looking into' you're doing is to find where those monsters came from? What a pain... Don't Ganesha's guys or the Guild know anything?" Bete inquired, expressing his annoyance.

"Thought about asking 'em, but they were attending to festival cleanup and helping people get back on their feet. Wasn't the right time," Loki responded, looking up at the towering Coliseum as they conversed.

Many facilities owned and operated by the Guild were located on or around East Main Street, including the Coliseum. Most events hosted in Orario were held in one of the many Guild-operated facilities built in this area. That meant there was an abundance of hotels and inns close by to accommodate travelers visiting from out of town.

If somebody wanted to attack the Guild, this was the perfect place to do it, given not only the Guild's facilities but also the number of tourists during events like the Monsterphilia. It was killing two birds with one stone.

Turning off East Main Street, the pair ventured into an area dominated by tall, expensive hotels, gradually transitioning to cheaper wooden inns. Suddenly, Loki came to a halt, noticing a slight opening between four buildings at the end of a narrow alleyway.

Intrigued, she approached the small stone shack situated opposite the entrance of the alleyway, where a square clearing and a few dusty crates could be seen. She remarked, "We've crisscrossed the town quite a bit already... so this is all that's left."

With a sense of anticipation, Loki reached for the shack's heavy wooden door, expecting it to be locked. To her surprise, the rust-covered handle yielded easily, and the hinges creaked as the door slowly swung open.

There was nothing inside the shack, except for the entrance to a set of spiraling stairs that went straight down. She showed no hesitation and went right inside, her footsteps tapping against the stone walls surrounding the stairwell.

Tap, tap. The sound echoed as Loki and Bete descended, following the spiraling staircase round and round—until they emerged into the city's sewer system. Dim light from flickering magic-stone lamps cast vague shadows, and the sound of flowing water filled their ears. The darkness ahead in the sewer tunnel was so thick that they couldn't see its end.

"I knew I shoulda forced this onto Raul..." he grumbled, feeling that this venture was more trouble than it was worth.

"Now, now, you'll get a nice treat after we're done," she reassured him, her hand delving into the cloth sack she carried. She pulled out a magic-stone lantern and clicked it on, instantly illuminating their surroundings.

Bete raised an eyebrow. "It's just gonna be some kind of liquor, right?" he asked, making an accurate guess. Loki laughed as they began walking down the tunnel.

"Tiona and Tione did some pokin' around down here on the day of the Monsterphilia, but I just want to be sure. They might've missed a few things while chasin' after those monsters," she explained.

"Those two only got air between their ears. Can't even imagine how much they missed," He remarked dismissively.

As they continued down the relatively narrow tunnel, the sound of running water grew louder until they reached the main drainage vessel. The tubelike tunnel, entirely made of stone, was about six meters wide. Water flowed down the center while footpaths lined the edges. They followed the path along the right side.

WHOOSSSSH. The rushing sound of water was so deafening that any possibility of conversation was drowned out. Numerous tunnels intersected with the main one from various directions, amplifying the echoes.

Despite the musty air down in the sewer, the stench of sewage was noticeably absent. Loki's lantern illuminated several thin, purple crystalline columns at the end of one of the smaller tunnels. Shaped like a grate, these magic-stone products of Orario were not designed to alter the flow. Instead, they served as barriers to contamination, purifying the water before allowing it to pass through. Essentially, they acted as filters. The liquid rushing through the main tunnel was so clear that it was hard to believe it had ever been dirty.

These purifiers had been installed at the end of every channel that fed into the main tunnel, preventing the smell from reaching suffocating levels. This ingenious system ensured that the brackish lake to the southwest would never be contaminated by draining sewage. She couldn't help but marvel at the creativity of the people in the lower world, coming up with useful inventions like these purifiers.

"Ya know, with all these twisty-turny paths and the feel of this place...it's a little bit like the Dungeon, wouldn't ya say?" Loki remarked, observing their surroundings.

"Hah! Don't make me laugh," Bete scoffed in response. As someone who spent his days in the real Dungeon, he found the comparison to this man-made "dungeon" laughable.

Along the walls, there were openings leading to side paths and staircases, and raised bridges connecting different parts of the tunnel. He navigated through the dark sewers with ease, keeping Loki safe while expressing his grievances.

Suddenly, a raider fish, a monster that had found its way into the sewer through the brackish lake, leaped out of the water, intending to attack. But he swiftly kicked it, eliminating the threat before it could reach Loki. The incident happened so quickly that Loki didn't even realize she had been in danger. Impressed by Bete's speed and precision, she puckered her lips and exclaimed, "Ouuu" acknowledging the strike she hadn't witnessed.

The lantern-style magic-stone lamp in her hand illuminated the surroundings, casting light in all directions. Their shadows stretched across the stone walls, with Bete's silhouette resembling a prowling wolf, complete with ears and tail, as far as the light reached down the tunnel.

"Oh?" She voiced her curiosity as something caught her attention after their exploration of the main channel.

In the glow of the lantern, an iron door appeared, unlike any they had seen before. It was evident that the door had been there for a long time, split down the middle and made of heavy iron. It remained sealed shut by a large padlock on the front. The padlock looked brand new, contrasting with the old door.

"The heck is this?" Bete questioned, puzzled by the unfamiliar sight.

"A sewer...from the old days," Loki replied, recognizing the design of the door.

She noticed a plate on the wall and brought the light closer to read the faint letters on it. The sewer had been built before the modern system was installed and had been ignored since then. As more details came into view, Loki noticed that the jet-black rock showed signs of being used and opened and closed numerous times by human hands.

"Well, ain't this sus..." She muttered to herself, her eyes widening slightly in intrigue.

She knew that it was reasonable to assume Guild employees periodically passed through this area, but that meant there was something interesting behind the door. This only made her more determined to uncover what lay behind the door. She called him to her side with a single glance, and although he wasn't exactly thrilled, he took hold of the padlock and began to pull.

Crick, crick, crick. The padlock groaned before finally breaking with a metallic pop. Bete discarded the broken lock and effortlessly opened the iron doors.

To their surprise, wall-mounted magic-stone lamps illuminated the supposedly unused old sewer.

"Hold on, why's there water in here?" Bete questioned as they passed through the door and ascended a small staircase. They realized that the path ahead was flooded, lacking the dry bridges they had encountered before. He curled his lips in displeasure as he observed the black river flowing through the tunnel.

Loki lowered her lantern to assess the water's depth. Suddenly, she looked up at him with a mischievous expression.

"Bete, gimme a ride!" She declared.

"Come again?" He responded, clearly taken aback.

"I don't want to get my shoes wet! So, piggyback!" She insisted.

"Are you frickin' serious? It's not that deep, so shut up and walk!" He protested.

"But~! You have to carry me! I want a piggyback! I can't go on without a piggyback!" She pouted, persisting in her demand.

As he watched his goddess throw a tantrum, he muttered under his breath, "Dammit, woman," with his tail twitching in agitation. "Fine, just shut up already!" He reluctantly gave in, covering his wolf ears to protect them from her whiny voice, and knelt in front of her.

With excitement shining in her eyes, Loki saw Bete's broad shoulders as if they were her personal chariot. She grinned and squealed like a child as she jumped onto his back.

"Now then, onward, Bete! I'm expecting a smooth ride!" She exclaimed.

"Any complaints, and I'm tossing you in," he warned, doing his best to contain his simmering frustration. He stood up smoothly with Loki draped on his back, ready to carry her forward.

"Whoa!" shouted Loki with innocent glee, suddenly seeing everything from a higher vantage point. It was hard for Bete to believe that a goddess could be so pure.

She looked left and right, thoroughly enjoying the view as he trudged his way through the flowing water.

"Neh-hee-hee, do ya feel like yer carryin' some cute little lady? Too bad, 'tis me!" She teased.

"Shut it," He replied, his voice tinged with irritation.

"Tell me, tell me! What's it feel like?! Me on yer back instead of Aisuu, how do ya feel?!" Loki persisted.

"Wanna go for a swim...?" He retorted, his patience wearing thin.

Bete's lips twitched as she leaned back and forth, trying to get a better look at his face. He felt the veins bulging on his forehead as he fought back the urge to throw off the extra "luggage" and Loki's perverted smile right then and there.

Pressing forward, water sloshed around Bete's legs as he did his best to ignore her constant questions. Half of his metallic boots disappeared beneath the dark water flowing by his shins. Compared to the well-organized layout of the modern system they had just passed through, the old sewer was far more complex and felt reminiscent of the labyrinth further below.

"Wonder if the Guild was lookin' around this far in after the festival?" She pondered aloud.

"The air still smells like people, like a Boaz people, an Elf and a Human? This water's muckin' things up, so I can't tell much more than that..." He responded.

Loki raised the lamp and kept her head on a swivel, searching for anything unusual. Bete took a deep breath, utilizing the superior sense of smell that all werewolves possessed. He could detect that someone had been in this part of the old sewer recently.

"Hnn," whispered Loki, her left arm wrapped around his neck while the right held the lantern high to light up the path.

Bete continued navigating against the current until they reached a point where a conspicuous "hole" appeared in the wall.

"Well, somethin' really let loose..." She observed, her curiosity piqued.

The stone wall was crumbling around the edges of a wide, jagged opening. Water poured from the lower rim, indicating that this was the source of the liquid flowing through the old sewer system.

Loki tilted her head, examining the opening closely. The outward-facing border suggested that whatever caused the opening had come from the other side.

"This the jackpot...?" She mused, her excitement evident. Her search had finally paid off with a promising lead. But just as she was about to delve further, Bete's wolf ears suddenly stood on end.

"Get off," he commanded abruptly, his attention fixed on the dark area beyond the hole. He barely registered the sound of her feet hitting the water next to him.

"Those damn Amazons... where the hell were they lookin'?" he muttered angrily, his frustration growing. Determined, he took the lead and entered the opening.

"It's all still here," Bete spat, with Loki trailing close behind. The two of them ventured deeper into the cavity. It was evident that something large had carved this path, passing through various tunnels that were now flooded. Undeterred, he pressed on, soon spotting a wide staircase in the distance.

The sensation of water around his ankles vanished as he stepped onto a solid surface. His footsteps echoed against the hard floor as the path stretched out before him.

"Is this... a reservoir?" She wondered aloud, her voice filled with curiosity.

Loki raised her lantern, casting its light across the area. They found themselves in a long, rectangular chamber filled with numerous columns. Each column stood tall, supporting the ceiling overhead. They towered at least thirty-three feet high. The vast chamber, enveloped in darkness, truly resembled a reservoir.

She deduced that since the Dungeon lay beneath the city and the brackish lake was connected to the sewer network, they must now be underneath the southwest portion of the city, far away from Central Park. Evidence of the water level still clung to the walls and columns, hinting that this reservoir hadn't held water for quite some time.

The magic-stone lamps on the ceiling emitted a thin, weak light, casting a dim glow in the chamber. Loki's ears caught a faint slithering sound in the distance. She swiftly turned towards the noise and spotted Bete with his back to her, facing off against a large entity lurking in the darkness.

Soon, a yellowish-green creature emerged from the shadows, resembling an overgrown vine entwined with the columns. It was joined by others of its kind, their numbers growing. Sensing the presence of intruders, these snakelike predators maneuvered through the darkness, their bodies writhing and releasing pollen as their bud-like heads split open.

As the monsters approached, their fangs bared and glinting in the darkness beyond the colorful pollen cloud, they reared up just below the ceiling, looking down upon them.

Bete, already prepared for combat, commanded her to stay back. Without even glancing at his goddess, his amber gaze fixed solely on the monsters. With a forward lean, he kicked off the floor, propelling himself into battle as the nearest monster let out a resounding roar that echoed through the chamber.

The plant-like creatures, three in total, advanced together like a muddy green tide. Bete met their charge head-on, his determination was unwavering. With a powerful step from his left leg, he launched himself off the stone floor, his eyes locked on the closest monster. His long right leg swung forward, aimed at his target.

"You freakin' stink, all of you!" He taunted, his voice filled with defiance.

His right foot connected cleanly with the monster's head, akin to an athlete kicking a ball. The creature's long body arched backward into the air, the sound of the impact reverberating throughout the chamber. Bete's metal boot struck one of the monster's fangs, causing pieces of the tooth to break off and fall from its mouth.

He gracefully evaded the incoming attacks from both sides, effortlessly countering as he maneuvered past the plant beasts. He remained unwavering in his resolve to protect Loki, ensuring that they never got close to her. The fallen bodies of the creatures lay scattered far off to the side.

Known for his speed, precision, and power, Bete was hailed as one of the most skilled fighters in the Loki Familia. His ability to anticipate his opponents' moves and swiftly retaliate had earned him the nickname "Crazed Wolf Vanargand" among his peers.

With each strike, the monsters seemed to lag behind his lightning-fast movements, their attacks neutralized in rapid succession. His speed overwhelmed them, his precision kept them at bay, and his ferociousness sparked instant and vicious brawls.

Preparing for a decisive blow, Bete leaped towards a fallen monster on his right. Every muscle in his body coordinated as he brought his right leg down, aiming to sever the creature's neck like a guillotine blade. However, his killing strike encountered unexpected resistance.

Instead of the monster's head rolling across the floor, only a single petal fell. It was the sole indication that he had made contact at all. Surprise and disbelief mingled in his voice as pain shot up his legs from the impact. He cursed at the creature's thick hide, frustrated by its resilience. The monster shook its head a few times to recover and responded with a roar filled with rage.

"What the hell do you need such a solid body for...?!" Bete exclaimed, his anger fueling his determination. The other two enemies joined their ally, attacking as a unified force, intensifying the battle.

As the battle intensified, the plant beasts unleashed a barrage of vines, hurling them like spears from all directions. He utilized his agility and the available space to dodge the attacks, strategically taking cover behind stone pillars when necessary. His speed surpassed even that of Ais, allowing him to maintain a stalemate with the creatures.

Meanwhile, Loki observed the battle from the entrance of the reservoir, concealed within the shadow of a stone pillar. Although she couldn't fully comprehend the rapid movements, she managed to catch glimpses of Bete's ash-gray figure, accompanied by the sight of one of the monsters being sent flying. Unable to grasp the details, She shifted her attention to the monsters not currently engaged in combat, attempting to study them.

Having never witnessed the full emergence of the flower monsters during Monsterphilia, she noticed the bulbous ends of their "tails" and the numerous tendrils resembling roots sprouting from their bodies. She surmised that these creatures likely buried those appendages into the Dungeon to feed.

Lost in her thoughts, Loki suddenly sensed a peculiar shadow above her. Her instincts tingled as she realized a single stem was winding itself around the pillar that had sheltered her. A shiver ran down her spine as a speck of pollen landed on her shoulder, confirming her suspicions.

Understanding that danger loomed overhead, she swiftly dashed from her hiding spot and looked up, confirming her fears. Another one of the plant monsters, with its fanged mouth wide open, stood before her, poised to strike.

Loki's heart pounded as she evaded the menacing vines that lashed out at her from above. She sprinted through the chamber with agile and nimble movements, resembling a fugitive on the run from the law.

With a stroke of luck and precise timing, she managed to dodge the whirling vines by leaping behind pillars, narrowly avoiding their grasp. However, the monster's gaping jaws continued to close in on her.

Amidst the chaos, Bete's expression faltered, losing his usual confidence. Temporarily suspending his battle with the other monsters, he propelled himself off the ground in a desperate attempt to reach Loki in time. Yet, it seemed that fate had already decided against their favor.

The monster's maw loomed just seconds away from swallowing Loki whole, and Bete stretched out his hand in a final attempt to save his goddess. But in that critical moment, she acted swiftly. She delved into the bag slung over her shoulder, extracting a handful of dark crystals and scattering them across the floor with a deft flick of her wrist.

"Lookie there!" She called out, her voice filled with a mix of desperation and triumph.

Dark purple magic stones now adorned the floor, emanating a captivating sparkle. These were not ordinary magic stones but high-quality ones, radiating pure magical energy. The monster, instinctively drawn to the allure of these precious stones, immediately altered its course, driven by an insatiable hunger.

Observing the monster's response, Loki whispered to herself with a hint of understanding, "Pure magic energy, magic stones, living people... These monsters seem to prioritize their targets in that order."

Loki had taken precautions based on the information she had received from Lefiya, Ais, Resheph's pamphlet, and Gita regarding the monsters' behavior. She had prepared a substantial number of magic stones to serve as decoys during their investigation, just in case.

"Look, Bete, it took a hike!" She exclaimed, relief evident in her voice as she pointed to the monster that had been lured away by the magic stones.

"Sheesh... Just don't get eaten, got that?!" He replied, a mix of concern and annoyance in his tone.

Out of the corner of his eye, Bete caught sight of another monster approaching from behind. Reacting swiftly, he unleashed an arcing roundhouse kick over his right shoulder, gaining momentum as he spun faster. His left leg connected with the creature's head, propelling it back through the air and causing it to collide with the other two monsters, sending them crashing to the floor.

"We make one heckuva combo, Bete! Breathing as one!" Loki remarked with a playful tone.

"Like I care. Stop trying to piss me off, stupid woman!" He retorted, his voice laced with a mixture of irritation and concern. She couldn't help but grin, knowing that her follower's tough exterior masked his true worry for her.

"These things sure are a pain in the ass... Can't even make a dent in 'em," He grumbled, expressing his frustration.

"Now that you mention it, the Amazon twins couldn't do nothin' with their bare hands, either. That skin's pretty thick, ya know?" Loki added, recalling the encounters the Amazon twins had with the monsters.

"Why didn't you say that sooner?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in irritation at the delayed revelation.

Turning their attention toward the deeper part of the dried reservoir, the two of them observed the monsters as they began to untangle themselves.

"...Hate to use this, but might as well," He mumbled, reaching behind his waist with his right hand.

The sound of sliding metal reverberated softly in the chamber as Bete withdrew a knife from its sheath. The blade appeared as if scarlet flames burned from within—a magic sword.

"Just curious, but what did that cost ya?" Loki asked, her curiosity piqued.

"One mil," Bete replied nonchalantly.

"Uwaoh, a one-million-valis attack! That's gonna be somethin' to see!" she exclaimed, impressed.

The pale yellow jewel in the middle of Bete's right boot shimmered in the darkness, absorbing all the energy from the shattered magic sword. With a crack, the blade fell to the floor as the last of the scarlet flames disappeared. In an instant, the jewel turned scarlet, and the boot erupted in searing crimson flames.

Whoosh! The sound echoed through the chamber as he stood ready, his right foot embraced by an inferno.

"I'll send 'em flyin'," He declared, a toothy grin of anticipation spreading across his lips.

Taking deliberate steps toward the nearly untangled mass of monsters, Bete left scorching footprints on the stone floor. Gradually picking up speed, he jumped out of his enemies' line of sight, observing them from above as he snorted in confidence. He maneuvered from stone pillar to stone pillar, changing his angle of attack three times before finally charging at the monsters from their blind spot. He swung his flaring right foot out to the side and brought it crashing down with all his might.

A searing flare bloomed upon impact with the closest monster's head, the intense flash demanding attention. The combination of Frosvirt's physical power and the energy from the magic sword enhanced Bete's already immense strength. Flames roared as the creature's head was cleanly severed from its body, dissolving into ash before it could even register any pain.

As he landed on the floor, the first monster to notice him leaped into the air, launching a counterattack. With agility and grace, he somersaulted into the path of the beast's strike. Deep-red shadows danced across the chamber walls and pillars as his burning leg swept across the creature's entire body, engulfing it in flames. The roars of the ensuing inferno filled the chamber as Bete swiftly evaded the ensuing blaze.

Flipping in midair, he watched upside down as what remained of the creature dissolved into ash. The corner of his lips curled into an unmistakable grin, satisfaction radiating from his triumphant expression.

"Bete, get one of the stones!" Loki commanded, interrupting his moment of triumph.

"Hah? Just had to ruin my fun..." Bete muttered, reluctantly complying with her order.

Having finished off the second monster, he quickly assessed the situation and selected his next target. He knew from his previous encounters with the carnivorous plants that their magic stones resided deep within their throats. Closing the distance in the blink of an eye, he held back some of his strength and delivered a swift and precise blow just under the creature's chin.

The impact sent the monster hurtling backward, trailing falling flower petals in its wake. Though in pain, it remained alive, shrieking until it crashed onto the stone floor. Bete wasted no time. He stomped on the creature's still-smoking lower jaw, pinning it in place. With ruthless determination, he grabbed its upper jaw with his left hand and forced its mouth wide open, the joints audibly snapping.

The hot breath of the creature bellowed up from beneath him, but Bete paid it no mind. Without hesitation, he thrust his right hand deep into its gaping mouth, retrieving the magic stone. "Nasty!" he growled to himself, wrinkling his nose in distaste.

Tucking the magic stone safely into his shirt, he pivoted to face his final opponent and charged forward with unwavering determination.

"You're the last one!" Bete declared, his voice filled with a mix of triumph and determination.

With the ferocity of a hungry predator, he closed the remaining distance between himself and the monster. Kicking off the floor, he launched himself into the air, his body soaring like a flaming arrow aimed at its target.

"Burn in Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell!!"

The resulting kick caused an explosion that engulfed the creature's head in a fiery inferno. The force of the impact sent what remained of its body hurtling out of a cloud of smoke as if propelled by a cannon.

The creature crashed into the closest pillar with a thunderous impact, but it didn't stop there. Two, then three pillars were obliterated in its path before a fourth one finally withstood the tremendous force. A cascade of stone tumbled down, joining the lifeless corpse in its descent.

Amidst the settling dust and debris, the headless creature's body became engulfed in the rubble before slowly transforming into ash, vanishing entirely.

"Hell of a show, there..." her voice murmured, the sound carrying through the silence as the dust cleared


"Got some evidence, but nothin' that'll get me closer to Shalltear," Loki sighed, her disappointment evident in her voice.

"Had to use a magic sword, wasn't even close to worth it," Bete grumbled, his dissatisfaction clear.

As they made their way back through the sewers, tossing the magic stone between her hands, she contemplated their findings.

Exiting the older sewers and walking along the main waterline, she examined the magic stone more closely. Its core shimmered with a brilliant color, distinguishing it from the usual dark purple magic stones. she was lost in thought, unaware of the ominous nature of the crystal in her hand.

"Now that I think about it, it's the same as the one Tione ripped from that monster on floor fifty," he remarked, drawing Loki's attention.

"Floor fifty... You mean the new breed you all encountered on the expedition?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Yeah, that filthy-lookin' caterpillar monster," Bete confirmed, recalling their encounter.

Their conversation continued as they walked, and before long, they reached a familiar spiral staircase that would lead them back to the surface. Climbing up the stairs, they finally emerged into the open air, greeted by the warm sunlight and the vast blue sky.

Taking a moment to savor the fresh air, Loki let out a contented sigh and stretched her arms high above her head. Bete, showing no signs of fatigue, cracked his neck with each hand, his shoulders relaxing as they basked in the serenity of the surface world.

"Shall we head home?" she suggested casually, and the two of them left the stone shack behind. As they moved away from the narrow backstreets and towards the high-class hotels, the bustling city enveloped them with its liveliness. The voices of townspeople filled the air, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

However, as they were making their way back toward the city center, they unexpectedly encountered a familiar face when they rounded a corner. Loki recognized him immediately.

"Oh? That you, Dionysus?" she called out, her surprise evident in her voice.

"...Loki?" Dionysus replied, his tone carrying a hint of uncertainty.

She came to a stop in front of Dionysus, captivated by his enchanting smile and golden locks cascading down to his neck. Their eyes met, and there was a momentary connection between them. Standing beside Dionysus was an elf woman with beautiful black hair, likely a member of his familia.

"Yo," Loki greeted, taken aback by this unexpected encounter.

But just as they were about to exchange pleasantries, Bete intervened, his gaze fixed on Dionysus, radiating an intense and fierce stare.

"Hold it," Bete commanded, causing Loki to halt. Perplexed, she turned to face her loyal follower.

"Hmm?" Loki inquired, puzzled by Bete's sudden change in demeanor. His icy gaze remained fixed on Dionysus as he jerked his chin in their direction.

"It's them," Bete declared, his voice tinged with suspicion.

"What's them?" Loki asked, seeking clarification. Bete's unwavering stare and his impending words filled the air with tension.

"The unusual stench in the sewer—it's theirs," Bete revealed, causing Loki's usually narrow eyes to widen in surprise, while Dionysus and his companion froze in shock.